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Seminars & Conferences

  1. Lecture cum Interaction on 'Ethnographic Research in Education', 16th September, 2020
  2. Special Lecture Series on Media, Reality and Public Sphere, 28th March, 2017
  3. Public Lecture on CULTURAL PLURALISM & NATION BUILDING, 29th November, 2016
  4. workshop on 'Acting on Creativity', 3rd Oct-5th Oct 2016
  5. Workshop on Doing Sociology, 23rd September, 2016
  6. Lectureon Family, Gender and Domestic Violence in India & Trafficking of Women and Girls into Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Assam, Northeast India, 1st September, 2016
  7. Workshop on 'CREATIVITY',  29th August - 31st August, 2016
  8. Public Lecture on Scientific Temper and Social-Humanistic Orientation: Dimensions of Research Intensiveness in a Modern University, 22nd April, 2016 by Prof. Braj. K Sinha
  9. Workshop on Elementary Statistics, Quantitative and Computational Techniques, 5th-9th January, 2016
Sl. No. Date Title of Talk Speaker
1 8th May 2013 Development Induced Displacement and the Problems of Rehabilitation in India Prof. Balgovind Baboo (Visiting Fellow)
2 13th Sept. 2012 ‘Interconnectedness among the Uncongenials’ Prof. P. K. Haldar (Department of Commerce, Tripura University)
3 16th Aug. 2012 ‘Change of History Writing in North East India: With Specific Reference to Tripura’ Prof. Satyadeo Poddar (Department of History, Tripura University)
4 30th Aug. 2012. ‘Domestic Violence in Tripura’ Prof. C. B. Mazumdar (Department of Political Science, Tripura University)
5 27th July 2012 Loving the White and Living with the Black: Locating the Grey Between the Lines’ Prof. K.N. Jena, (Department of Political Science, Tripura University)
6 02nd Aug. 2012 ‘Issue of Security: A Comprehensive Analysis Prof. K.N. Jena, (Department of Political Science, Tripura University)
7 09th Aug. 2012 ‘New Economic Policy and its Social Conequences’ Arobindo Mahato (Asst. Prof. Department of Political Science, Tripura University)
8 23rd Aug. 2012 ‘Concept of Joint Forest Management and Participatory Approach’ Dr. Thiru Selvan (Department of Forestry and Bio-Diversity), Tripura University
9 13/11/2013 ‘Complementarily in Social Science Research’ Pro. Swapan Kumar Pramanick, Former Vice-Chancellor, Vidyasagar, Midnapur and Prof. of Sociology, Calcutta University (Retd)
10 17/01/2014 ‘Recent Trends in Sociological Research’ Prof. Biswajit Ghosh, Director, Academic Staff College, University of Burdwan
11 14/02/2014 ‘Studying Muslim Societies’ Prof. Vinod K. Jairath , Dept of Sociology, University of Hyderabad
12 27/09/2014 “Methodology of Social Sciences” i.Prof. B. K. Nagla, Prof of Sociology (Retd) M.D. University, Rohtak (India), & Prof. on Babu Jagjivan Ram Chair Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
ii.Prof. Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Prof of Sociology, NCERT, New Delhi.
13 06/04/2015, 08/04/2015, 10/04/2015 “ROLE OF RELIGION AFTER 9/11”, "EDUCATIONAL & RESEARCH COOPERATION OPPORTUNITIES IN CANADA", "INDO-CANADIAN DIASPORA AND MULTI-CULTURALISM" Prof. Braj M. Sinha Professor of Religious Studies Department of Religion and Culture University of Saskatchewan, Canada