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Recent Publications



  1. Guleria, Vipan; Choudhary, Punit; Vashisth, Amol; Gupta, Atul; Selvan, Thiru. Studies on the physical characteristics, properties and productivity potential of exotic and indigenous bamboos in rainfed subtropical environment, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol. 9, Page No. 1552-1558
  2. Babu, Subhash; Singh, Raghavendra; Avasthe, RK; Yadav, Gulab Singh; Mohapatra, KP; Selvan, Thiru; Das, Anup; Singh, Vinod K; Valente, Donatella; Petrosillo, Irene. Soil carbon dynamics in Indian Himalayan intensified organic rice-based cropping sequences, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 114, Page No.106292, Impact Factor 4.49
  3. Kishor Sharma Acharya, Bhoj Kumar; Sharma, Ghanashyam; Valente, Donatella; Pasimeni, Maria Rita; Petrosillo, Irene; Selvan, Thiru. Land use effect on butterfly alpha and beta diversity in the Eastern Himalaya, India, Ecological Indicators, Vol. 110, Page No.105605, Impact Factor 4.49
  4. Bimal Debnath, Pradip Debnath, Rajat Ghosh, Sudhan Debnath. In silico identification of potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease from natural sources: A natural weapon to fight COVID-19, Corona viruses Benthem Sciences
  5. Sumit Kumar Das, Amal Debnath & Bimal Debnath. Diversity, Community Characteristics and Regeneration Status of Tree species in Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary: An Indo-Burmese Hotspot – Tripura, North East India, Vegetos Springer
  6. BimalDebnath , Samhita Bhaumik & Sudhan Debnath. Repurposing of existing drugs for inhibition of the main protease 3CLPro of  Coronavirus using combine ligand based and structure based method, EJMO, Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology
  7. Chiranjit Paul, Amal Debnath, Kripamoy Chakraborty, SushantaGhosh, AbhijitBhattacharjee,BimalDebnath. Sex-specific variations in phytochemicals and antimicrobial potentiality of Dioscorea, Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Springer, Vol. 6(60)
  8. DebanjanSen , Pradip Debnath , Bimal Debnath , Samhita Bhaumik & Sudhan Debnath. Identification of potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease and Spike receptor from ten important spices through structure-based virtual screening and molecular dynamic study Journal of Biomolecular Structure and DynamicsTaylor& Francis,Online –Ahead of print, Impact Factor 3.22
  9. Pradip Debnath , Bimal Debnath , Samhita Bhaumik & Sudhan Debnath. In Silico Identification of Potential Inhibitors of ADP-Ribose Phosphatase of SARS-CoV-2 nsP3 by Combining E-Pharmacophore- and Receptor-Based Virtual Screening of Database. Chemistry Select (Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery), Wiley, Vol. 5(30),Page No. 9388–9398, Impact Factor 1.811
  10. Moitree Taran, Sourabh Deb. Utilization Pattern of Macrophytes in RudrasagarLake, a Ramsar Site in India, Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences (SciEP), Vol. 8 (4),  2328-3912, Page No. 179-186
  11. Dipankar Deb,Sourabh Deb, P.Debbarma, and B. Banik. Impact of disturbance on vegetation, biomass and carbon stock in tropical forests of Tripura, Northeast India, Vegetos (Springer) Vol. 33 (1), 2229-4473, Page No.187-193, Impact Factor .042
  12. Deb Sourabh. Traditional agroforestry systems of Northeast India. In: Roy, N., Roychoudhury, S., Nautiyal, S. Agarwal, S.K. and Baksi, S. (Ed) Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation Strategies for Sustainability, Springer Nature Switzerland, Page No. 103-115


  1. Chiranjit Paul and Bimal Debnath. Assessment of sex specific relationship among nine Dioscorea species found in Tripura by using morphometric and micro morphometric markers, Vegetos (Springer),Vol. 33(3), 2229-4473, Page No. 254-268,Impact Factor 0.042
  2. Chiranjit Paul and BimalDebnath. A report on New chromosome number of three Dioscorea species, Plant science today (Scopus), Vol. 6(2), Page No. 147-150
  3. A.J Nath, B.K  Tiwari, gwsileshi,U.KSahoo,B.Brahma,Sourabh Deb, Allomatric models for estimation of forest biomass in northeast India Forests, Vol. 10(103), Impact Factor 2.252
  4. Sourabh Deb.Plant diversity and ecosystem services of wetland based agroforestry system in Tripura, Northeast India, Indian Journal of Agroforestry,Vol. 21 (2),0972-0715, Page No. 13-17
  5. Pramod Kumar Yadav, Subhajit Saha,Ashiskumar Mishra.Mohnish Kapoor,Sabyasachi Dasgupta,Uttam Babu Shresta.Yartsagunbu Transforming peoples livelihoods in the western Himalaya, Oryx, Vol.53(02),Page No. 247-255
  6. Dharamveer, Sabyasachi Dasgupta. Impact of River flow diversion on soil moisture and growth of pinuswallichiana dominated riparian vegetation, Indian journal of power and River valley Development, Vol. 69(1&2),  00195537,Page No.19-25 & 35
  7. Rao, R , Selvan, T; Reza, S; Jayaraman, D and Cohen, B R. Bamboo Micro-propagation (Tissue Culture) Planting Material Production, INBAR-Transfer of Technology Model -2018 
  8. Thiru Selvan. Bamboo Resources, Their Status, Conservation and Strategies for Improvement, V; pp, In: Forest, Climate Change and Biodiversity (Eds.)-Sood, K K; Mahajan,  9789327289947 Kalyani Publishers- May, 2018, Page No. 263-286


  1. N P Todaria, Sabyasachi Dasgupta,R A Khan & N Hussain. Multidirectional shifting of timberline tree species an evidence from western Himalaya, Indian journal of Tropical Biodiversity, Vol. 26(2), Page No. 159-165
  2. Ika Djukica, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas b , IngerKappel Schmidt b , Klaus Steenberg Larsen b , Claus Beier b , Björn Berg c,d , Kris Verheyen e , Team  Composition: Total 222 authors. Sabyasachi Dasgupta 187. Early stage litter decomposition across biomes, Science of Total Environment, Vol. 628–629, Page No. 1369-1394
  3. Purna Jana, Kaboli Wotsa, Sabyasachi Dasgupta, Nagendra P Todaria. Surface water quality in sacred groves of Garhwal Himalayan region, India, Current Science,Vol. 114- 5,Page No.1105-1110.
  4. Thiru Selvan, P.K. Kaushik and Anamika Das Chowdhury. Impact of Homesteads Bamboo Nurseries on the Livelihood- A Case from North and West Tripura, India, Indian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 45, 03045250, Page No.48-59,Impact Factor0.3
  5. Tamal Majumder and Thiru Selvan. Floristic Composition and Structure of Urban Landscapes of Agartla,Tripura,Indian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 45(3), ISSN-0304-5250,Page No. 642-653,Impact Factor 0.3
  6. Tamal Majumdar and ThiruSelvan. Carbon Storage in Trees of Urban and Peri-urban Forests of Agartala, Tripura, Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences,Vol. 5, 2394-8442, Page No. 715-731
  7. B. Banik, D, Deb, S. Deb and B.K. Datta. Assessment of biomass and carbon stock in Sal (ShorearobustaGaertn.) Forests under two management regimes in Tripura, Northeast India, Journal of Forest and Environmental Science, Vol. 34 (3),Page No. 209-223
  8. D. Deb, D. Sarma, S. Deb and B.K Datta. Notes on an Accidental Epiphytic Banana: Musa acuminate Colla (Musaceae) from Tripura, Northeast India, Bioscience Discovery, Vol. 9(1), 2229-3469, Page No. 209-212
  9. Bimal Debnath, Chiranjit Paul and Amal Debnath. A Documentation on Dioscorea spp.(A neglected wild tuber)with Special Reference to its Domestication and seasonal food security to the indigenous Forest dwellers in Tripura,India, Ambient science (web of Science), Vol. 05(2), Page No. 51-53
  10. Amal Debnath,  Rajib Paul and Bimal Debnath. Effects of the Invasive shrub,Chromolaenaodorata, on Soil Properties in the tharamura forest ecosystem: Indian Himalayan state of Tripura, North East India, Vegetos (Springer), Vol. 31(1),Page No. 77-90,Impact Factor 0.042
  11. M Debbarma,Thiru Selvan and A S SenthiVadivel. Tree Species Diversity and Composition in Naturally Regenerating Forest Stands of Tripura, In: Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Development and Rural Livelihoods (Eds)- Sati, V.P and K.C.Lalmalsawmzauva, 81-7019-584-1, Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, Page No.287-300
  12. Thiru Selvan, Sanjeev Kumar. Agroforestry in the North-Eastern Himalayas, In: Agroforestry For Increased Production And Livelihood Security - (Eds.) Sushil Kumar Gupta and PankajPanwar, 9789385516764 (HB), New India Publishing Agency, Page No.23-40


  1. McCarty SC, Chauhan DS, McCarty AD, Tripathi KM, Selvan T and Dubey SK. Effect of Azotobacter and Phosphobacteria on Yield of Wheat (Triticumaestivum), Vegetos, Vol. 30(2), ISSN 0970-4078 Online 2229-4473, Page No.1-4, Impact Factor 0.2
  2. Guleria, Vipan; Vashist, Amol; Selvan, Thiru. Studies on CO2 flux and carbon sequestration in natural Grass communities under natural Chir-pine forests of Indian North West Himalayas, Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., Vol.4(10), ISSN: 2348-8069, Page No.179-184
  3. Taran M. and Deb S. Valuation of provisional and cultural services of a ramsar site: a preliminary study on Rudrasagar lake, Tripura, northeast India.Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management, Vol. 5(1), Page No.37– 43
  4. Paul C, Debnath A, Chanda R and Debnath B. Taxonomical note, new distributional record and traditional use for Dioscoreawallichii Hook. f. (Dioscoreaceae) of Tripura North-East India, Annals of Plant Sciences, Vol. 6(12), Page No. 1868-1871
  5. Debnath A, Paul C and Debnath B. Eight new additions of plant species to the Flora of foot Himalayan state Tripura, North East India: Distributional range extension, geographic map and their less known ethno medicines,  NeBio, Vol. 8(4), ISSN 2278-2281, Page No. 246-254
  6. Amal Debnath and Bimal Debnath. Diversity, Invasion Status and Usages of Alien Plant Species in Northeastern Hilly State of Tripura: A Confluence of Indo-Barman Hotspot, American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 8(02), Page No. 212-235
  7. Amal Debnath, Chiranjit Paul, Sarat Kumar Yadev and Bimal Debnath. Allelopathic potentialities of two ornamental plants Murrayapaniculata (L.) jack and Alamandacathartica L. on germination and growth behaviour of four selected crops, International journal of current research, Vol. 9(7),  0975-833X, Page No. 53831-53836
  8. Dipan Sarma, Amal Debnath, Chiranjit Paul  and Bimal  Debnath. Hygrophilapogonocalyx (Acanthaceae), new distributional record of a threatened taxa from India: Its ecology and proposal for conservation, Journal on New Biological Reports, Vol. 6(1),  2319-1104, Page No.1-5
  9. Amal Debnath, Chiranjit Paul and Bimal Debnath. Two invasive alien giant sensitive weeds-new additions to the flora of Tripura, India”, Bioscience Discovery, Vol. 8(4),  2229-3469
  10. Purna Jana,Sabyasachi  Dasgupta and Nagendra P.  Todaria. Impact and ecosystem service of forest and sacred grove as saviour of water quantity and quality in Garhwal Himalaya, India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 189: 477, Page No.476-477


  1. M. Taran, D. Deb and S. Deb. Utilization pattern of fuelwood plants by the Halam community of Tripura, Northeast India, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Vol. 38 (17), 1556-7036, Page No. 2545-2552, Impact Factor 1.184
  2. S. Deb and R. K Singh. Ascosporogenesis in Gyromitraesculenta (Discinaceae, Pezizales), a Poisonous Mushroom of North East India, Indian Forester, Vol.143 (1),  0019-4816, Page No.69-71
  3. A.K. Sinha and S. Deb. A study on the status of incense stick making in Tripura, Northeast India, Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, Vol.15(1-4),  1569-1594, Page No. 13-21
  4. D. Deb, S. Deb, J. Debbarma and B. K. Datta Tree Species Richness and Carbon Stock in Tripura University Campus, Northeast India Journal of  Biodiversity Management & Forestry, Vol.5(4) , 2327-4417
  5. J. Debbarma, D. Deb & S. Deb. Tree diversity and sociocultural significance of homegardens in the Barmura range, Tripura, North-east IndiaForests, Trees and LivelihoodVol. 25(1), 2164-3075, Page No. 33-40, Impact Factor 1.29
  6. D.Deb, B.K. Datta, J.Debbarma and  S.Deb. Ethno-medicinal plants used for herbal medication of jaundice by the indigenous community of Tripura, India Biodiversitas,Vol.17 (1) , 1412-033X Page No.256-259, Impact Factor 0.88
  7. Taran M., Deb S.,Roy, J Physico-chemical characteristics, biodiversity assessment and economic valuation of Kalyanthakurpara lake: a community based lake of Tripura, northeast India. Lakes, reservoirs and ponds, Vol. 10(2),Page No. 96-109
  8. Debbarma J., Deb D., Deb S.,  Datta B.K. Traditional bone setting (TBS): An ethno-orthopedic healing practice of Tripura, NE India. NeBIO, Vol. 7(2), page No. 45-48
  9. Bimal Debnath and Dipan Sarma. Angelica sinensis (Apiaceae): A new distributional record for Tripura, North East India. Science Research Reporter, Vol. 6(2), 2249-7846, Page No.115-118
  10. Dipan Sarma and Bimal Debnath. Two species of Amaryllidaceae, new distributional record for Tripura, North East India. Annals of Plant Sciences, Vol. 5(6), 2249-7412, Page No. 1360-1362
  11. Debnath B, Paul C, Debnath A and Saha D. Evaluation of cytotoxicity of Terminaliaarjuna (Roxb.) Wight &Arn. And Moringaoleifera Lam. In root Meristem cells of Allium cepa, Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, Vol.4(3), 2320-3862(Online) ,2394-0530(Print), Page No.107-110
  12. Debnath B, Sarma D, Paul C and Debnath A. Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochr(Orchidaceae) – a new addition to the Flora of Tripura, India. Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research, Vol.6(3), 2249-7412, Page No. 201628-31
  13. Debnath B, Paul C and Debnath A. Allelopathic effects of invasive weed (SolanumsisymbriifoliumLamk.) on germination and seedling growth of four widely cultivated Indian crops International journal of Science and Nature, Vol. 7(1), 2229 – 6441 (Online),0973-3140 (Print), Page No. 194-198
  14. Debnath B, Debnath A, Paul C and Chakraborty K. Allelopathic effects of Heveabrasiliensisleaf extracts on four common legumes International journal of Current research, Vol. 8(1), 0975-833X; (Thomson Reuter’s Researcher’s ID 9046-2014), Page No.24897-24901


Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Refresher/Orientations etc. Organized

  1. Workshop on North East India Biodiversity Portal, 8th July, 2016