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Dr. Sharmila Chhotaray

Assistant Professor
Date of Birth : 02/07/1979
Contact Numbers : 0381-237-3005
E-mails : sharmilachhotaray[at], sharmilahcu[[at]]
Qualifications : MA, M.Phil, Ph.D (University of Hyderabad)
Topics Taught : Sociology of Culture & Communication and Qualitative Methodology, Diaspora Studies

Publications (year wise) :

(A)Published Papers in Journals :

Sl. No. Title with page nos Journal ISSN/ ISBN No No. of Co-authors
1 Soap Opera and Its Audience Reception: A Review of Shifting Paradigm, Lokaratna, Vol. XI, Part – I, 2018, pp. 87-101 Lokaratna. An E-Journal of Folklore Foundation 2347-6427 Two
2 Violence Against Women in Popular Bengali Soap Opera Texts Interpreting Female Viewer's Reception in Urban Tripura, The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 71, No. 1-2, 2018, pp. 117-132 The Eastern Anthropologist 0012-8686 Two
3 Revisiting the ‘unbroken cultural development’ through the socio-cultural history of pre-colonial Odisha, Lokaratna, Vol. IV, 2011 Lokaratna. An E-Journal of Folklore Foundation 2347-6427 One
4 “Voices of Dissent: The Street Theatre Movement of Natya Chetana in Odisha” , Vol.65, no-3-4, July-December 2012, pp.355-374. The Eastern Anthropologist   One
5 Revisitng the ‘unbroken cultural development’ through the socio-cultural history of pre-colonial Odisha, , Dec 2011, Vol-IV Lokaratna: Journal of the Folklore Foundation   One
6 "Narratives of Regional Identity: Revisiting Modern Oriya Theatre from 1880-1980" pp. 47-56 Lokaratna: Journal of the Folklore Foundation, Dec. 2010.   One
7 "Jatra Tradition: A Sociological Reading of a Popular Theater of Orissa, Eastern India" pp.201-226 Iranian Folk Culture Quarterly Magazine, Research Center for Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Fall 2009.   One
8 Between Then and Now: The Changing Pattern of Modern Oriya Theatre from 1880-1980, , Vol.LII, No. 1&2, pp.77-83 , 2007 Odisha Historical Research journal   One
9 "The Jatra Tradition of Orissa: It's Historical Evolution"101-111 Folk Culture Research Journal, No.9, June 2002, Kolkata.   One
10 Jatra Theatre as a Culture Industry: The Cultural Economy of Folk Popular Theatre of Eastern India, ISS E-Journal: Journal of the Indian Sociological Society, Vol. 1, No 2, Jan-July 2013.    

Non-Referred Journals

  • The Jatra Tradition of Odisha: Its Historical Evolution« Folk Culture Research Journal, No.9, June 2002, Kolkata.
  • Co-author Janata sadhanJamatia,‘Socio-Cultural Life of Jamatia with reference to Garia Festival in Tripura’ in Artlandjounral, Vol.XXX. No.1-3, Jan-March 21.

(i) Articles / Chapters published in Books:

Sl. No. Title with page nos Book Title, editor & publisher ISSN/ ISBN No No. of Co-authors/editors
1 Cultural Politics of Popular Performance: Structure and Representation of Odia Jatra Cultural Politics of Popular Performance: Structure and Representation of Odia Jatra, Primus Publication, New Delhi, Forthcoming (2022)  --  One
2 Recapitulating the history of Bengali Jatra’ Recapitulating the history of Bengali Jatra’. Manuscript submitted to be published in Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS) Shimla  --  One
3 Assessing the Social Impact of SHGs: A Case Study of TFIPAP (JICA)Project of Tripura Assessing the Social Impact of SHGs: A Case Study of TFIPAP (JICA)Project of Tripura, Rawat Publisher, Jaipur, Manuscript accepted  --  Three
4 Television Soap Operas as Women’s Genre: Reviewing the Genesis and Current Trends of Reception Studies Television Soap Operas as Women’s Genre: Reviewing the Genesis and Current Trends of Reception Studies in “Communication and Modern Indian Society” ed. by Sankha Shubhra Bhadra, Global Publishing House India, 2017. pp.140-151  978-93-81563-39-7  Two
5 Social Construction and Perception of Mass Media among the youths of Tripura: Case Studies of Television, Cinema, Advertisement and Social Media Social Construction and Perception of Mass Media among the youths of Tripura: Case Studies of Television, Cinema, Advertisement and Social Media, in “Communication and Modern Indian Society” ed. by Sankha Shubhra Bhadra, Global Publishing House India, 2017. pp.107-118  978-93-81563-39-7  Three
6 Challenges for the Total Sanitation Campaign in North-East India: Reviewing the Case of Tribal Villages in West Tripura Challenges for the Total Sanitation Campaign in North-East India: Reviewing the Case of Tribal Villages in West Tripura, in Bindeshwar Pathak, ed. ‘Sociology of Sanitation’, Kalpaz Publication, New Delhi, 2015. pp. 195-204  10:9351280896  Two
7 Gender and Livelihood: An Impact Study of Tripura Forest Environment Improvement and Poverty Alleviation Project Gender and Livelihood: An Impact Study of Tripura Forest Environment Improvement and Poverty Alleviation Project, Co-authored with Rajeev Dubey, in Uttam Kumar Panda, ed. ‘Gender Issues and Challenges in Twenty First Century’, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, 2014. pp. 207-226 10: 9382823204 13:9789382823209  Two
8 Understanding Cultural hybridization: A Case Study Understanding Cultural hybridization: A Case Study in HALDAR, PK & et al. Eds., Contours of Globalization. Visakhapatnam: Global Publishing House (India), 2012. pp. 478-494  10: 9381563136  One
9 "Understanding Cultural hybridization: A Case Study", 2012 PK Haldar & etal. Eds., Contours of Globalization, Global Publishing House (India), Visakhpatnam.  One

Book Reviews

  • Karim H. Karim, ed. (2003) The Media of Diaspora, London / NY: Routledge, in: Diaspora Studies, Vol 3, No 2, July-Dec, 2010: 207-217.ISSN:0973-95722
  • Colonial Theater in India, ed. by Lata Singh, Oxford University Press, 2009, in: Social Scientist, May-June, Vol 39. 2011: 90-93. ISSN: 0970-0293
  • Writing Identities, by Roma Chatterjee, IGNCA and Aryan Books international 2009, in: Contributions to Indian Sociology 48, 1 2014:156-158
  • Globalisation, Nationalism and the Text of Kichaka-Vadha, the first English translation of the Marathi-anti-colonial classic, with a historical analysis of theatre in British India, translated with an introduction by Rakesh H. Solomon, Anthem Press India, 2015, in Social Scientist, vol.44/Nos.5-6/May-June 2016. ISSN 0970-0293
  • So Near, Yet So Far, Badal Sircar’s Third Theatre, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2017, reviewed for Social Scientist


  • Faculty Award’ in recognition to the achievement (2015-2020), Tripura University on15th August 2021.
  • Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla,July 2018-July 2020
  • Teacher Associate at Indian Institute of Advance Studies, Shimla, India, 2014-2017

(B) Full Papers in Conference Proceedings:

Sl. No. Title with page nos Details of Conference Publication ISSN/ ISBN No No. of Co-authors
1 "Popular Cultural Performance and Construction of Regional Identity: A Reading of Odia Jatra Texts" Papiya Ghosh Memorial Fund annual workshop, at the Centre for Study in Social Sciences, Calcutta, May, 2010.    

Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Refresher/Orientations Etc. Participated

Sl. No. Title of the paper presented Title of Conference / Seminar Organized by Whether international / national / state / regional / college or university level
1 Jatra Theatre as a Culture Industry: The Cultural Economy of Folk Popular Theatre of Eastern India Re-routing Performance International Federation for Theatre Research, Barcelona, Spain International
2 “Performing Cinematic-Hybrid Culture: A Reading of Popular Odia Jatra in Eastern India” International conference on Performative Communication: Culture and Politics in South Asia Dept. of Sociology, South Asian University and Culture and Media Governance, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi International
3 Odia Gender Identity: Appropriation of Patriarchal values. 1st international Conference on Life, Language and Culture, Dhaka GanoBiswabidyalay& Jahangir Nagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh International
4 "The Mahabharata on the Move: ‘World’s Largest Open Air-Theatre' DhanuJatra in Eastern India at Bargarh, Western Odisha" XIII International Conference of Indian Society for Theater Research on Travelling Performance and Theatre Cultures: Assessing Praxis, Paradigms and Perspectives Cultural Education Centre Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh International
5 "Women’s Rights as Human Rights" "Women’s Rights as Human Rights" at the ICSSR-NERC ICSSR-NERC, sponsored in association with the Women’s Studies Centre, Tripura University National
6 "History of Tripura as Reflected in the Manuscripts" ‘History of Tripura as Reflected in the Manuscripts’/td> Manuscript Resource Centre, Tripura University & National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India National
7 Popular Cultural Performance and Construction of Regional Identity: A Reading of Odia Jatra Texts Workshop organised by CSSS, Calcutta Papiya Ghosh Memorial Fund, July, 2010 Workshop organised by CSSS, Calcutta Papiya Ghosh Memorial Fund National
8 Cultural Politics of Popular Performance: Structure and Representation of Odia Jatra IIAS Associates’Seminar Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla National
9 "Integrating and Resisting the 'Other': The Contemporary History of Emerging Tribal Identity in Tripura." IIAS Associates’Seminar Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla National
10 "Cultural Politics of Popular Performance: Structure and Representation" IIAS Associates’Seminar Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla National

Summit Participated

  • Represented Tripura in the 6th Sustainable Mountain Development Summit at AIzawl , Mizoram from 20-22 September 2017.

Invited Lectured And Chairmanships At National Or International Conference / Seminar Etc

Sl. No. Title of Lecture / Academic Session Title of Conference / Seminar etc Organized by Whether international / national
1 "Insider as Outsider in Tripura: Methodological issues to study Border Societies", Jan. 19-20, 2018 "South Asian Sociology & Beyond" Dept. of Sociology, Dhaka University International
2 "Theatre, Resistance and Nationalism: Jatra movement in Pre-independent Odisha", Feb. 21-23, 2018 Social and Political Movements in Odisha: Past and Present Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur International
3 "Belief, Value & Cultural Attitude", Dec. 2013 "Improving Police-Public Interface" KTD Singh Police Training Academy, Tripura, Narsingarh State
4 "Prevailing gender inequalities: Historical and cultural background and Constitutional provision", Jan. 2015 Workshop on Gender Sensitization KTD Singh Police Training Academy, Tripura, Narsingarh State
5 "Socialization", March, 2015 -- National School of Drama, Agartala State
6 "Quantitative-Qualitative Research Design, Grounded Theory", March, 2015 Research Methodology in Social Sciences Department of Education and History, Tripura University State
7 CSR intervention in Sanitation and its Impact on facilitating social and environmental change; and outreach excluded and marginalised communities: Liberation, Empowerment, and Mainstreaming of Scavengers, Nov. 2015 Fulfilling the Dream of Hon’ble Prime Minister to Provide Toilet in Each Household by 2019 – Challenges and the Way Ahead Sulabh International, New Delhi. National
8 Women Empowerment, Nov. 2015 Special lecture on Women Empowerment Women’s College State
9 Cultural stereotypes and social stigma: Issues of genderinequality and justice, Media, society and role of parents. Feb. 2016 Contemporary India and Childhood Seminar National School of Drama, Agartala State
10 Panellist of Side-Event Seminar on 'Scoping of Value Chain Management on selected NTFPs for Livelihood Development in NE Region'. March, 2016 'Scoping of Value Chain Management on selected NTFPs for Livelihood Development in NE Region' Centre for Forest and Livelihood Extension, Agartala, Tripura State
11 Invited speaker on ‘Gender Roles –Social Milieus, Cultural Practices & Education’. Nov. 2016 ‘An Integrated Approach to Education’ Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT), New Delhi National
12 Gendered Education: Interrogating the Stereotypes. Nov. 2016 Towards Inclusive Quality Education: Understanding the Problems of Dalits and the Marginalised Holy Cross College, West Tripura National
13 Invited paper presentation, Margins on the Border: Social History of Alienation and Displacement of Tribal from Partition to Post-Liberation War in Tripura. Feb. 2017 Revisiting Partition: concepts, dynamics and manifestations with special focus on north east India Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in association with the Institute of Social Change National
14 Invited paper presented, Sulabh: A discourse of Untouchability? Nov. 2017 Scourge of Scavenging: Revisiting the Question of Sanitation/Scavenging/Scavengers Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla National
15 Invited for an interaction with the legend at Ravindrabhavan for an allied event. March, 2018 Interaction with the legend National School of Drama, Agartala State
16 Resource Person and Chaired a session in a Two Days National Seminar on Quality Education with Special Reference to Tribal Education (Primary, Secondary and Language Problem) April, 2018 National Seminar on Quality Education with Special Reference to Tribal Education (Primary, Secondary and Language Problem) Dept. of Sociology, M.B.B. College, Agartala, in Collaboration with Tribal Research and Cultural Institute (TR&CI)Government of Tripura National
17 Chaired a session titled "Unpacking the Intricacies of Health and Society" January, 2018 "South Asian Sociology & Beyond" Dept. of Sociology, Dhaka University International
18 Invited lecturer on Gender and Education. Dec. 2018 -- National School of Drama, Agartala State

Reports And Case Studies In Non-Peer-Reviewed Magazine/Journal Publication

  • Case studies on topics related to Natural Resource Management, Cooperative Society and Self-Help Groups for Research Consultancy Organization ‘Glocal Research on Serilingampally’, Hyderabad, Sep-Oct, 2002.
  • Folk Theatre Festival« University of Hyderabad Newsletter, November 2004.
  • Natya Chetana’ s LokaNatya Mela, Indian Express, Feb 17, 2004.
  • Jatra is not a hindrance to Odiya Proscenium Theatre: Looking from historical Perspective, Manan NatyaSansthan Souvenir, Bhubaneswar, Feb 2010
  • Researching Culture and Society of Rural Odisha, The Ravenshaw Times, Vol.1, No.4, April 2011
  • Mahatma Gandhi as an Environmentalist, The Ravenshaw Times, August 2011
  • Identity Retrieved: Odia Nationalism and Language Resistance Movement, in Tripura Odia Samaj souvenir, Agartala, 2012

Membership/Positions in Learned Academic Bodies/Organizations:

  • Indian Sociological Society
  • International Federation for Theatre Research
  • Indian Society for Theatre Research

Research Projects:

Sl. No. Course/Summer School Title Duration Period Grant / Amount Mobilized (Rs. lakh)
1 Part-time research assistant,Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad. Recurring Charges of Economy, Polity and Maginalised Groups, in the U.P.E.10.4.1 Jan. - Aug. 2004 Six months Rs.50,000
2 Ford Foundation at the Archives and Research Centre forEthnomusicology of the American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon,India. Archive and Community Partnership Aug. 2009 -Oct. 2010-Archive research project titled: Archive and Community Partnership, funded by the Ford Foundation at the Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology of the American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon,India. Fourteen months Rs. 6 lakh

Research Supervisions:

Sl. No. Course/Summer School Scholars name Topic Status
1 Ravenshaw University, Cuttack Nupur Odia Popular Cinema Registered


  • ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi) grant for writing of Post-doctoral research proposal at 3rd Post-Doctoral Research Initiative Programme at North Eastern Regional Centre, NEHU Campus, Shillong, India from November 2012 to March 2013.
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for attending a Summer School of two weeks, at Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, Mainz, Germany from July 4-17, 2008.

Other information (if any):

write for university magazines (University of Hyderabad newsletter, Ravenshaw Times) , newspapers (Indian Express) and several book reviews articles in Social Scientist and Diaspora Studies,edit popular Odia magazines (Jatra Dunya) and have credits to few book reviews in reputed journals.