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Recent Publications


  • Debnath, J., Das (Pan), N. and Ahmed, I. (2020):An attempt to analyse the driving forces of land use change of a tropical river basin: A case study of the Muhuri River, Tripura, North-East India‟, International Journal of Ecology and Development, 35(2), pp.13-30. ISSN: 0972-9984.
  • YhoshuKedovikho and Y.V. Krishnaiah (2020): Assessing landslide vulnerability in Kohima city, Nagaland: A geospatial approach, National Geographical Journal of India (An International Peer-Reviewed Journal NGSI-BHU), Vol. 66, No. 3, September 2020ISSN: 0027-9374/2020/1747, DOI : 10.48008/ngji.1747.
  • Mitra , S., & Santra, S. (2020). Monitoring Urban Expansion and Land Use/ Land Cover Changes of Agartala City, Tripura, India. Indian Jouran of Regional Science, 52(1), 123-136. ISSN 0046-9017. (UGC Referred Journal No. 20873).
  • Majumdar, S. and Das (Pan), N. (2019):Combining open-source GIS and meta-analysis to link rainfall trend and human activity: case study on Gumti and Khowai drainage systems, Tripura, India‟, Spatial Information Research, Springer Nature Publication, 28(20), pp. 287-298, ISSN 2366- 3286.
  • Roy, S., Barman, T., & Mitra, S. (2019). Passengers’ Perception and Persuasion on Railway Transport System of Tripura. Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Study, 42(1), 115-129. ISSN 0971-4170. (UGC Referred Journal No. 20798).
  • Roy, S., Bajpayee, S., & Mitra, S. (2019). Infrastructural Intervention and Development of Railway Transport System: Evidence from Agartala-Sabroom Section, Tripura. India Indian Journal of Regional Science, 51(2), 117-133. ISSN 0046-9017. (UGC Referred Journal No. 20873).


  • Bhowmik, M., Das (Pan), N., Das, C., Ahmed, I. and Debnath, J. (2018): “Bank material characteristics and its impact on river bank erosion, West Tripura District, Tripura, North-East India”, Current Science (Research Communications), 115(8), pp. 1571-1576, ISSN 0011-3891, Impact Factor: 0.883.
  • Debnath, J., Das (Pan), N., Sharma, R., Ahmed, I. (2019): „Impact of confluence on hydrological and morphological characters of the trunk stream: A study on the Manu River of North-east India‟, Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Nature Publication, 78:190, 019-8190-7. ISSN 1866-6280 (print), 1866-6299 (web), Impact Factor: 1.765.
  • Debbarma, J. and Das (Pan), N. (2019): “A spatio-temporal study on fluctuation in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon groundwater level in Tripura, North-east India”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Volume 4 Issue 2, pp. 39-48, ISSN 2455-6378
  • Kedovikho Yhoshu and Y.V. Krishnaiah(2018): “Seismic risk vulnerability assessment of buildings in Kohima, Nagaland, India”, International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences (An International Peer Reviewed Journal), Vol.7(9), 36-38. Available online at:;, ISSN 2319-1414.
  • Debasish Kunduand Eshita Boral(2018): Trend of Residential Real Estate Development after Metro Railway extension: A case study of some selected wards of South Kolkata, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research tfol. 9, Issue, 4(C), pp. 25683-25688, April, 2018, ISSN: 0976-3031, DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR.
  • Mitra, S., Debbarma, D., Santra, A., & Roy, S. (2018). Road Network System in Agartala Municipal Corporation: A Geographical Analysis. Indian Journal of Regional Science, Special Volume, 66-77. ISSN 0046-9017. (UGC Referred Journal No. 20873).
  • Mitra , S., Bera, A., Roy, S., & De, S. K. (2018). A Geomorphological investigation of Gurpisey Landslide in Eastern Himalayas, Namchi, South Sikkim. Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography, 44(1 & 2), 1-16. (UGC Referred Journal No 25095; Scopus ID: 63835)
  • Debbarma, D., Roy, S., Santra, A., & Mitra, S. (2018). A Spatial Analysis of Population Distribution, Density and Growth in Agartala City. Asian Journal of Spatial Science, 6, 24-36. ISSN 2347-7636.
  • Roy, S., Debbarma, D., Darlong, S., & Mitra, S. (2018). Livelihood of Traditional Tribal Weaver of Darlong Community in Unakoti District of Tripura, India. Geographic, 13(1), 35-47. (ISSN 0975-4121)
  • Santra, S., Mitra, S., & Debbarma, D. (2018). Perception of the Urban Dwellers on the Solid Waste Management in Agartala City, India. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 22(5), 1-6.


  • Istak Ahmed, Nibedita Das (Pan), Jatan Debnath, Moujuri Bhowmik (2017): An assessment to prioritise the critical erosion-prone sub-watersheds for soil conservation in the Gumti basin of Tripura, North-east India, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer Publication, Vol. 189 (11): 600, pp. 1-15, ISSN 01573-2959. Impact factor: 1.679
  • Ahmed, I., Das (Pan), N., Debnath, J. and Bhowmik, M. (2018): “Erosion-induced channel migration and its impact on dwellers in the lower Gumti River, Tripura, India”, Spatial Information Research, Springer Publication, 26(5), pp. 537-549, ISSN 2366-3286 (Print), 2366-3294 (Online).
  • Jimmi Debbarma, Stacey S. Martin, G. Suresh, Aktarul Ahsan and Vineet K. Gahalaut (2017): Preliminary observations from the 3 January 2017, MW 5.6 Manu, Tripura (India) earthquake, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier Publication) , vol 148, ISSN 1367-9120, Page-173-180
  • Rongsenchiba, Tinurenla Jongkor and Y.V. Krishnaiah(2017): “Period wise Water Availability and Crop Suitability, Nagaland”, Hill Geographer (UGC Approved Referred Journal No. 18078), XXXIII:1, pp: 87-94, ISSN: 0970-5023.
  • Kedovikho Yhoshu and Y.V. Krishnaiah*(2017): “Evaluation of landslide hazard of Kohima”, Coordinates (UGC Approved Referred Journal No. 64009), November, 2017, pp: 34-39, ISSN: 09732136 (*Supervisor).
  • Rongsenchiba, Tinurenla Jongkor and Y.V. Krishnaiah(2017):“Patterns of Crop Concentration, Cropping Intensity and Crop Ranking in the State of Nagaland, India”, Indian Journal of Spatial Science (UGC Approved Referred Journal No. 49077), Vol. 8.0 No.2 Autumn, pp: 22-30, ISSN: 2249-3921, EISSN: 2249-4316,(Available online at
  • Jimmi Debbarma, Stacey S. Martin, G. Suresh, Aktarul Ahsan, Vineet K. Gahalaut (2017): Preliminary observations from the 3 January 2017, MW 5.6 Manu, Tripura (India) earthquake, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume-148, 1367-9120, Page-173-180, journal homepage:
  • Das, D. N., Roy, S., & Mitra, S. (2017). Dimensions and Challenges of the 10th Regional Saras Fair, Agartala: A Geographical Analysis. Developing Country Studies, 7(8), 26-32. (ISSN 2224-607X)
  • Debbarma, D., & Mitra, S. (2017). Occupational Health Problems of the Auto Rickshaws Service Provides in Agartala City: A Case Study of Nagerjala Motor Stand. International Journal of Current Research and Review, 9(22), 16-21. (ISSN 2321-9637)
  • Debbarma, D., & Mitra, S. (2017). Perception of Urban Commuters on Auto Rickshaw Transport Services in Agartala City, . International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 5(11), 20-23. (ISSN 2321-9637)
  • Santra A., Mitra, S., & Debbarma, D. (2017). Urbanization, Land use and Emerging Issues of Agartala City, India. Researchers World, 8(2), 26-35.


  • Jatan Debnath, Nibedita Das (Pan), Istak Ahmed, Moujuri Bhowmik (2017): Channel migration and its impact on land use/ land cover using RS and GIS: A study on Khowai River of Tripura, North-east India, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Elsevier Publication, Vol. 20, pp. 197-210, ISSN 1110-9823. Impact factor: 1.611
  • Jatan Debnath, Nibedita Das (Pan), Istak Ahmed, Moujuri Bhowmik (2017): Chronological change of land use/ land cover of the Muhuri River basin from 1972-2016, Tripura, North-east India, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10(22), pp. 1-18, ISSN 0974-5645. Impact factor: 0.68.
  • Moujuri Bhowmik, Nibedita Das (Pan), Istak Ahmed, Jatan Debnath (2017): Rainfall frequency analysis to predict flood in West Tripura District, Tripura, North-east India, International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, Vol. 7(3), pp. 310-320, ISSN 0976-4380.
  • Amal Debnath, Jatan Debnath, Istak Ahmed, Nibedita Das (Pan) (2017): Change detection in land use/ land cover of a hilly area by remote sensing and GIS technique: A study on tropical forest hill range, Baramura, Tripura, North-east India, International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, Vol. 7(3), pp. 293-309, ISSN 0976-4380.
  • Jatan Debnath, Nibedita Das (Pan), Istak Ahmed, Moujuri Bhowmik (2016): Vulnerability assessment of socio-economic condition due to river bank erosion: A case study on Khowai River, Tripura, India, Journal of Humanities and social Science, Vol. 21, pp. 37-42, ISSN 2279-0837.
  • Istak Ahmed, Jatan Debnath, Nibedita Das (Pan) (2016): A study on suspended sediment discharge and bed load grain size of the Gumti River of Tripura at some selected tributary confluence point, International Journal of Geology, Earth and Environment Science, Vol. 6, pp. 45-53, ISSN 2277-2081.
  • Roy, S., & Mitra, S. (2016). Railway Transport System in Tripura, India: An Geographical Analysis. Geographical Review of India, 78(1), 40-57. (UGC Care List and Referred Journal No. 27633).
  • Roy, S., & Mitra, S. (2016). Infrastructural Status of Railway Transport System in Northeast India: A Geographical Analysis. Asian Journal of Spatial Science, 4(1), 89-100.
  • Mitra, S., & Roy, S. (2016). Occupational Susceptibility and Challenges of the Railway Hawkers in Tripura: A Transitional Phase. Indian Journal of Regional Science, 48(2), 84-91. ISSN 0046-9017. (UGC Referred Journal No. 20873).
  • Mitra, S., Basak, S., Sarkar, B., & De, S. K. (2016). A Note on Kopchey Landslides, Namchi Block, Sikkim Himalayas. Journal of Indian Geomorphology, 4(1), 84-91. ISSN 2320-0731.
  • Debbarma, R. L., & Mitra, S. (2016). An Appraisal of Tripuri Women’s Status In Takka Tulsi ADC Village Under South Tripura District, Tripura. tui: A Journal on Tribal Life & Culture, 20(1), 53-61. ISSN 2319-7382.


  • Istak Ahmed, Jatan Debnath, Nibedita Das (Pan) (2015): Impact of river on human life: A case study on the Gumti River, Tripura, Radix International Journal of Research in social Science, Vol. 4, pp. 1-13, ISSN 2250-3994.
  • Debnath, J., Ahmed, I. and Das (Pan), N. (2015): Physico-chemical Analysis of the Muhuri River, Tripura, Northeast India‟ in Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. 5 (7), pp. 1-7, ISSN 2230- 7850. Impact factor: 3.1560.
  • Debnath, J., Ahmed, I. and Das (Pan), N. (2015):‟Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Channel Characteristics: A Case Study of Muhuri River, Tripura, Northeast India‟ in Archives of Applied Science Research, 7 (7): 27-36.
  • Rana Bora and Krishnaiah, Y.V.(2015): “Temperature, Rainfall and Rainfall Recharge of the Kakodonga river basin, India, International Journal of Science and Research (Scientific Journal Impact factor 6.391(2015) and Copernicus Index value 78.96 (2015), Vol. 4, Issue:2, pp: 170-182, ISSN: 2319-7064., paper ID: SUB15555.
  • Mitra, S., Das, B., Roy, S., & De, S. K. (2015). Transport Network System in Namchi Town of South Sikkim: A Geographical Appraisal. Geo- Analyst, 5(2), 1-8. ISSN 2249-2909. (UGC Referred Journal No. 49314).
  • Mitra, S., Roy, S., & De, S. K. (2015). Tourism Industry of Namchi, South Sikkim: An Overview. Geographical Review of India, 77(2), 170-181. (UGC Care List and Referred Journal No. 27633).
  • Sen, S., Debbarma, C., De, S. K., & Mitra, S. (2015). Impact of faults on landslide in the Atharamura Hill (along the NH 44), Tripura. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer, 73(19), 5289-5298.
  • Debbarma, R. L., & Mitra, S. (2015). A Spatio-temporal Study of Place Names with Reference to Physical and Socio-Cultural Attributes in South Tripura District, Tripura. Indian Journal of Regional Science, 47(2), 29-39. ISSN 0046-9017. (UGC Referred Journal No. 20873).
  • Sen, S., Santra, S., Debbarma, D., Mitra, S., & De, S. K. (2015). Morphology of Tilla –Lunga Topography in West Tripura District, Tripura, India. Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India, 35(2), 77-93. (Peer Reviewed Journal)

Books/Book Chapters


  • Ahmed, I. and Das (Pan), N. (2018): “Sedimentation-induced depositional lands of the Gumti River of Tripura and its land use pattern” in a book titled “Climate Change, Extreme Events and Disaster Risk Reduction” edited by S. Mal, R. B. Singh and C. Huggel, published by Springer International Publishing, pp. 135-146, ISBN 978-3-319-56468-5, 978-3-319-56469-2 (eBook).


  • Sukhendu Debbarma and Mousami Debbarma (2016):People’s Linguistic Survey of India. Vol-28, Part-II The languages of Tripura, Published by ORIENT BLACKSWAN PRIVATE LIMITED, Hyderabad 500 029 (Telangana), India,ISBN 978-81-250-6393-4


  • Bhowmik, M. and Das (Pan), N. (2015): „Flood Hazard: A Case Study of the Lohar Nala, West Tripura District‟ in Emerging Environmental issues in Today‟s Society with special reference to Northeast India (Proceedings of National Seminar) edited by Dilip Sarkar and Nandini Gupta, published by Supriya Books, Delhi, pp. 53-66, ISBN 978-93-84471-07-1.
  • Deb, R. R. and Das (Pan), N. (2015): „Impact of shifting of River Khowai on environment of Kanchanghat Village, Khowai District, Tripura‟ in Emerging Environmental issues in Today‟s Society with special reference to Northeast India (Proceedings of National Seminar) edited by Dilip Sarkar and Nandini Gupta, published by Supriya Books, Delhi, pp. 67-77, ISBN 978-93-84471-07-1.
  • Majumdar, S. and Das (Pan), N. (2015):Bank Erosion of the Gumti River between Barmura and Atharamura Hill Ranges and its impact on Socio-economic condition of the local people‟ in Emerging Environmental issues in Today’s Society with special reference to Northeast India (Proceedings of National Seminar) edited by Dilip Sarkar and Nandini Gupta, published by Supriya Books, Delhi, pp. 78-89, ISBN 978-93-84471-07-1.

Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Refresher/Orientations etc. Organized

  • State Level Workshop on “Gender Budgeting and Gender Equality in Rural Areas” held on 3-5 March, 2020 at Tripura University collaboration with NIRD & Panchayat Raj, North Eastern Regional Centre (NIRDPR-NERC), Guwahati.
  • National Workshop on “Tribes of Tripura: Mapping, Planning and Development”held on 28-29 Sept, 2018 at Tripura University, Agartala collaboration with National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization (NATMO), DST, India.
  • National Workshop for “Policy Documentation on Problems and  Prospects of Traditional Tribal Weaving Industry in Tripura” held on January, 6-7, 2018 in Tripura University, Agartala collaboration with Directorate of Handloom, Handicraft and Sericulture, Govt. of Tripura and Weavers’ Service Centre, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.
  • International Seminar and 48th Regional Science Conference, 5th-7th January, 2017
  • Lecture on 'Evolution of Remote Sensing in India' in Dept of Geography & Disaster Management, 25th Nov, 2013
  • 33rd Annual Conference of the Indian Geographers(IIG) & International Seminar on Population, Development & Disaster Management, 8th - 11th February, 2012
  • Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India sponsored National Workshop on Hydrogeomorphic Hazards: Challenges for Science Communication (18-20th November, 2009)
  • 21st IGI (Indian Institute of Geomorphologists) Conference and NATIONAL SEMINAR ON “Geomorphic Hazards : Issues and Challenges” (28th – 30th November, 2008)
  • TIFAC Sponsored One Day Workshop on Geographical Indication Items jointly organized by the Department of Geography & Disaster Management, Tripura University and Tripura State Council for Science & Technology, Govt. of Tripura on 8.12.2006