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Department of Journalism & Mass Communication

Dr. Deepak Upadhyaya


Brief Profile of the Department

The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tripura University was started on 7th August 2009 as a part of the XI Plan Grant from University Grants Commission. The Department emphasizes on research and documentation of Art and Culture of the untapped territory of the region, especially indigenous people both in print as well as video production. A decade of existence may be a small period in the life of an academic, nevertheless the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tripura University has been striving its level best to contribute in the domain of media literacy and fill the existing gap in the skilled-trained man power much needed in the ever expanding media profession in the State. With our course curriculum, hands –on-experience and exposure to the profession, we are contributing our best to be of relevance to the growing demand in the sunrise sector of media boom in the national scenario.

Ever since its establishment, it has produced successful alumni who are well placed in media organizations in the State and outside, often acting as catalysts in bringing changes in journalism. Many of them are also pursuing their research activities in various reputed media institutions within the country while others became media entrepreneurs in this region, in areas like photography, cinematography, script writing, direction, production etc. In a world where communication and media studies are one of the most sought careers, the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication is committed to groom the students to become part of the worldwide media industry by acquiring hands on experience in Print Media, Electronic Media, New Media, Public Relation, Advertising and Marketing. Considering the global media set-up and demand, the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, marches hand in hand in collaboration with industry and academia of the State and the region. It provides the teachers and students the opportunity to exchange and share their individual ideas. Above all it is aimed at producing professional and responsible media personnel’s who are best at their creative ideas.

Year of Establishment



To become a Centre of Excellence and contribute to the society through preparing the aspiring students to meet the challenges in the media industries and academia with a deep passion for wisdom, culture and values.


To produce skilled media professionals capable of adapting to the changing media scenario and contribute to the growth of the Nation by way of human resource development.

Key Research Areas

  • New Media and Society
  • Research and Documentation in the areas of indigenous culture and tradition of Tripura.
  • Climate change communication studies.
  • Cinema as a tool of socio-cultural and economic development of the indigenous tribes of Tripura.

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Head of the Department

Dr. Deepak Upadhyaya