Prof. Anirban Guha
DEPARTMENT HEADBrief Profile of the Department
The Department of Physics was introduced in the year 1990 to fulfill the demand of the students of Tripura State. The department offers M.Sc. in physics (CBCS system). Major courses offered by the department in the M.Sc. level are: Classical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Electrodynamics and Special Theory of Relativity, Astrophysics, Electronics, Computer Programming and projects on various topics. Besides these subjects, students are also allowed to take elective subject from other departments and also computer fundamental course. A large number of students each year qualify NET and SET. After passing M.Sc. most of them are absorbed in different positions, mostly in schools, colleges, banks and other departments of the State and Central governments. A few of them also pursue Ph.D. work in Tripura University as well as also in other Universities / Institutions. Department received a grant of Rs. 175 lakhs from FIST- DST and Rs 108.5 lakhs from UGC to develop better research facilities and also for better Laboratory and infrastructure facilities for the students, scholars and faculty members of the department. Faculty members also received a good number of projects (more than 322 lakhs in last five years) from various Central funding agencies namely DST, CSIR, ISRO, UGC etc.
To develop a centre of excellence in education, training & research in various fields of physics of current interest
- To develop teaching and research programs those help to grow interest in Physics education and research and generate employability
- To continuously evaluate our performance against National and International benchmarks and to develop new programs to meet the requirements of our students.
- To create research culture among students and social bonding through community service.
Year of Establishment
Head of the Department
Prof. Anirban Guha
Departmental website
Departmental website click here
Centre for Promotion of Science click here
Infrastructure and Learning Resources in the Department
- Departmental Library
- Internet facility for staffs and students (100%)
- Smart class Room and Teaching Laboratories
- Research Laboratories with sophisticated instruments
Scope of Research in the Department
- Thin Film and Nano Science
- Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics
- Theoretical Condensed Mater Physics and Materials Science
- Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
Departmental milestones at a glance (last five years)
No. of NET/SLET qualified students in last five years | 19 |
No. of Ph.D. produced in last five years | 24 |
No. of research publication in peer reviewed journals | 184 |
No. of books published in last five years | 03 |
No. of seminar/conference/refresher course organized by the department | 17 |
No of special lecture organized by the department | 09 |
Total research grant | Rs. 613.22 lakhs |
No. of foreign visit by faculty members and scholars | 07 |
No. of equipment costing more than Rs 05 lakhs | 25 |
No. of Awards / Honours received by the faculty members | 07 |
Departmental recognition | FIST–DST support (two times: 2002-06 & 2014-19) & UGC-SAP support (2018-23) |
Seminar / conference / workshop attended by the faculty members | 68 |
No. of research collaboration within India | 10 |
No. of research collaboration outside India | 07 |
No. of MOU signed | 03 |
Patent | 01 |