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SARASWAT is committed to integrity in peer-reviewing and upholding the highest standards of review. All submissions – articles, review articles, reviews, shall be subjected to a rigorous peer-reviewing process. Peer-review is defined as "obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers/experts in the field of publication." SARASWAT follows a blind peer review system after an initial copy editing at the in house editorial level.

The selected blind submissions are then sent to Reviewers, consisting of subject experts with proven expertise/ knowledge in the chosen field of specialization, belonging to the Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor levels, for a blind peer review process. The reviewers take into account multiple factors and concerns such as theoretical, methodological, thematic and stylistic merit while deciding on the suitability of a paper for publication in addition to the following parameters

  1. Novelty: assumption, principles, methods, findings
  2. Abstract: Proper and specific summary of objectives, contents, major results and conclusions
  3. Introduction: Adequate discussion of need and purpose of the work and its relation to prior work
  4. Content: Adequate definition of assumptions, inputs, test conditions, results, analysis, conclusions, etc. Overall relevance and revision needed for conciseness, clarity, and / or completeness. Proper application of theories/concepts for praxis.
  5. Figures and Tables: Point out unnecessary figures and tables, photographs that can be deleted, as well as any errors or deficiencies
  6. Notes: Whether appropriate and adequate in explaining
  7. References: As per TU journal prescribed style, recent, adequate and accurate.

The reviewers then make a final recommendation for acceptance or rejection.

Or else suggest changes, modifications, corrections etal as the case may be and the same in turn, is communicated to the contributor, if necessary, for resubmission only.

The accepted submissions are then copy edited for final publication.

Throughout the entire process canvassing in any form is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

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