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E-Books of Psychology

Elsevier Science Direct E-Books

SL. No. E-Book Titles Author
1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Subtypes and Spectrum Conditions Jonathan Abramowitz, Dean McKay, Steven Taylor
2. Translation of Addictions Science Into Practice Peter M. Miller, David Kavanagh
3. Eye Movements Roger van Gompel
4. Normal and abnormal fear and anxiety in children Peter Muris, S. J. Rachman
5. Handbook of Psycholinguistics Matthew Traxler, Morton Ann Gernsbacher
6. Psychology and the Internet Jayne Gackenbach
7. Therapist's Guide to Evidence-Based Relapse Prevention Katie A. Witkiewitz, G. Alan Marlatt
8. Psychology of Academic Cheating Eric M. Anderman, Tamera B. Murdock
9. Media and the American Child George Comstock, Erica Scharrer
10. Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment Peter Sturmey
11. Emotion in Education Paul Schutz, Reinhard Pekrun, Gary D. Phye
12. The Psychology of Humor Rod A. Martin
13. Handbook of Exposure Therapies David C. S. Richard, Dean Lauterbach
14. Creativity Mark A. Runco
15. Memory Evolutive Systems; Hierarchy, Emergence, Cognition A C Ehresmann, J.P. Vanbremeersch, Laura McNamara, Mary Meyer
16. Self-Injurious Behavior in Intellectual Disabilities Johannes Rojahn, Stephen R. Schroeder, Theodore A Hoch
17. Motor Vehicle Collisions: Medical, Psychosocial, and Legal Consequences Melanie Duckworth, Tony Iezzi, William O'Donohue
18. Product Experience Hendrik N. J. Schifferstein, Paul Hekkert
19. Evidence-Based Adjunctive Treatments William O'Donohue, Nicholas A. Cummings
20. Handbook of Work-Family Integration Karen Korabik, Donna S. Lero, Denise L. Whitehead
21. Adaptive Behavior Assessment System- Thomas Oakland, Patti L. Harrison
22. Clinical Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders Johnny L. Matson
23. Adolescent Addiction Cecilia A. Essau
24. Mathematical Difficulties Ann Dowker, Gary D. Phye
25. Handbook of Motivation and Cognition Across Cultures Richard Sorrentino, Susumu Yamaguchi
26. Social Structure and Emotion Jody Clay-Warner, Dawn T. Robinson
27. Doing What Works in Brief Therapy Ellen K. Quick
28. Handbook for the Assessment of Driving Capacity Maria T. Schultheis, John DeLuca, Douglas Chute
29. Systems Self-Assembly Natalio Krasnogor, Steve Gustafson, David A. Pelta, Jose L. Verdegay
30. Reviving the Living Yair Neuman
31. Risk Factors in Depression Dobson, Keith
32. Handbook of Cognitive Science Paco Calvo, Toni Gomila
33. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Julian D. Ford
34. Quantitative EEG, Event-Related Potentials and Neurotherapy Juri Kropotov
35. Therapist's Guide to Positive Psychological Interventions Jeana L. Magyar-Moe
36. Evidence-Based Practice with Emotionally Troubled Children and Adolescents Morley D. Glicken
37. Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback Thomas H. Budzynski, Helen Kogan Budzynski, James R. Evans, Andrew Abarbanel
38. Juvenile Osteology Louise Scheuer, Sue Black, Maureen C. Schaefer
39. Therapist's Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Intervention Johnson, Sharon
40. Bayley-III Clinical Use and Interpretation Weiss, Lawrence
41. Human Factors in Aviation Salas, Eduardo
42. The Social Validity Manual Carter, Stacy
43. Nutritional and Herbal Therapies for Children and Adolescents Kapalka, George
44. Forms for the Therapist Hedberg, Allan
45. Evidence-Based Counseling and Psychotherapy for an Aging Population Glicken, Morley
46. Crew Resource Management Kanki, Barbara
47. Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology Lichtenberg, Peter
48. WAIS-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation Weiss, Lawrence
49. Social Anxiety DiBartolo, Patricia
50. Treatment of Eating Disorders Maine, Margo
51. Online Counseling Kraus, Ron
52. Handbook of the Biology of Aging, 7th edition Masoro, Edward
53. Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, 7th edition Binstock, Robert
54. Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, 7e Schaie, K.
55. Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy Fine, Aubrey
56. Aging, Ageism and Abuse Gutman, Gloria
57. Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders Perlis, Michael
58. Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Techniques Coben, Robert
59. Principles of Addictions and the Law Miller, Norman S.
60. Human Motor Control Rosenbaum, David
61. Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment Miller, Peter
62. Handbook of Organizational Creativity Mumford, Michael
63. Handbook of Traffic Psychology Porter, Bryan
64. Foundations of Professional Psychology Melchert, Timothy
65. The Initial Psychotherapy Interview Silverstein, Charles
66. Verbal Minds Gomila, Toni
67. Exceptional Life Journeys Andrews, Jac
68. The Scientific Foundation of Neuropsychological Assessment Russell, Elbert
69. Workplace Violence Kerr, Kim
70. The Psychology of Music Deutsch, Diana
71. Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance Thomas F. Cash
72. Sleep and Brain Activity Frank, Marcos Gabriel
73. The Dysregulated Adult DeGangi, Georgia
74. Therapist's Guide to Pediatric Affect and Behavior Regulation Johnson, Sharon
75. Learning About Learning Disabilities Wong, Bernice
76. Adolescent Brain Development Jetha, Michelle
77. Problem Solving Therapy in the Clinical Practice Eskin, Mehmet
78. Practical Skills and Clinical Management of Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Obembe, Samuel
79. Fundamentals of Motor Control Latash, Mark
80. Rethinking Autism Waterhouse, Lynn
81. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Rajeswaran, Jamuna
82. Telemental Health Myers, Kathleen
83. Ethics for Graduate Researchers Junker-Kenney, Maureen
84. Insights in Psychology 1 Doe, John
85. Topics in Psychology 1 Ekle, Emily
86. Play Therapy Treatment Planning and Interventions O'Connor, Kevin
87. Memory Reconsolidation Alberini, Cristina
88. WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, and ACS Holdnack, James
89. Handbook of Child and Adolescent Sexuality Bromberg, Daniel
90. Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health Paniagua, Freddy
91. Solution Focused Anxiety Management Quick, Ellen
92. Treatment Planning for Person-Centered Care Adams, Neal
93. Clinical Neurotherapy Cantor, David
94. Treating Worker Dissatisfaction During Economic Change Glicken, Morley
95. Individual Case Formulation Hallam, Richard
96. Biological Research on Addiction  
97. Principles of Addiction  
98. Interventions for Addiction  
99. Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting Linden, Michael
100. Individual Differences and Personality Ashton, Michael
101. Eye Guidance in Reading and Scene Perception G. Underwood
102. Handbook of Conceptualization and Treatment of Child Psychopathology Helen Orvaschel/Michel Hersen/Jan Faust
103. Cognitive Approaches to Obsessions and Compulsions Randy O. Frost,/Gail Steketee
104. International Handbook of Cognitive and Behavioural Treatments for Psychological Disorders V.E. Caballo
105. Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Today E. Sanavio
106. Innovations in Adolescent Substance Abuse Interventions Eric Wagner / Holly Waldron
107. Reading as a Perceptual Process A. Kennedy/R. Radach/D. Heller,/J. Pynte
108. Handbook of Psychological Assessment G. Goldstein / M. Hersen
109. The Scientific Study of General Intelligence Helmuth Nyborg
110. International Perspectives on Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Volume 1 Nirbhay N. Singh, Jin Pang Leung, Ashvind N. Singh
111. Origins of Phobias and Anxiety Disorders Michelle G. Craske
112. Choice, Behavioural Economics and Addiction Nick Heather/Rudy E. Vuchinich
113. The Sciences of Aphasia Ilias Papathanasiou / RiaDe Bleser
114. International Perspectives on Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Volume 2 Nirbhay N. Singh, Thomas H. Ollendick, Ashvind N. Singh
115. The International Handbook on Innovation Larisa VShavinina
116. On the Psychobiology of Personality Robert M Stelmack
117. Representation in Mind Hugh Clapin, Phillip Staines, Peter Slezak
118. Psychopathology and the Family Jennifer Hudson/Ron Rapee
119. Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science Henri Cohen / Claire Lefebvre
120. Competition and Variation in Natural Languages Mengistu Amberber, Helen de Hoop
121. Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders Johnny L. Matson, Noha F. Minshawi
122. Thought Suppression Eric Rassin
123. Clocking the Mind Arthur R. Jensen
124. Aspects of Knowing Stephen Hetherington
125. Treatment Planning for Person-Centered Care Neal Adams / Diane Grieder
126. Handbook of Communication and Emotion Peter A. Andersen, Laura K. Guerrero
127. Handbook of Psychoeducational Assessment Jac Andrews, Donald Saklofske, Henry Janzen, Gary Phye
128. Profiles in Caregiving Carol Aneshensel / Leonard Pearlin / Joseph Mullan / Steven Zarit /Carol Whitlatch
129. Introduction to Forensic Psychology Bruce Arrigo/Stacey Shipley
130. Improving Academic Achievement Joshua Aronson
131. Handbook of the Biology of Aging Edward Masoro / Steven Austad
132. Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences Robert Binstock/Linda George
133. Clinical Strategies for Becoming a Master Psychotherapist William O'Donohue / Nicholas Cummings / Janet Cummings
134. Qualitative Research Methods for Psychologists Constance Fischer
135. Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches Ruth A. Baer
136. The Empathic Healer Michael Bennett
137. WISC-IV Advanced Clinical Interpretation Lawrence Weiss / Donald Saklofske / Aurelio Prifitera / James Holdnack
138. Brain Literacy for Educators and Psychologists Virginia Berninger/Todd Richards
139. Measurement, Judgement and Decision Making Michael Birnbaum
140. Psychological Experiments on the Internet Michael Birnbaum
141. Handbook of the Psychology of Aging James Birren/K. Schaie
142. Memory Elizabeth Ligon Bjork / Robert Bjork
143. Handbook of Self-Regulation Monique Boekaerts / Paul Pintrich / Moshe Zeidner
144. Handbook of Personality Psychology Robert Hogan / John Johnson / Stephen Briggs
145. Guilt and Children Jane Bybee
146. Tasting and Smelling Gary Beauchamp / Linda Bartoshuk
147. Artificial Intelligence Margaret Boden
148. Cognitive Ecology Morton Friedman / Edward Carterette
149. Alcohol and Speech Steven Chin / David Pisoni
150. Counseling Problem Gamblers Joseph Ciarrocchi
151. Handbook of Educational Policy Gregory J. Cizek
152. Men and Depression Sam Cochran / Fredric Rabinowitz
153. The Psychoanalytic Study of Lives Over Time Jonathan Cohen / Betram Cohler
154. The Psychology of Media and Politics George Comstock/Erica Scharrer
155. Television George Comstock/Erica Scharrer
156. The Essence of Psychotherapy Nicholas Cummings / Janet Cummings
157. Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Nicholas Cummings/Victoria Follette/Steven Hayes/William O'Donohue
158. Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health Israel Cuellar / Freddy Paniagua
159. Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology Jorge H. Daruna
160. Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Affect and Behavior Georgia DeGangi
161. Interference and Inhibition in Cognition Frank N. Dempster / Charles J. Brainerd
162. The Psychology of Music Diana Deutsch
163. Substance Use Disorders Charles Dodgen / W. Shea
164. Perception of Space and Motion William Epstein / Sheena Rogers
165. Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback James Evans/Andrew Abarbanel
166. Therapist's Guide to Learning and Attention Disorders Aubrey Fine / Ronald Kotkin
167. Handbook of Diversity in Parent Education Marvin Fine / Steven Lee
168. The Disorders Howard Friedman
169. Assessment and Therapy Howard Friedman
170. Personality Judgment David Funder
171. Human Aggression Russell Geen / Edward Donnerstein
172. Perceptual and Cognitive Development Rochel Gelman / Terry Au
173. Culture and Children's Intelligence James Georgas/Lawrence Weiss/Fons van de Vijver/Donald Saklofske
174. Clinician's Guide to Adult ADHD Sam Goldstein/Anne Ellison
175. Assessment and Culture Sharon-ann Gopaul McNicol/Eleanor Armour-Thomas
176. Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Older Adult Joanne Green
177. Designing Teaching Strategies R. Douglas Greer
178. Perception and Cognition at Century's End Julian Hochberg
179. The Adolescent Experience Thomas Gullotta/Gerald Adams/Carol Markstrom
180. Human Performance and Ergonomics Peter Hancock
181. Transfer of Learning Robert Haskell
182. Clinician's Handbook of Adult Behavioral Assessment Michel Hersen
183. Clinician's Handbook of Child Behavioral Assessment Michel Hersen
184. Effective Brief Therapies Michel Hersen/Maryka Biaggio
185. Social Cognition and Aging Thomas Hess/Fredda Blanchard-Fields
186. Cocaine Abuse Stephen Higgins/Jonathan Katz
187. Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy Aubrey Fine
188. The Psychology of Lust Murder Catherine Purcell / Bruce Arrigo
189. Therapist's Guide to Substance Abuse Intervention Sharon Johnson
190. Handbook of Cultural Health Psychology Shahe Kazarian / David Evans
191. The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations Robert Keppel/William Birnes
192. Handbook of Religion and Mental Health Harold Koenig
193. Handbook on Firesetting in Children and Youth David Kolko
194. How to Build a Thriving Fee-for-Service Practice Laurie Kolt
195. Pain and Touch Lawrence Kruger / Morton Friedman / Edward Carterette
196. Seeing Karen De Valois
197. Handbook of Attachment Interventions Terry Levy
198. Handbook of Emotion, Adult Development, and Aging Carol Magai / Susan H. McFadden
199. Philosophical Practice Lou Marinoff
200. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Joe Martinez, Jr./Raymond Kesner
201. Sex Differences Linda Mealey
202. The Psychology of Stalking J. Meloy
203. Speech, Language, and Communication Joanne L. Miller / Peter D. Eimas
204. Teaching Science for Understanding Joel Mintzes / James Wandersee / Joseph Novak
205. Assessing Science Understanding Joel Mintzes, James Wandersee, Joseph Novak
206. Hearing Brian C.J. Moore
207. Evidence-Based Educational Methods Daniel Moran, Richard Malott
208. Perception Wolfgang Prinz, Bruce Bridgeman
209. Motor Skills Herbert Heuer, Steven W. Keele
210. Attention O. Neumann, A.F. Sanders
211. Aging with HIV Janice Nichols/David Speer/Betty Watson/Mary Watson/Tiffany Vergon/Colette Vallee/Joan Meah
212. Play Therapy: Treatment Planning and Interventions Kevin O'Connor / Sue Ammen
213. Handbook of Behaviorism William O'Donohue / Richard Kitchener
214. Management and Administration Skills for the Mental Health Professional William O'Donohue/Jane Fisher
215. Handbook of Forensic Psychology William O'Donohue / Eric R. Levensky
216. Successful Private Practice in Neuropsychology Mary Pepping
217. Handbook of Classroom Assessment Gary D. Phye
218. Handbook of Academic Learning Gary D. Phye
219. Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions Gary D. Phye, Daniel H. Robinson, Joel Levin
220. Working Memory and Education Susan Pickering, Gary D. Phye
221. A Guide to Starting Psychotherapy Groups John Price/David Hescheles/A. Price
222. WISC-III Clinical Use and Interpretation Aurelio Prifitera / Donald Saklofske
223. WISC-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation Aurelio Prifitera/Donald Saklofske/Lawrence Weiss
224. Doing What Works in Brief Therapy Ellen Quick
225. Living and Dying in the USA Richard G. Rogers, Robert A. Hummer, Charles B. Nam
226. Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics Douglas Ruben
227. Cognitive Science Benjamin Bly/David Rumelhart
228. Bullying Cheryl Sanders, Gary D. Phye
229. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Carol Sansone, Judith Harackiewicz
230. Acquired Aphasia Martha Sarno
231. WJ III Clinical Use and Interpretation Fredrick Schrank / Dawn Flanagan
232. Handbook of Hope C. Snyder
233. Mental Health Outcome Evaluation David Speer
234. Evaluating and Treating Adolescent Suicide Attempters Anthony Spirito/James Overholser
235. Prejudice Janet Swim/Charles Stangor
236. Clinician's Guide to Cultural Psychiatry Wen-Shing Tseng
237. Clinical Interpretation of the WAIS-III and WMS-III David Tulsky/Donald Saklofske/Gordon Chelune/Robert Heaton/Robert Ivnik/Robert Bornstein/Aurelio Prifitera/Mark Ledbetter
238. Categorical Variables in Developmental Research Alexander von Eye / Clifford Clogg
239. Succeeding with Difficult Clients Richard Wessler / Sheenah Hankin / Jonathan Stern
240. Theory of Individual Behavior Robert Wichers
241. Development of Achievement Motivation Allan Wigfield, Jacquelynne Eccles
242. Life in the Middle Sherry Willis / James Reid
243. Learning and Teaching on the World Wide Web Christopher Wolfe
244. Learning About Learning Disabilities Bernice Wong
245. Mental Models in Discourse Processing and Reasoning G. Rickheit, C. Habel
246. Cognitive Contributions to the Perception of Spatial and Temporal Events G. Aschersleben, T. Bachmann, J. Musseler
247. From Fragments to Objects Thomas F. Shipley, Philip J. Kellman
248. Motivational Psychology of Human Development J. Heckhausen
249. A Psychological Approach to Ethical Reality K. Hillner
250. Attraction, Distraction and Action Charles Folk, Bradley Gibson
251. Bilingual Sentence Processing Roberto Heredia, Jeanette Altarriba
252. The Mind's Eye Ralph Radach/Jukka Hyona/Heiner Deubel
253. Time-to-Contact Heiko Hecht, Geert Savelsbergh
254. Defense Mechanisms Uwe Hentschel, Gudmund Smith, Juris G Draguns, Wolfram Ehlers
255. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Visual Representations and Interpretations Grant Malcolm
256. Modeling: Gateway to the Unknown Daniel Rothbart
257. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Theory in Medicine Ray Paton, Laura A. McNamara
258. Morality in Context Wolfgang Edelstein, Gertrud NunnerWinkler
259. Mental Models & The Mind Carsten Held, Gottfried Vosgerau, Markus Knauff
260. Human Learning Biology, Brain, and Neuroscience Aaron S. Benjamin, J. Steven De Belle, Bruce Etnyre, Thad A. Polk
261. Human Movement Understanding From Computational Geometry to Artificial Intelligence P. Morasso, V. Tagliasco
262. Advances in Psychology Erland Hjelmquist, Lars-Goran Nilsson
263. Theory Building in Developmental Psychology Paul Van Geert
264. Graphonomics: Contemporary Research in Handwriting Henry S.R. Kao, Gerard P. van Galen, Rumjahn Hoosain
265. Knowledge and Language I. Kurcz, G.W. Shugar, J.H. Danks
266. The Roots of Perception Individual Differences in Information Processing within and beyond Awareness Uwe Hentschel, Gudmund Smith, Juris G. Draguns
267. Psychology's Compositional Problem Kenneth P. Hillner
268. The Adaptive Brain I Cognition, Learning, Reinforcement, and Rhythm Stephen Grossberg
269. The Adaptive Brain Vision, Speech, Language, and Motor Control Stephen Grossberg
270. Current Issues in Theoretical Psychology William J. Baker, Michael E. Hyland, Hans Van Rappard, Arthur W. Staats
271. Attachment in Social Networks Contributions to the Bowlby-Amsworth Attachment Theory Louis W.C. Tavecchio, Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn
272. Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect Marc Jeannerod
273. Psychobiology and Early Development Hellgard Rauh, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen
274. Human Factors Psychology Peter A. Hancock
275. Blind Alleys in Social Psychology Antti Eskola
276. Cognitive Psychology and Reading in the U.S.S.R. John A. Downing
277. Human Mental Workload Peter A. Hancock, Najmedin Meshkati
278. Complex Movement Behaviour 'The' Motor-action controversy Onno G. Meijer, Klaus Roth
279. Progress in Reversal Theory M.J. Apter, J.H. Kerr, M.P. Cowles
280. A History of Psychology in Metascientific Perspective K.B. Madsen
281. Human Judgment the SJT View Berndt Brehmer, C.R.B. Joyce
282. Cognition and Action in Skilled Behaviour Ann M. Colley, John R. Beech
283. Fuzzy Sets in Psychology Tamas Zetenyi
284. Psychological Perspectives of Helplessness and Control in the Elderly Prem S. Fry
285. The Grasping Hand Christine L. Mackenzie, Thea Iberall
286. Age Differences in Word and Language Processing P.A. Allen, T.R. Bashore
287. Comprehension of Graphics Wolfgang Schnotz, Raymond W. Kulhavy
288. Motor Control and Sensory-Motor Integration D.J. Glencross, J.P. Piek
289. The Self in Infancy P. Rochat
290. Neural Network Models of Cognition J.W. Donahoe, V.P. Dorsel
291. The Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware Systems D. Shapiro, M. Tauber, R. Traunmuller
292. Foundational Issues in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Bickhard, M.H.
293. Changes in Sensory Motor Behavior in Aging A.M. Ferrandez, N. Teasdale
294. Time, Internal Clocks and Movement M.A. Pastor, J. Artieda
295. Cognitive Technology B. Gorayska, J.L. Mey
296. Neural Aspects of Tactile Sensation J.W. Morley
297. Visual Attention and Cognition W.H. Zangemeister, H.S. Stiehl, C. Freksa
298. Theoretical Issues in Stimulus-Response Compatibility B. Hommel, W. Prinz
299. Self-Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control P.G. Morasso, V. Sanguineti
300. Stimulus Class Formation in Humans and Animals T.R. Zentall, P.M. Smeets
301. Time and Behaviour C.M. Bradshaw, E. Szabadi
302. Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion G. Matthews
303. Problem of Meaning Behavioural and Cognitive Perspectives C. Mandell, A. McCabe
304. Cerebral Asymmetries in Sensory and Perceptual Processing S. Christman
305. The Other Side of the Error Term N. Raz
306. System Theories and A Priori Aspects of Perception J.S. Jordan
307. Human Interfaces Questions of method and practice in Cognitive Technology Jonathan P. Marsh, Barbara Gorayska, Jacob L. Mey
308. Personality and Adaptation P.J. Hettema
309. Intelligence Pieter A. Vroon
310. Tutorials in Motor Behavior George E. Stelmach, Jean Requin
311. Letter and Word Perception: Orthographic Structure and Visual Processing in Reading Dominic W. Massaro, Glen A. Taylor, Richard L. Venezky, James E. Jastrzembski, Peter A. Lucas
312. Cognition and Memory F. Klix, J. Hoffmann
313. From Associations to Structure The Course of Cognition Kellogg V. Wilson
314. The Cognitive Representation of Speech Terry Myers, John Laver, John Anderson
315. Discourse Processing August Flammer, Walter Kintsch
316. Analysing and Aiding Decision Processes Patrick Humphreys, Ola Svenson, Anna Vari
317. Language and Comprehension Jean-Francois Le Ny, Walter Kintsch
318. Tutorials in Event Related Potential Research: Endogenous Components Anthony W.K. Gaillard, Walter Ritter
319. Memory and Control of Action Richard A. Magill
320. Animal Cognition and Behavior Roger L. Mellgren
321. Modern Issues in Perception Hans-Georg Geissler
322. Quantitative Psychology: Some Chosen Problems and New Ideas Maria Nowakowska
323. Decision Making Under Uncertainty Cognitive Decision Research Social Interaction Development and Epistemology Roland W. Scholz
324. Human Motor Actions Bernstein Reassessed H.T.A. Whiting
325. Psychology in the 1990's Kirsti M.J. Lagerspetz, Pekka Niemi
326. Knowledge Acquisition From Text and Pictures Heinz Mandl, Joel R. Levin
327. Time and Human Cognition: A Life-Span Perspective Iris Levin, Dan Zakay
328. Cognitive Processes in the Perception of Art W. Ray Crozier, Antlony J. Chapman
329. Trends in Mathematical Psychology E. Degreef, J. Van Buggenhaut
330. The Self in Anxiety, Stress and Depression Ralf Schwarzer
331. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Eye Movement Research Alastair G. Gale, Frank Johnson
332. Advances in Psychology Volume 23 Eric A. Roy
333. Coalition Formation Henk A.M. Wilke
334. Psychophysiological Approaches to Human Information Processing Friedhart Klix, Risto Naatanen, Klaus Zimmer
335. Psychological Reality Kenneth P. Hillner
336. Differing Perspectives In Motor Learning, Memory, And Control David Goodman, Robert B. Wilberg, Ian M. Franks
337. A Theory of Cognitive Aging Timothy Salthouse
338. Inferences in Text Processing Gert Rickheit, Hans Strohner
339. Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth and Action Raymond B. Cattell
340. Neural Dynamics of Adaptive Sensory-Motor Control Ballistic Eye Movements Stephen Grossberg, Michael Kuperstein
341. Advances in Psychology Volume 31 Michael G. Wade
342. Television Violence: A Child's-Eye View T.H.A. Van Der Voort
343. Perspectives on the Coordination of Movement Stephen A. Wallace
344. New Developments in Psychological Choice Modeling Geert de Soete, Hubert Feger, Karl C. Klauer
345. Advances in Psychology Robert W. Proctor, T. Gilmour Reeve
346. Advances in Psychology Volume 74 Greg Reid
347. Volitional Action Conation and Control Wayne A. Hershberger
348. The Development of attention Research and Theory James T. Enns
349. The Intelligent Imitator Towards an Exemplar Theory of Behavioral Choice Reidar Kvadsheim
350. Adaptability of Human Gait Implications for the Control of Locomotion Aftab E. Patla
351. Aging and Cognition Lovelace, E.A.
352. Aging and Cognition Knowledge Organization and Utilization F.G.A. Stone, Robert West
353. Advances in Psychology Volume 66 Thaddeus E. Weckowicz, Helen P. Liebel-Weckowicz
354. Advances in Psychology Volume 68 Jean-Paul Caverni, Jean-Marc Fabre, Michel Gonzalez
355. Developmental Psychology Cognitive, Perceptuo-Motor and Neuropsychological Perspectives Claude-Alain Hauert
356. Life, Brain and Consciousness New Perceptions through Targeted Systems Analysis Gerd Sommerhoff
357. Advances in Psychology Stanley Coren
358. Approaches to the Study of Motor Control and Learning Jeffery J. Summers
359. Cerebral Control of Speech and Limb Movements Geoffrey R. Hammond
360. Targets of Violence and Aggression Ronald Baenninger
361. Text and Text Processing G.E. Stelmach, P.A. Vroon
362. Understanding Word and Sentence Greg B. Simpson
363. Advances in Psychology Volume 86 Julie R. Brannan
364. Perception and Artistic Style D.M. Parker, J.B. Deregowski
365. Freud Evaluated The Completed Arc Malcolm Macmillan
366. Percepts, Concepts and Categories The Representation and Processing of Information Barbara Burns
367. Issues, Theory, and Research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology Kathryn Kelley
368. The Development of Timing Control and Temporal Organization in Coordinated Action Invariant Relative Timing, Rhythms and Coordination Jacqueline Fagard, Peter H. Wolff
369. Vision and Motor Control Luc Proteau, Digby Elliott
370. Mental Images in Human Cognition Robert H. Logie, Michel Denis
371. Memory Functioning in Dementia Lars Backman
372. Cognitive Processing in Bilinguals Richard Jackson Harris
373. Psychophysical Approaches to Cognition Daniel Algom
374. Memory in Everyday Life Graham M. Davies, Robert H. Logie
375. The Role of Eye Movements in Perceptual Processes Eugene Chekaluk, Keith Llewellyn
376. The Nature and Origins of Mathematical Skills Jamie I.D. Campbell
377. Language Processing in Chinese Hsuan-Chih Chen, Ovid J.L. Tzeng
378. Orthography, Phonology, Morphology, and Meaning Ram Frost, Leonard Katz
379. Congnitive Issues in Motor Expertise Janet L. Starkes, Fran Allard
380. The Development of Coordination in Infancy Geert J.P. Savelsbergh
381. Foundations of Perceptual Theory Sergio C. Masin
382. Imagery, Creativity, and Discovery A Cognitive Perspective Beverly Roskos-Ewoldsen, Margaret Jean Intons-Peterson, Rita E. Anderson
383. Cognition and Culture A Cross-Cultural Approach to Cognitive Psychology Jeanette Altarriba
384. Behavior and Environment Psychological and Geographical Approaches Tommy Garling, Reginald G. Golledge
385. Intelligence, Mind, and Reasoning Structure and Development Andreas Demetriou, Anastasia Efklides
386. Advances in Psychology Keree M.B. Bennett, Umberto Castiello
387. The Cognitive Psychology of Knowledge Gerhard Strube, Karl F. Wender
388. The Psychology of Risk Taking Behavior Rudiger M. Trimpop

Wiley E-Books

1. Preventing Stress in Organizations - How to Develop Positive Managers Donaldson-Feild
2. Handbook of Stress Conrad
3. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2012 Volume 27 Hodgkinson
4. Organizational Fit - Key Issues and New Directions Kristof-Brown
5. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Leadership, Change and Organizational Development Leonard
6. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring Passmore
7. The Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Language2VST Faust
8. Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology - Global Perspectives on Research and Practice V2 Houdmont
9. International Handbook of Workplace Trauma Support Hughes
10. Work and the Mental Health Crisis in Britain Walker
11. The Mindful Workplace - Developing Resilient Individuals and Resonant Organisations with MBSR Chaskalson
12. Work Without Boundaries - Psychological Perspectives on the New Working Life Allvin
13. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2011 V26 Hodgkinson
14. IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology Martin
15. Such Stuff as Dreams - The Psychology of Fiction Oatley
16. Freud - A Modern Reader Perelberg
17. The Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback - A Step-by-Step Guide for Training and Practice With Mindfulnes Khazan
18. Judgment, Decision-making and Success in Sport Bar-Eli
19. The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Findings, and Treatments Campbell
20. Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM/ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal Third Edition Millon
21. How To Improve Your Mind - Twenty Keys to Unlockthe Modern World Flynn
22. Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Individual Differences Chamorro-Premuz

Oxford E-Books

1. The Nature and Functions of Dreaming Hartmann
2. Perception, action, and consciousness Gangopadhyay et al (eds)
3. Conscious Will and Responsibility Sinnott-Armstrong & Nadel (eds)
4. The People of the Eye Lane
5. Lines of Thought Rips
6. Infant Perception and Cognition  
7. In A Younger Voice  
8. Debating Emerging Adulthood  
9. Human-tech  
10. Being There Together  
11. A Cultural Psychology of Music Education  
12. Foundations of Neuroeconomic Analysis  
13. Bridging Cultural and Developmental Approaches to Psychology  
14. Empowering Settings and Voices for Social Change  
15. Overcoming Evil  
16. Advances in Culture and Psychology Volume 1  
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