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Bioinformatics Centre

Brief Profile of the Centre

The Bioinformatics Centre in Tripura University (a Central Uiversity) was established in the year 2008 with the financial support from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India under the Biotechnology Information System Network (BTISnet) programme. The primary objective of this facility is to promote biology teaching through bioinformatics (BTBI). It provides services to the host institute and other neighboring institutions. The centre is situated at the second floor of Academic Building II. The Centre facilitates the activities of teaching biology through applications of bioinformatics throughout the year.


  • To support the teaching activities of Biology and its allied areas of the host institute in particular and the neighboring institutions in general.
  • To organize Training/Workshop for familiarizing the application of Bioinformatics in Biology teaching and learning activities.

Year of Establishment



Dr. Surajit Bhattacharjee , Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

Seminar / Conference / Workshop organised

  • Workshop on Mathematical Genomics, January 23-28, 2017
  • Workshop on Applications of Bioinformatics to Genomic Data Analysis, 20-21 November, 2015
  • Workshop On Fundamental Applications of Bioinformatics 27-28 March, 2015
  • Workshop on “Fundamental Tools & Techniques in Bioinformatics”, 28-29 March, 2014
  • Fundamental Bioinformatics & its Applications, 22nd Jan, 2014