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Research Projects

Sl. No Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Project Staff Funding Agency Any collaboration Title of the project Total Grant (Rs. In Lakhs) Year of Sanction and tenure
1 Dr Sourabh Deb     NMHS, MoEF, Almorah All IHS Spring Rejuvenation for Water Security in Himalaya 33.71 2020, 3 yrs
2 Dr Sourabh Deb     DST, New Delhi AU, MZU, NEHU Net ecosystem production and carbon dynamics of forest ecosystems in North-East India in relation to altitude and latitude gradient: Implication for carbon sink management 35.06 2020, 3 yrs
3 Dr Sourabh Deb     NMHS, MoEF, Almorah   Jal Abhyaranya Campaign for Water Security in IHR” for Dhalai, Tripura. 1.99 2019, 3 months
4 Dr Sourabh Deb     NMHS, MoEF, Almorah   Restoration of Ecosystem Services by Community Involvement in Rudrasagar Lake of Tripura 24.47 2017, 3 years
5 Dr Sabyasachi Dasgupta Dr Thiru Selvan   IERP, GBPIHESD, Almorah   Impact Assessment and Restoration of Degraded Monoculture plantation of natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) Through Understory Development for Diversified Livelihood Options in Tripura. 9.95 2018, 3 years
6 Dr. Bimal Debnath     DBT, New Delhi   Integrated approach to understand agarwood formation and value addition of Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) 17.30 2016, 3 years
7 Dr. Bimal Debnath     DBT, New Delhi   Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of bioactivity guided fractions of medicinal plants of Tripura 47.00 2018, 3 years
8 Dr Thiru Selvan Dr Sabyasachi Dasgupta   NMHS   Conservation of Biodiversity and Livelihood Enhancement through Community-Based Forest Management and Ecotourism in and around Submergence of Small Hydropower Project 43.70 2018, 3 years
9 Dr Sourabh Deb Prof. B. K. Datta   DST, New Delhi NEHU, NERIST, MU,MZU, AU, RFRI Assessment of carbon stock and carbon sequestration potential in major land use sectors of Tripura” 45.10 2015, 3 years
10 Dr Bimal Debnath     CSIR, New Delhi   Database generation on medicinal plant diversity, its Traditional use in Tripura and Relation with their Phytochemical constituents 18.16 2015, 3 years