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  • Gupta, Ashes. Director (Hon.) “DOIBEE: AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE GODS”, A Video Documentary of 7.44.mins. in DV Cam Mode, Directorate of Higher Education: Govt. of Tripura, 2015
  • Gupta, Ashes. Director (Hon.) “TRIPURA STATE MUSEUM: A CURTAIN RAISER,” a video documentary of 16 mins. in DV Cam mode, Directorate of Higher Education, Govt.of Tripura and Tripura State Museum, Agartala, 2015.
  • Gupta, Ashes. Director (Hon.) “Fading Melodies: Ethnic Musical Instruments of Tripura; A video documentary of 44 mins., in DV Cam mode. ICAT (Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism Dept.; Govt. of Tripura), sponsored by EZCC, 2010.