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Documentation & Publication


  • Books & Subscribe of Journals: CRS had purchased books on various issues of Rural Development. Apart from books, CRS has also subscribing National and International Journals on Rural Development.
  • Documentation of Successful Micro-Entrepreneurs :CRS has documented more than 60 cases of successful micro-enterprises throughout the state.

Publication :

  • Gram Darshan: CRS has published its first issue of GRAM DRASHAN Newsletter of CRS which is the first newsletter in Tripura University of its kind. GRAMDARSHAN documents various activities of CRS and also portraits various aspects of Rural Development.
  • Amrao Pari :A book on successful SHG entrepreneur was published in Bengali and distributed to different Panchayat and SHGs. The book was a informative documentation and written by the students and edited by Dr. Jayanta Choudhury.