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Mushroom cultivation centre

Contemplating the importance of mushrooms for ensuring nutraceutical and socio-economic importance of the deprived small agriculturalists and landless labourers especially women, the Mushroom cultivation centre was developed by the Mycology and Plant Pathology Lab Department of Botany Tripura University in 2019 to conduct Research on Mushroom, although the work on mushroom biotechnology was initiated since 2012. The transfer of the technology to the rural peoples was for the upliftment of socio economic condition. Cultivation of the tropical mushrooms like oyster, paddy straw and milky mushrooms have drawn attention for successful uses. The centre is well-equipped with a mushroom tissue culture room, spawn storage equipment, mushroom cultivation room, Mushroom bag preparing space, Substrate sterilizing unit, dryer etc.

Mushroom Cultivation Room Click for View

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