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Total Research Project Funding (Completed & Ongoing)

  • Ongoing Project: 4(Four)
  • Completed Project: 5(five)

Ongoing Projects from 2015-2020

Completed Project

Laboratory Facilities

  • 44? Plotter
  • Wide Scanner (48?)
  • Geomatic V 10.1 software with 10 user License
  • Total Station (Leica made) with Liscad software
  • Rock Cutter and grinding machine
  • Rock Polishing and lapping machine
  • Eclectrical resistivity meter (ASRM)
  • Automatic Weather Station
  • Digital Water Current and Discharge Meter
  • Microscope

Details of Research groups The Fluvial Geomorphology Research Group Thrust Areas

  • Fluvial Dynamics
  • Fluvial Hazards and disaster Management

The Fluvial Geomorphology Research Group concerns with the fluvial hazards and disaster management, particularly within Tripura State. Being a state of North-East India, Tripura lies in the neo tectonic zone and different hazards related to river action are very much frequent and turn into disaster. There is paucity of hydrological data in this border state and official records on different aspects are also lacking. Keeping in view of these constraints the Fluvial Geomorphology Research Group is working on different drainage basins of Tripura. The team is pursuing intensive field survey for collection of hydrological data through various measurements and thus preparing a data bank on 10 major river basins of Tripura. Fields of fluvial hazards already considered include sedimentation and bar formation, bank erosion and shifting of channel, flood, landslide etc. In each field Frequency Mapping and Hazard Zonation Mapping are in progress with the application of RS and GIS technique. Fluvial dynamics and their impact on land use in different river basins are also in progress.

Members of the Group

Group leader Members
Dr. Nibedita Das (Pan) Mrs. Bijaya Bhattacharya (Research Scholar)
Ms. Mugdha Chakraborty (Research Scholar and DST project Assistant)
Ms. Rina Rani Deb (Research Scholar)
Ms. Moujuri Bhowmik
Ms.Sima Majumder

Environmental geomorphology research group

Thrust Areas

  • Applied Geomorphology
  • Geomorphological Hazards

The Environmental Geomorphology research group concentrates mainly on Landslide Hazard Zonation, Geotechnical Investigation of individual landslides, soil erosion, flood, river bank erosion and water quality assessment. Landslide Hazard Zonation mapping and risk assessment is being prepared by the research group at Meso scale based on the BIS rating scheme as well as the Buffer method on the Kurseong subdivision of Darjiling Himalayas as a whole at meso scale (1:50,000) under the bi-lateral project funded by the Ministry of University and Research, Govt. of Italy. As till now the department does not have any well equipped laboratory that is why for geo-technical investigation of individual landslides very few tests like texture, moisture , pH etc are done by the group themselves with the existing equipments but other tests like Atterberg Limits and Shear Parameters are done on higher basis from other laboratories. Generation of data base for landslides in Tripura is in progress. Assessment of Soil Erosion on Meso-scale is being practiced on the basis of RUSLE method. Till today two such works have been produced to determine the amount of annual soil loss and its distribution in the Tripura University Campus. Some manual experimental works are also going on to estimate the amount of annual soil loss generated from different slope categories in the University campus itself.

Quaternary landform research group

Thrust AreasThe researches by QLRG focus on last two million years landform evolution in the tropical coastal and paleo-coastal areas. The principal aspects of researches are:

  • Dynamics of Coastal Geomorphology and Lake basin Geomorphology
  • Cenozoic rock microstructure and paleo-environment
  • Tectonic Geomorphology and seismo-tectonic microzonation of Tripura

Geological, geophysical, geomorphic and ecological evidences of coastal areas, lake basins areas and tectonic regions are the major interests of study this group. The members of this research team are engaged in studies rock microstructures of the western and eastern geo-tectonic provinces of Bengal basin and Tripura and other geophysical signatures. In the years 2009 a well equipped Rock Microstructure Laboratory has been developed by the Department of Geography and Disaster Management, Tripura University for in-depth researches on landform evolution history. Members of this research group are also engaged in the experiments of modeling and their application for scientific assessment of short term and long term landform geodynamics and tectonic microzonations. Investigations on different seismo-tectonic zones of Tripura and their seismic and geo-electrical mapping are going on for earthquake disaster management. Research collaborations with Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India and IIT Kharagpur, India have been established recently. During the years 2008-2010 this research team published more than 15 research papers in national and international journals. A permanent GPS station (funded by MoES) and seismic observatory will be established shortly for monitoring seismo-tectonic hazards in Tripura and surrounding areas.


  • A bi-lateral research collaboration between the University of Turin, Italy (Prof. Marco Giardino) and the Department of Geography and Disaster Management, Tripura University (Dr. Sunil Kumar De) has been established for two years (2006-2008).