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Museum - Manuscript Resource Cenre (MCC)

Manuscripts are considered the most important and authentic source to know our ancestors' intellectual output and the boon from our predecessors. It is through the manuscripts, based on which we can connect the past with the present knowledge society. Conservation and preservation of manuscripts with appropriate methods are important steps to reveal the past through cultural information. Central Library of Tripura University has been instrumental in conserving and preserving the manuscripts of the North-East region.

The MCC came into being in the Department of History, Tripura University on 20th December, 2010 after signing an MOU with the National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi.The Centre was inaugurated on 12th April 2011.

The main objective of establishing this centre is to collect, conserve and preserve the manuscript of Tripura state incorporating both modern and indigenous methods of conservation. The collaboration also promises more intense coordination between the scientific community and manuscriptologists, to bring forth better technological tools and techniques to decipher, search, and retrieve the knowledge stored in these rare scriptures.

The Central Library, Tripura University has collected and preserved more than two hundred rare manuscripts collected from different parts of Tripura State. The Central Library has taken several initiatives to collect and preserve the rarest and most endangered manuscripts for the future generation. Collected manuscripts have been preserved through scientific methods and are properly catalogued. The Central library has conducted several workshops and seminars from time to time to sensitize the importance of conserving and preserving ancient manuscripts among rural and urban people. The manuscript donors are sensitized to donate their manuscripts for the benefit of research, teaching, and learning. The centre is trying to apprise the people of the entire Tripura state about the necessity of preserving these age old manuscripts. By preserving these valuable manuscripts, it may help us to discover precious historical facts about Tripura.

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Dr Champeswar Mishra Coordinator Phone No: 9955883999
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