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Dr. Thiru Selvan

Associate Professor
(Stage - IV)
Date of Birth : 11/08/1971
Contact Numbers : 0381-237-9462 (office) +91-8974236218
E-mails : tselvan[at]; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Qualifications : M.Sc. (Forestry) , Ph.D. (Forestry).
Topics Taught : Principles of Silviculture, Forest Biometry, Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, Forest Resource Management and Valuation, Forest Genetic Resource Conservation, Reproductive Biology and Breeding methods in Forest trees, Agroforestry, Forest Soils, their Conservation and Watershed management, Forest Utilization & Forest based Industries, Forest Policy, Laws and International Conventions in Biodiversity Management, Forest Protection, Wildlife Management, Wood Science and Technology, Nursery Technology and Plantation Techniques (Skill Course), Practical approaches in Forestry & Biodiversity
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