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Prof. Prallad Debnath

Date of Birth : 10/12/1961
Contact Numbers : 0381 237 9065
E-mails : pralladdebnath[at], pralladdebnath[at]
Qualifications : ", Ph.D "
Topics Taught : Management, Accounting,Entreprenurship.

Publications (year wise)

year Publication ISBN/ISSN
2009 “Status of Commerce Education in Tripura since 2001 to 2007- An analysis”. Journal of Business and Economic Issues, Kolkata, pp- 74 – 79. ISSN-0974-9144
2009 “A comparative analysis of the role of managers in the small and medium Enterprises in India”. Abhijit Publication, New Delhi, pp- 176 to 202. ISBN-978-93-80031-19-4
2009 “Human Resource Management – An analysis with special reference to 21st management for growth and development”, Journal of Advances in Management, Indore, pp – 35 to 39. ISSN: 0974-2611 pp: 11-13
2006 Managerial issues for the small and medium enterprises in India.dept. of commerce, University of calcatta. ISSN: 0970-9657
2010 Status of commerce education.mittal publication, new delhi. ISBN-81-8324-349-5
2013 Contours of Financial Inclusion in India-A Quest
Name of Edited Book: Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth
ISBN: 13.978-81-8069-968-9
  For Publication list, Please click here  

Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Refresher/Orientations etc. Participated

year Semina/Workshop attended
  • Computer Awareness camp- 2005 organized by school of IT & Computer science. Tripura University on 4th to 6th August, 2005.
  • Seminar on vision NER-2020 sponsored by North Eastern Council, govt. of India and organised by Tripura University on 22th & 23rd december,2005.
  • Workshop on “Capacity Building in Rural Developement” organised by Tripura University, held on 26-30th, december, 2005.
  • Seminar on “Contents needs of North Eastern Region in the area of Higher Education” organised jointly by University and Consortium of Educational Communication (CEC), New delhi on august 21& 22, 2006.
  • 5 day National workshop on “Inventors of India-Knowledge Network for Incubating Innovations into Enterprises” organised by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad,october 25-28th, 2006
  • Seminar on Challenges of Higher Education in the Present Perspective and role of Distance Mode held on3-4 November, 2006.
  • National seminar on “Global Convergence of Commerce Education” jointly organised by Dept. of Commerce, NEHU, Shillong and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New delhi on 7-8 November,2006.
  • Seminar on ICAR Network Project Faculties organised by Tripura University and Financed by Govt of India on 21-11-2006.
  • 19th All India Accounting Conference and International Seminar on “Accountiong Education and Research” organised by AIAA, New delhi Chapter held at Delhi University, Delhi on December, 22-23, 2006.
  • 3-day Seminar on Reforming Education in Noth-East India Sponsored by the Institute of Advance Study, Shimla & organised by Tripura University held on 21-23 February, 2007.
  • Workshop on Family Budget Management in Agartala organised by Dept. of BBA, Tripura Universitry held on 13-04-2007.
  • International Conference on Emerging Issues in Accounting, Information Tcehnology, Business and Management held at Jaipur on 5th & 6th, January,2007.
  • International Seminar on Accounting Educatiobn and Research held at Kolkata on 3rd & 4th January, 2009.

Membership/Positions in Learned Academic Bodies/Organizations

Indian Accounting Association.

Research Projects:


Research Supervisions (Scholar's Name, Topic and Status)

Scholars Name Topic Status
Parimal debnath Study of the Performance of Tripura Gramin Bank in the Socio Economic Development of Tripura. Registered
Subrat roy chowdhary Development of Cottage Industries in Tripura with special Reference to Hand-Loom Weaving -A Case Study. Registered
Rupak Das A Study on the Problems and Prospects of Tourism in India’s North-East with special reference to Tripura. Registration.(under process)
Santanu Debnath   RET scholar- 2010


Other Information (if any)