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Dr. Arobindo Mahato

Assistant Professor
Contact Numbers : 09863426466
E-mails : aro[at] , arobindoyp[at]
Academic Qualifications : M.A. in Rural Development from VisvaBharati, Santiniketan, placed 1st Class,Area of Specialization - Rural Women,Master in Population Studies from Int
Topics Taught : MR-102: Rural Demography Concept and Terminology Vital Rates and Life Table Analysis Theories of Demography Population in India,MR- 103 : Governance and Rural Institutions Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and its management: Rural Financial Institution,MR- 201 : Rural Sociology Social Organization, Social Groups, Community Studies Group Behaviour and Group Dynamics, Social Movements. Rural Problems, Solution to the Problems, Social disorganisation, Social evolution and progress Secularism, Impact of modernization, MR- 204: Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship Management,MR- 302 : Rural Technology and Fundamentals of Computer Application,MR- 303: Research Methodology,MR- 401: Development of Rural Women and Children

Publications (year wise) :

Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper/Book Name of Journal/Books, Vol. No. Pages and Year of Publication
Arobindo Mahato "Relation between Mothers Education and Child Nutrition among a multiethnic village of Birbhum District, West Bengal" 95th Indian Science Congress in section of Anthropological and Behavioral Sciences. (2008)
"Comparison study of Nutritional status of General Category and Scheduled Caste Children in a village of Birbhum District, West Bengal, India" 94th Indian Science Congress in section of Anthropological and Behavioral Sciences (2007) --
"Success story of Alampur village" National Institute of Rural DevelopmentNews letter (November 2006) --
"Adaptation loom for Climate Proof Agriculture" Development Alternatives News letter (September 2010) --
"Oil Expeller- as a tool for livelihood promotion" Development Alternatives News letter (January 2011) --
"Low Carbon Pathway's by the farmers of Bundelkhand" 5th International conference on Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change, organized by Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies and International Institute for Environment and Development (March, 2011) --
Right to Water & Sanitation: Quest for Dignified Life 33rd Annual Conference of the Institute of India Geographers & International Seminar on Population, Development & Disaster Management. (February 2012) --

Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Refresher/Orientations etc. Participated:

Sl. No Name of the Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop attended Duration / Date Organised by Title of the Paper presented
1 Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2 Day's March 2012 UNEP and APCCAF "Climate Change Adaptation strategy in the Semi-Arid region of India".
2 Understanding Mahatma Gandhi 1 Day's January 2012 Centre for Gandhian Studies, TU Participated
3 Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation in Rural Areas, Problem & prospects 1 Day's December 2011 Tripura University & Water and Sanitation Deptt. Govt. of Tripura "Right to Sanitation: With Special reference to women. - Paper submitted
4 Special lecture cum Workshop on Research in Social Science Towards Social Incusion 1 Day's November, 2011 CSSEIP, TU and ICSSR, New Delhi. Participated
5 Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum- Orientation programme 1 Day's October 2011 Asia pacific Adaptation Network, Bangkok, Thailand Participated
6 5th International conference on Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change 8 Day's March 2011 Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, Dhaka and International Institute for Environment and Development, London "Low Carbon Pathway's by the farmers of Bundelkhand"
7 International Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition 2 Day's September 2010 Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK Participated
8 Orientation program in Rural Development for young Professionals of CAPART 7 Day's January 2008 CAPART Institute of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development in Participated
9 Re-orientation programme in Rural Development for Young Professionals of CAPART 7 Day's May 2007 Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi, Frontier Technologies of Rural Development
10 Attended 15 days orientation programme in Rural Development for Young Professionals of CAPART 15 Day's August 2005 Institute of Applied Man Power Research (IAMR) New Delhi, Participated
11 National Level workshop on Bio-fertilizer 2 Day's January 2008 National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad Participated
12 National Level workshop on Advocacy of Forest Management 2 Day's January 2008 National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad Appropriate Rural Technologies
13 Training Programme on Common Property Management 6 Day's October 2006 National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad Participated

Membership/Positions in Learned Academic Bodies/Organizations:

  1. Indian Science Congress Association, Secretariat- Kolkata, India
  2. Climate Action Network - South Asia (CANSA), Secretariat- Dhaka, Bangladesh
  3. basin-South Asia, sustainable habitat and livelihoods, Secretariat- New Delhi, India
  4. Eldis Communities community, IDS Knowledge Services, Falmer, Brighton, East Sussex.
  5. Bundelkhand Knowledge Platform, Secretariat- Orchha, MP, India

Research Projects:

  1. Establishment of Rural Technology Park at National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Ministry of Rural Development with Brigadier (R) G. B. Reddy, Sr. Consultant NIRD.
  2. Study on Credit Delivery Mechanism of Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Cooperative Banks to support SGSY & other anti-poverty programmes supported by National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Ministry of Rural Development with L S Raman, Sr. Fellow, NIRD.
  3. Pilot study on "ICDS- Nutritional Baseline Survey of 6 Districts Of West Bengal 2008" supported byTechnical Assistance Support Team (TAST) and Department for International Development (DFID), India with Nielson Company 2008-2009.
  4. Sustainable Civil Society Initiatives to address Global Environmental Challenges, supported by Swiss Agency for Development Corporation (SDC) with Development Alternatives in 2009-2011.
  5. Village Development Programme supported by NABARD, with Development Alternatives in 2010-2011.

Research Supervisions (Scholar's Name, Topic and Status):

Under PG Course

  1. Tanushree Acharjee- Corporate Social Responsibility in Women Empowerment, Tripura
  2. Sanchita Singha - Contextual Socio-Economic determinants of Hijras, Tripura
  3. Rinki Bhowmik - Rural Youth and Rural Development, Tripura
  4. Priyanka Banik - Corporate Social Responsibility Interventions byBanking Sector in Tripura.
  5. Debobrato Bhowmik - Socio-Economic context of prostitution in Tripura
  6. Abhijit Sarkar - Nutritional Intake status by rural women, Tripura


  1. Recognized as one of the Expert in establishing rural enterprises with sustainable environ-friendly technologies by National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad (2008).
  2. Leaded LokAwasYatra (A movement towards sustainable housing) Central zone of india (2009)

Other Information (if any):

  1. Worked as Field Manager in The Energy Resources Institute (TERI) in Support of Reliance Power.
  2. Worked as State Project Manager, Cottage Industries & Services at Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company, Govt. of Gujarat
  3. Worked as Programme Manager, Climate Change in Development Alternatives, New Delhi.
  4. Worked as Sr. Executive, Client Solution in Nielson Company, New Delhi.
  5. Worked with Ministry of Rural Development, GoI in public cooperation department.
  6. Worked with National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad in management of Rural Technology Park (RTP) and research on frontier low carbon pathway rural technologies.