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Research Group

Research Groups

  • Functional Nanomaterials: Fabrication functional nanostructures and nano-heterostructures for applications in nano-electronics, energy and spintronics. Group leader: Dr. G. G. Khan (link the personal webpage:
  • Corrosion and Electrochemistry: Electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of advanced alloy and composite materials. Group leader: Dr. Prasanta Kumar Rout.
  • Solid waste management: Utilization of solid industrial waste such as fly ash slag and red mud etc. by adapting green technology. Group leader: Dr. Prasanta Kumar Rout.
  • Advanced Ceramics & and Surface Engineering: Ultra-high temperature Ceramics, Protective coatings by Plasma Spray, Thin Film Sensors, Nanocomposite coatings, Hydrogen storage materials, IT-SOFC: Group Leader: Dr P Karuna Purnapu Rupa

Research Projects

  • ‘Start-Up Research Grant for Young Scientist’s by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), 2013-18.PI: Dr. G. G. Khan.
  • ‘DST INSPIRE Faculty Award’ research grant by Department of Science and Technology (DST), 2017-20. PI Dr. G. G. Khan.
  • Production of geopolymer construction materials from fly ash: An industrial waste funded by Integrated Eco development research programme in the Himalayan region (IERP), Govt. of India. Duration: 2018-2021, PI: Dr. Prasanta Kumar Rout.
  • Bioreactor based enhanced biorecovery of manganese from mining waste residues funded by Department of Science and technology (DST), Govt. of India. Duration: 2016-2019, PI: Dr. Prasanta Kumar Rout.

Instrumentation Faclity: Major equipment

  • Advanced programmable spin coating system
  • Electrochemical work station
  • Hot air oven with air circulation fan
  • Horizontal high temperature tube furnace
  • High temperature Muffle Furnace
  • Semi-micro Balance
  • Double distilled water plant
  • Belt Grinder Machine with water cooling system
  • Disc Polishing Machine
  • Slow speed horizontal pot mill/jar mil
  • Source Meter
  • Solar Simulator
  • Hydraulic press for powder pressing
  • Metallurgical optical Microscope