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Hundreds of people throughout the country and world are proud to call themselves alumni of the Physics Department, Tripura University. Their knowledge, achievements and expertise have been recognized in diverse fields.

After passing M.Sc. most of them are absorbed in different positions, mostly in schools, colleges, banks and other departments of the State and Central governments. A few of them also pursue Ph.D. work in Tripura University as well as also in other Universities / Institutions.

List Ph.d Candidates Awarded From The Department

Name Topic Ph.D. Supervisor Year of Award
Dr. Pijush Ch. Dey Synthesis of a few pure and doped group II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals by chemical route for the study of their optical and elastic properties and their applications Dr. Ratan Das 2021
Dr. Kumarjit Saha VLF probing of the lower ionosphere, tropospheric circulation and lightning climatology Dr. Anirban Guha 2020
Dr. Rahul Bhattacharjee Theoretical Investigation of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Some Binary Compounds and Their Alkaline-Earth Element Doped Ternary Alloys Employing Density Functional Theory (DFT) Based FP-LAPW Methodology Dr. Surya Chattopadhyaya 2019
Dr. Bapi Dey Electrical and optical characterizations of some organic molecules assembled onto ultra thin films Dr. S. A. Hussain 2019
Dr. Pintu Debnath Study of molecular aggregates of cyanine dyes in ultra-thin films Dr. S. A. Hussain 2019
Dr. Bapan Paul Investigation on different solar and geophysical phenomena using GPS derived Total Electron Content (TEC) data over Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) crest region Dr. Anirban Guha 2019
Dr. Chandan Debnath Characterization of Hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films prepared by Electrostatic Interactions Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2019
Dr. Arpan Datta Roy Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in presence of Biological Molecules Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain 2018
Dr. Jaba Saha Study of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) and its sensing applications Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain 2018
Dr. Trisanu Banik Characterization of thunderstorm generated lightning activity over north-east india and its interaction with various geophysical phenomena Dr. Anirban Guha 2018
Dr.Pranab Dhar Characterization of atmospheric aerosol properties and its relation with boundary layer dynamics over north-east india Dr. Anirban Guha 2018
Dr. Ashis Shil Spectroscopic and Morphological Characteristics of Hybrid Langmuir Monolayer at the Air-Water Interface and on the Solid Substrates Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2018
Dr. Soma Banik Adsorption of Water Soluble Ionic Molecules into the Template Langmuir Monolayer at the Air-Water Interface and In Ultra Thin Films. Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2018
Dr. Sumit Sarkar Synthesis of anisotropic silver nanocrystals for the study of their elastic and optical properties with suitable applications Dr. Ratan Das 2018
Dr. Mitu Saha Investigations of the Organizations of Bio-Molecules at the Air-Water Interface and in the Ultra-Thin Films Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2017
Dr. Rousan Ali VLF-LF Propagation Characteristics in Relation to Solar Activity and Local Climatic Conditions Prof. B. K. De 2016
Dr. Monti Chakraborty Studies on some Solar Activity Parameters and their influence on Total Electron Content Prof. B. K. De 2015
Dr. Santanu Chakraborty Spectroscopic characterizations of some organic molecules in presence and absence of nanodimensional clay sheets in restricted geometry of ultra-thin films. Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain 2015
Dr. Dibyendu Dey A comparative study of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) in solution phase and in hybrid films prepared by LB and LBL techniques Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain 2015
Dr. Apurba Saha Some studies on the propagation of long distant VLF/LF natural and transmitted signals in relation to climatic and geophysical events Prof. B. K. De 2015
Dr. Abhijit Nath Quantum Mechanical Studies of the Electronic States and Spectroscopic Properties of Some VIA Intra-group Hetero-nuclear Diatomic Molecules Dr. Surya Chattopadhyaya 2015
Dr. Abhijit Choudhury Studies of various features of geophysical and solar events using sub-ionospheric propagation Prof. B. K. De 2015
Dr.Joyasree Bhattacharjee Fabrication of Organised Molecular Assemblies in Ultra-Thin Films and its Photo-Physical Investigations Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2015
Dr. Kalipada Adhikari Application of valence Universal multi-reference coupled cluster theory with full connected triple excitations on valence ionization potentials calculation Prof. D. Simha & Prof. B. K. De (Co-Supervisor) 2015
Dr. Adhip Bhowmik Studying VLF Atmospheric and Relevant Atmospheric Electrical Parameters in Tripura Prof. B. K. De 2014
Dr. Nurul Islam Photo physical characterizations of organized molecular assemblies in ultrathin films fabricated by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) and Layer by Layer (LbL) self assembled (SAM) techniques Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain 2013
Dr. Sekhar Chakraborty Investigations of molecular and particulate Organization in hybrid organo-clay mono and multilayer films Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain 2013
Dr. Rakesh Roy Investigations of different climatic and geophysical phenomena by analyzing in VLF and ELF radio waves Prof. B. K. De 2013
Dr. Jayeeta Bhattacharya Some aspects of solar X-ray flare and their correlation with solar radio bursts Prof. B. K. De 2013
Dr. Dhananjay Dey Spectroscopic characterizations of organized Molecular Assemblies in Ultra thin films fabricated by Layer-by-Layer (LbL) self assembled Technique Dr Arshad Hussain 2012
Dr. Pabitra Kumar Paul Spectroscopic Investigations of Organized Molecular Assemblies in Langmuir Blodgett and Self Assembled Films Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2011
Dr. Anirban Guha Investigations on lower Ionospheric Disturbances and Electrical Characteristics of Thunderstorms Using VLF Radio waves and Global Electric Circuit Parameter Prof. B. K. De 2011
Dr.Surajit Biswas Spectroscopic Characterization of some Organic Molecules in Solution Phase and in the Restricted Geometry of Langmuir Blodgett Films Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2010
Dr. Subrata Deb Spectroscopic Characterization of some Non Amphiphilic Organic Molecules Organised in Langmuir Blodgett Films Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2008
Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain Photo Physical Studies of Organized Molecular Assemblies in Langmuir Blodgett Films Dr. Debajyoti Bhattacharjee 2007
Dr. Sudip Debnath Study of VLF propagation in relation to Geophysical and Solar activity using sferics Prof. B. K. De 2007
Dr. Pinaki Pal ELF-VLF-LF Propagation in relation to pertinent Geophysical and Solar Events Prof. B. K. De 2006