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E-Books of Physics Astronomy - 2

Physics and astronomy

Springer E-Books

SL. No. E-Book Titles Author
1. Galaxy Collisions Curtis Struck
2. Biophysics of DNA-Protein Interactions Mark C. Williams, L. James Maher
3. Many-Body Boson Systems André F. Verbeure
4. Global and Stochastic Analysis with Applications to Mathematical Physics Yuri E. Gliklikh
5. Nonlinear Power Flow Control Design Rush D. Robinett III, David G. Wilson
6. Cosmic Biology Louis Neal Irwin, Dirk Schulze-Makuch
7. Aperture Synthesis Swapan Kumar Saha
8. How to Photograph the Moon and Planets with Your Digital Camera Tony Buick, Philip Pugh
9. Choosing and Using a Refracting Telescope Neil English
10. Amateur Telescope Making in the Internet Age Robert L. Clark
11. Weird Astronomy David A.J. Seargent
12. Lasers K. Thyagarajan, Ajoy Ghatak
13. Kinetic Theory of the Inner Magnetospheric Plasma George V. Khazanov
14. The Power of Stars Bryan E. Penprase
15. Hunting and Imaging Comets Martin Mobberley
16. Drifting on Alien Winds Michael Carroll
17. Analysis of Excitation and Ionization of Atoms and Molecules by Electron Impact Afzal Chaudhry, Hans Kleinpoppen
18. How Apollo Flew to the Moon W. David Woods
19. Astronomical Spectroscopy for Amateurs Ken M. Harrison
20. The Kaguya Lunar Atlas Motomaro Shirao, Charles A. Wood
21. Interactive Quantum Mechanics S. Brandt, T. Stroh, H.D. Dahmen
22. Aerogels Handbook Michel A. Aegerter, Nicholas Leventis, Matthias M. Koebel
23. Apollo 12 - On the Ocean of Storms David M. Harland
24. Exploring Ancient Skies David H. Kelley, Eugene F. Milone
25. Relaxation and Diffusion in Complex Systems K.L. Ngai
26. Digital Holographic Microscopy Myung K. Kim
27. Discovery of Single Top Quark Production Dag Gillberg
28. Atlas of Astronomical Discoveries Govert Schilling
29. The Sky in Early Modern English Literature David H. Levy
30. An Indispensable Truth Francis F. Chen
31. Trailblazing Medicine Erik Seedhouse
32. Ocean Ambient Noise William M. Carey, Richard B. Evans
33. Biophysical Regulation of Vascular Differentiation and Assembly Sharon Gerecht
34. Soviet Robots in the Solar System Wesley T. Huntress, JR., Mikhail Ya Marov
35. A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment Juan Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux
36. Exotic Nuclear Excitations S.C. Pancholi
37. Is There a Temperature? Tamás Sándor Biró
38. Astronomical Photometry Eugene F. Milone, C. Sterken
39. Physics of Baseball & Softball Rod Cross
40. Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology Dirk L. Couprie
41. Impact of Nonlinearities on Fiber Optic Communications Shiva Kumar
42. Russian Space Probes Brian Harvey, Olga Zakutnyaya
43. Highlighting the History of Astronomy in the Asia-Pacific Region Wayne Orchiston, Tsuko Nakamura, Richard G. Strom
44. Quantum Phase Transitions in Cold Atoms and Low Temperature Solids Kaden Richard Alan Hazzard
45. Characterization of Terahertz Emission from High Resistivity Fe-doped Bulk Ga0.69In0.31As Based Photoconducting Antennas Suranjana Sengupta
46. Quantum Plasmas Fernando Haas
47. Symmetry and the Standard Model Matthew Robinson
48. Geometry of the Fundamental Interactions M. D. Maia
49. Quantum Cosmology Martin Bojowald
50. Relativistic Many-Body Theory Ingvar Lindgren
51. Muonium-antimuonium Oscillations in an Extended Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Boyang Liu
52. Future Professional Communication in Astronomy II Alberto Accomazzi
53. Selecting the Mercury Seven Colin Burgess
54. Computational Ocean Acoustics Finn B. Jensen, William A. Kuperman, Michael B. Porter, Henrik Schmidt
55. Choosing and Using a Dobsonian Telescope Neil English
56. Coronal Mass Ejections Timothy Howard
57. The Second Law of Economics Reiner Kümmel
58. Quantum Dynamic Imaging André D. Bandrauk, Misha Ivanov
59. Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems John Harnad
60. NanoBiosensing Huangxian Ju, Xueji Zhang, Joseph Wang
61. Cell and Tissue Organization in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems Marc Thiriet
62. Medical Image Processing Geoff Dougherty
63. Biomechanics of the Brain Karol Miller
64. The Mythology of the Night Sky David E. Falkner
65. Integrated Modeling of Telescopes Torben Andersen, Anita Enmark
66. Treasures of the Southern Sky Robert Gendler, Lars Lindberg Christensen, David Malin
67. Einstein's Theory Øyvind Grøn, Arne Næss
68. Super-Resolved Imaging Zeev Zalevsky
69. Dynamiques complexes et morphogenèse Chaouqi Misbah
70. Biological Physics Vincent Rivasseau
71. Bryce DeWitt's Lectures on Gravitation Bryce DeWitt
72. Lectures on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science 1 Kaoru Yamanouchi
73. Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems Claudius Gros
74. From Gravity to Thermal Gauge Theories: The AdS/CFT Correspondence Eleftherios Papantonopoulos
75. Silicon Photonics II David J. Lockwood, Lorenzo Pavesi
76. Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism Claudine Lacroix, Philippe Mendels, Frédéric Mila
77. Teorie non linearizzate in elasticità, idrodinamica, aerodinamica A. Signorini
78. Encyclopedia of Astrobiology Muriel Gargaud, Ricardo Amils, José Cernicharo Quintanilla, Henderson James (Jim) Cleaves, William M. Irvine, Daniele L. Pinti, Michel Viso
79. Modern Thermodynamics Jitao Wang
80. Biomimetics -- Materials, Structures and Processes Petra Gruber, Dietmar Bruckner, Christian Hellmich, Heinz-Bodo Schmiedmayer, Herbert Stachelberger, Ille C. Gebeshuber
81. 1000 Solved Problems in Classical Physics Ahmad A. Kamal
82. Diffraction Radiation from Relativistic Particles Alexander Petrovich Potylitsyn, Mikhail Ivanovich Ryazanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich Strikhanov, Alexey Alexandrovich Tishchenko
83. Confocal Raman Microscopy Thomas Dieing, Olaf Hollricher, Jan Toporski
84. Astronomy with Radioactivities Roland Diehl, Dieter H. Hartmann, Nikos Prantzos
85. New Structures for Physics Bob Coecke
86. Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence H. Paul Shuch
87. The CBM Physics Book Bengt Friman, Claudia Höhne, Jörn Knoll, Stefan Leupold, Jorgen Randrup, Ralf Rapp, Peter Senger
88. Introduction to the Physics of Electrons in Solids Henri Alloul
89. Induction Accelerators Ken Takayama, Richard J. Briggs
90. Essential Building Blocks of Human Nature Ulrich J. Frey, Charlotte Störmer, Kai P. Willführ
91. Density Functional Theory Eberhard Engel, Reiner M. Dreizler
92. The Pursuit of Quantum Gravity Cécile DeWitt-Morette
93. CFN Lectures on Functional Nanostructures - Volume 2 Matthias Vojta, Christian Röthig, Gerd Schön
94. An Introduction to the Confinement Problem Jeff Greensite
95. Topology and Geometry for Physics Helmut Eschrig
96. The Physics of the Manhattan Project B. Cameron Reed
97. Stellar Physics Gennady S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
98. The Moon in Close-up John Wilkinson
99. Dynamics of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems Muthusamy Lakshmanan, Dharmapuri Vijayan Senthilkumar
100. Electron-Phonon Interaction in Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors Pegor Aynajian
101. Self-Organized Criticality in Astrophysics Markus Aschwanden
102. Principles of Stellar Interferometry Andreas Glindemann
103. Investigations of Field Dynamics in Laser Plasmas with Proton Imaging Thomas Sokollik
104. Principles of Star Formation Peter H. Bodenheimer
105. Photonic Structures Inspired by Nature Mathias Kolle
106. The Modelling of Radiation Damage in Metals Using Ehrenfest Dynamics Christopher Race
107. Biomedical Image Processing Thomas Martin Deserno
108. R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Collisions Philip George Burke
109. Wave Turbulence Sergey Nazarenko
110. A Short Course in Quantum Information Theory Lajos Diosi
111. Grey Systems Sifeng Liu, Yi Lin
112. Interstellar Molecules Koichi M. T. Yamada, Gisbert Winnewisser
113. Ultra-high Frequency Linear Fiber Optic Systems Kam Lau
114. Extreme States of Matter Vladimir E. Fortov
115. Localized States in Physics: Solitons and Patterns Orazio Descalzi, Marcel Clerc, Stefania Residori, Gaetano Assanto
116. High Speed VCSELs for Optical Interconnects Alex Mutig
117. Controlling Light in Optically Induced Photonic Lattices Bernd Terhalle
118. Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theories Gérard Gouesbet, Gérard Gréhan
119. High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems Diego F. Torres, Nanda Rea
120. Quantum Theory of Near-Field Electrodynamics Ole Keller
121. Progress in Nanophotonics 1 Motoichi Ohtsu
122. Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology Zhi-Zhong Xing, Shun Zhou
123. Laser Processing and Chemistry Dieter Bäuerle
124. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Ali A. Minai, Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar-Yam
125. Coulombic Fluids Werner Freyland
126. Basic Relativity Péter Hraskó
127. EKC 2010 Man-Wook Han, Jehyun Lee
128. Modeling Multi-Level Systems Octavian Iordache
129. Geometry of Minkowski Space-Time Francesco Catoni, Dino Boccaletti, Roberto Cannata, Vincenzo Catoni, Paolo Zampetti
130. States of Consciousness Dean Cvetkovic, Irena Cosic
131. Mindful Universe Henry P. Stapp
132. Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems Ivo Petráš
133. Principles of Evolution Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, Stefan Thurner
134. Large-Scale Perturbations of Magnetohydrodynamic Regimes Vladislav Zheligovsky
135. European Perspectives on Security Research Klaus Thoma
136. Bifurcation and Chaos in Discontinuous and Continuous Systems Michal Fečkan
137. Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VII Kaoru Yamanouchi, Dimitrios Charalambidis, Didier Normand
138. Solid Base Catalysis Yoshio Ono, Hideshi Hattori
139. Single-Photon Imaging Peter Seitz, Albert JP Theuwissen
140. Coherent Control of Four-Wave Mixing Yanpeng Zhang, Zhiqiang Nie, Min Xiao
141. Quantum Mechanics in the Geometry of Space-Time Roger Boudet
142. Electromagnetic Radiation of Electrons in Periodic Structures Alexander Petrovich Potylitsyn
143. Entanglement Between Noncomplementary Parts of Many-Body Systems Hannu Christian Wichterich
144. From Varying Couplings to Fundamental Physics Carlos Martins, Paolo Molaro
145. Complexity, Cognition and the City Juval Portugali
146. Random Walks and Diffusions on Graphs and Databases Philippe Blanchard, Dimitri Volchenkov
147. The Transient Radio Sky Evan Francis Keane
148. Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Complex Plasmas Christina A. Knapek
149. Cosmology, Quantum Vacuum and Zeta Functions Sergey D. Odintsov, Diego Sáez-Gómez, Sebastian Xambó-Descamps
150. Physics of Laser Materials Processing Gennady G. Gladush, Igor Smurov
151. Beam-Wave Interaction in Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Structures Levi Schächter
152. The Pulsations of the Sun and the Stars Jean-Pierre Rozelot, Coralie Neiner
153. Laser Wakefield Electron Acceleration Karl Schmid
154. Atomistic Properties of Solids Dinker B. Sirdeshmukh, Lalitha Sirdeshmukh, K.G. Subhadra
155. Fine Structure of Solar Radio Bursts Gennady P. Chernov
156. Heat and Mass Transfer Hans Dieter Baehr, Karl Stephan
157. A Short Journey from Quarks to the Universe Eleftherios N. Economou
158. The Wondrous Universe Gerhard Börner
159. Nanoethics and Nanotoxicology Philippe Houdy, Marcel Lahmani, Francelyne Marano
160. Delay-Coupled Complex Systems Valentin Flunkert
161. Cosmic Heritage Peter Shaver
162. Environment and the Formation of Galaxies: 30 years later Ignacio Ferreras, Anna Pasquali
163. Casimir Physics Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, Felipe da Rosa
164. Chaotic Flows Oleg G. Bakunin
165. Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems Guillaume Deffuant, Nigel Gilbert
166. Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing Complexity Leandro Pardo, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, María Ángeles Gil
167. Elegance and Enigma Maximilian Schlosshauer
168. Laboratory Science with Space Data Daniel Beysens, Luigi Carotenuto, Jack J.W.A. van Loon, Martin Zell
169. Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and Mechanisms Jonathan M. Taylor
170. General Relativity Without Calculus Jose Natario
171. Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering - Vol. 1 Santo Banerjee, Mala Mitra, Lamberto Rondoni
172. The Transits of Extrasolar Planets with Moons David M. Kipping
173. Theory of Phase Transitions in Polypeptides and Proteins Alexander V. Yakubovich
174. Many-Body Schrödinger Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates Kaspar Sakmann
175. Mapping of Parent Hamiltonians Martin Greiter
176. Studies of Credit and Equity Markets with Concepts of Theoretical Physics Michael C. Münnix
177. Metodi matematici per la teoria dell’evoluzione Armando Bazzani, Marcello Buiatti, Paolo Freguglia
178. La strana storia della luce e del colore Rodolfo Guzzi
179. Teletrasporto Leonardo Castellani, Giulia Alice Fornaro
180. Stelle, galassie e universo Attilio Ferrari
181. Esercizi di metodi matematici della fisica G. G. N. Angilella
182. Introduzione ai frattali in fisica Sergio Peppino Ratti
183. Note di fisica statistica Roberto Piazza
184. Capire l’Universo Corrado Lamberti
185. Il rumore elettrico Giovanni Vittorio Pallottino
186. Problems in Quantum Mechanics Emilio d'Emilio, Luigi E. Picasso
187. Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials Lorena Pardo, Jesús Ricote
188. Mass and Motion in General Relativity Luc Blanchet, Alessandro Spallicci, Bernard Whiting
189. Acoustical Imaging Michael P. André, Joie P. Jones, Hua Lee
190. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Armin Wachter
191. Dark Matter and Dark Energy Sabino Matarrese, Monica Colpi, Vittorio Gorini, Ugo Moschella
192. Structure and Properties of Liquid Crystals Lev M. Blinov
193. Optical-Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue Ashley J. Welch, Martin J.C. Gemert
194. Progress in Wall Turbulence: Understanding and Modeling Michel Stanislas, Javier Jimenez, Ivan Marusic
195. Boron Rich Solids Nina Orlovskaya, Mykola Lugovy
196. Biophotonics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, Sensing, and Manipulation Baldassare Di Bartolo, John Collins
197. Water in the Universe Arnold Hanslmeier
198. Physical Properties of Nanosystems Janez Bonca, Sergei Kruchinin
199. Rational Reconstructions of Modern Physics Peter Mittelstaedt
200. The Theory of Turbulence Edward A. Spiegel
201. Beyond Einstein Gravity Valerio Faraoni, Salvatore Capozziello
202. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Information and Computation and Its Applications to Nano- and Bio-systems Masanori Ohya, I. Volovich
203. Computation of Viscous Incompressible Flows Dochan Kwak, Cetin C. Kiris
204. Thermodynamics of Fluids Under Flow David Jou, José Casas-Vázquez, Manuel Criado-Sancho
205. Operators, Geometry and Quanta Dmitri Fursaev, Dmitri Vassilevich
206. Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II Maria Vittoria Salvetti, Bernard Geurts, Johan Meyers, Pierre Sagaut
207. Radiation Protection in Medical Physics Yves Lemoigne, Alessandra Caner
208. Turbulent Combustion Modeling Tarek Echekki, Epaminondas Mastorakos
209. Jacobi Dynamics V.I. Ferronsky, S.A. Denisik, S.V. Ferronsky
210. Soft Matter Roberto Piazza
211. Materials Chemistry Bradley D. Fahlman
212. Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation Mauro F. Pereira, Oleksiy Shulika
213. Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors Johann Peter Reithmaier, Perica Paunovic, Wilhelm Kulisch, Cyril Popov, Plamen Petkov
214. Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020 Mihail C. Roco, Mark C. Hersam, Chad A. Mirkin
215. X-Ray Lasers 2010 Jongmin Lee, Chang Hee Nam, Karol A. Janulewicz
216. Colloids and the Depletion Interaction Henk N.W. Lekkerkerker, Remco Tuinier
217. Swift Heavy Ions for Materials Engineering and Nanostructuring D. K. Avasthi, G. K. Mehta
218. Model of the Response Function of CUORE Bolometers Marco Vignati
219. Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Capsizing in Waves Marcelo Almeida Santos Neves, Vadim L. Belenky, Jean Otto Kat, Kostas Spyrou, Naoya Umeda
220. Reciprocity, Spatial Mapping and Time Reversal in Electromagnetics C. Altman, K. Suchy
221. Powering Autonomous Sensors María Teresa Penella-López, Manuel Gasulla-Forner
222. Device Architecture and Materials for Organic Light-Emitting Devices Sarah Schols
223. Astronomy at the Frontiers of Science Jean-Pierre Lasota
224. Energy-Aware System Design Chong-Min Kyung, Sungjoo Yoo
225. Wave Equations in Higher Dimensions Shi-Hai Dong
226. Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011 Jiří Náprstek, Jaromír Horáček, Miloslav Okrouhlík, Bohdana Marvalová, Ferdinand Verhulst, Jerzy T. Sawicki
227. Robotic Exploration of the Solar System Paolo Ulivi, David M. Harland
228. Observing the Messier Objects with a Small Telescope Philip Pugh
229. Grappling with Gravity Robert W. Phillips
230. Guidebook to the Constellations Phil Simpson
231. Tracer Technology Octave Levenspiel
232. Advanced Quantum Mechanics Rainer Dick
233. Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics Mario Capitelli, Gianpiero Colonna, Antonio D'Angola
234. Cosmic Update Fred Adams, Thomas Buchert, Laura Mersini-Houghton
235. The Chemical Cosmos Steve Miller
236. At Home in Space Ben Evans
237. Daylight Science and Daylighting Technology Richard Kittler, Miroslav Kocifaj, Stanislav Darula
238. Matter, Dark Matter, and Anti-Matter Alain Mazure, Vincent Le Brun
239. 3,000 Deep-Sky Objects Ted Aranda
240. U. S. Spacesuits Kenneth S. Thomas, Harold J. McMann
241. Interplanetary Outpost Erik Seedhouse
242. Fundamentals of Shallow Water Acoustics Boris Katsnelson, Valery Petnikov, James Lynch
243. Helium Cryogenics Steven W. Van Sciver
244. Vortex, Molecular Spin and Nanovorticity Percival McCormack
245. Control of Cell Fate in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems Marc Thiriet
246. Astronauts For Hire Erik Seedhouse
247. The Physics of Music and Color Leon Gunther
248. Our Explosive Sun Pal Brekke
249. Hot Interstellar Matter in Elliptical Galaxies Dong-Woo Kim, Silvia Pellegrini
250. The Casual Sky Observer's Guide Rony De Laet
251. Deep Space Propulsion K. F. Long
252. Celestial Delights Francis Reddy
253. The Physics of Invisibility Martin Beech
254. Exoplanets Chris Kitchin
255. The Amateur Astronomer's Guide to the Deep-Sky Catalogs Jerry D. Cavin
256. The Astronomer Jules Janssen Françoise Launay
257. The Star Atlas Companion Philip M. Bagnall
258. How James Watt Invented the Copier René Schils
259. Optical Interferometry for Biology and Medicine David D. Nolte
260. Star Maps Nick Kanas
261. Biomimetics in Materials Science Michael Nosonovsky, Pradeep K. Rohatgi
262. Sketching the Moon Richard Handy, Deirdre Kelleghan, Thomas McCague, Erika Rix, Sally Russell
263. Emigrating Beyond Earth Cameron M Smith, Evan T. Davies
264. Dark Nebulae, Dark Lanes, and Dust Belts Antony Cooke
265. A Field Guide to Deep-Sky Objects Michael D. Inglis
266. Stardust, Supernovae and the Molecules of Life Richard N. Boyd
267. Grating Spectroscopes and How to Use Them Ken M. Harrison
268. The Quality of Measurements A.E. Fridman
269. Field Theoretic Method in Phase Transformations Alexander Umantsev
270. Planetary Nebulae and How to Observe Them Martin Griffiths
271. Metal-Dielectric Interfaces in Gigascale Electronics Ming He, Toh-Ming Lu
272. Signaling at the Cell Surface in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems Marc Thiriet
273. Theory, Analysis and Design of RF Interferometric Sensors Cam Nguyen, Seoktae Kim
274. Computational Modeling of Biological Systems Nikolay V Dokholyan
275. Molecular Theory of the Living Cell Sungchul Ji
276. Astronomy with a Budget Telescope Patrick Moore, John Watson
277. New Eyes on the Universe Stephen Webb
278. Eta Carinae and the Supernova Impostors Kris Davidson, Roberta M. Humphreys
279. Mars and How to Observe It Peter Grego
280. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Rise of Modern Astronomy David Schultz
281. Weird Weather David A. J. Seargent
282. Social Foundations of Human Space Exploration James A. Dator
283. Remote Sensing Siamak Khorram, Stacy A.C. Nelson, Frank H. Koch, Cynthia F. van der Wiele
284. The Innovation Butterfly Edward G. Anderson Jr., Nitin R. Joglekar
285. Rocketing Into the Future Michel van Pelt
286. One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging L. A. Kennedy
287. The Plasma Environment of Venus, Mars, and Titan Karoly Szego
288. On the Formation of the Most Massive Stars in the Galaxy Roberto J. Galván-Madrid
289. Space Pharmacology Virginia E. Wotring
290. Tragedy and Triumph in Orbit Ben Evans
291. Nonlinear Photonics and Novel Optical Phenomena Zhigang Chen, Roberto Morandotti
292. The General Theory of Relativity Anadijiban Das, Andrew DeBenedictis
293. The Solar Dynamics Observatory Phillip Chamberlin, William Dean Pesnell, Barbara Thompson
294. Doing the Impossible Arthur L. Slotkin
295. Stability and Transport in Magnetic Confinement Systems Jan Weiland
296. Solar Flare Magnetic Fields and Plasmas Yuhong Fan, George Fisher
297. Light Pollution Bob Mizon
298. How to Observe the Sun Safely Lee Macdonald
299. Artificial Satellites and How to Observe Them Richard Schmude, Jr
300. Observing and Measuring Visual Double Stars R. W. Argyle
301. The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics Siegmund Brandt, Hans Dieter Dahmen
302. In Search of William Gascoigne David Sellers
303. Power Scaling of Enhancement Cavities for Nonlinear Optics Ioachim Pupeza
304. Plasma Astrophysics, Part I Boris V. Somov
305. Energy Storage and Release through the Solar Activity Cycle Christophe Marqué, Alexander Nindos
306. Niels Bohr and Complementarity Arkady Plotnitsky
307. Schlieren and Shadowgraph Methods in Heat and Mass Transfer Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Krishnamurthy Muralidhar
308. Astronomy and the Climate Crisis Antony Cooke
309. Imaging the Southern Sky Stephen Chadwick, Ian Cooper
310. Bioinspiration Xiang Yang Liu
311. Newton's Gravity Douglas W. MacDougal
312. The Hatfield Lunar Atlas Anthony Cook
313. Climate Change Modeling Methodology Philip J. Rasch
314. Fundamentals of Cosmic Particle Physics Maxim Khlopov
315. Black Hole Astrophysics David L. Meier
316. Terahertz Techniques Erik Bründermann, Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers, Maurice FitzGerald Kimmitt
317. Modern Theories of Many-Particle Systems in Condensed Matter Physics Daniel C. Cabra, Andreas Honecker, Pierre Pujol
318. Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging Claus Grupen, Irène Buvat
319. Scale Invariance Annick Lesne, Michel Lagües
320. Symmetries and Group Theory in Particle Physics Giovanni Costa, Gianluigi Fogli
321. Light Scattering Reviews, Vol. 6 Alexander A. Kokhanovsky
322. Mechanics Masud Chaichian, Ioan Merches, Anca Tureanu
323. Complex Systems Albert C. J. Luo, Jian-Qiao Sun
324. The Rudolf Mössbauer Story Michael Kalvius, Paul Kienle
325. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems VII Ali A. Minai, Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar-Yam
326. A Trajectory Description of Quantum Processes. I. Fundamentals Ángel S. Sanz, Salvador Miret-Artés
327. Digital Sonar Design in Underwater Acoustics Qihu Li
328. Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way Andrea Miglio, Josefina Montalbán, Arlette Noels
329. A Primer for Chiral Perturbation Theory Stefan Scherer, Matthias R. Schindler
330. Advances in Soft Matter Mechanics Shaofan Li, Bohua Sun
331. Springer Handbook of Lasers and Optics Frank Träger
332. Electroweak and Strong Interactions Florian Scheck
333. Fowler-Nordheim Field Emission Sitangshu Bhattacharya, Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak
334. Fibre Optic Communication Herbert Venghaus, Norbert Grote
335. Quantum Mechanics Daniel Bes
336. Density Matrix Theory and Applications Karl Blum
337. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Reinhard Noll
338. Disorder and Strain-Induced Complexity in Functional Materials Tomoyuki Kakeshita, Takashi Fukuda, Avadh Saxena, Antoni Planes
339. Measurement Uncertainties S. V. Gupta
340. Probability in Physics Yemima Ben-Menahem, Meir Hemmo
341. Ion Beam Therapy Ute Linz
342. General and Statistical Thermodynamics Raza Tahir-Kheli
343. Observational Astrophysics Pierre Léna, Daniel Rouan, François Lebrun, François Mignard, Didier Pelat
344. Strongly Correlated Systems Adolfo Avella, Ferdinando Mancini
345. The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas Wilhelm Zwerger
346. Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution Polychronis Papaderos, Simone Recchi, Gerhard Hensler
347. Particle Accelerators, Colliders, and the Story of High Energy Physics Raghavan Jayakumar
348. Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys André Moitinho, João Alves
349. Handbook of Spectral Lines in Diamond Bernhard Dischler
350. Protein Folding and Misfolding Heinz Fabian, Dieter Naumann
351. Heterogeneous Ferroelectric Solid Solutions Vitaly Topolov
352. Chemical Evolution of Galaxies Francesca Matteucci
353. Young Sun, Early Earth and the Origins of Life Muriel Gargaud, Hervé Martin, Purificación López-García, Thierry Montmerle, Robert Pascal
354. Unconventional Superconductors Iman Askerzade
355. The Schrödinger-Virasoro Algebra Jérémie Unterberger, Claude Roger
356. How Likely is Extraterrestrial Life? J. Woods Halley
357. Nonlinear Optics and Solid-State Lasers Jianquan Yao, Yuyue Wang
358. The Square Kilometre Array: Paving the way for the new 21st century radio astronomy paradigm Domingos Barbosa, Sonia Anton, Leonid Gurvits, Dalmiro Maia
359. New Eyes on the Sun John Wilkinson
360. Nonlinear Waves and Solitons on Contours and Closed Surfaces Andrei Ludu
361. Shock Waves Science and Technology Library, Vol. 6 F. Zhang
362. Magnetism Carmen-Gabriela Stefanita
363. Graphene Nanoelectronics Hassan Raza
364. Models of Science Dynamics Andrea Scharnhorst, Katy Börner, Peter Besselaar
365. Optical Properties of Nanostructured Metallic Systems Sergio G. Rodrigo
366. Chips 2020 Bernd Hoefflinger
367. From the Web to the Grid and Beyond René Brun, Federico Carminati, Giuliana Galli Carminati
368. The Classical Theory of Fields Carl S. Helrich
369. Optimised Projections for the Ab Initio Simulation of Large and Strongly Correlated Systems David D. O'Regan
370. The Arrows of Time Laura Mersini-Houghton, Rudy Vaas
371. Charm Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering Sebastian Klein
372. Semiconductor Research Amalia Patane, Naci Balkan
373. Open Quantum Systems ´Angel Rivas, Susana F. Huelga
374. Femtosecond Laser Micromachining Roberto Osellame, Giulio Cerullo, Roberta Ramponi
375. Next Generation of Photovoltaics Ana Belén Cristóbal López, Antonio Martí Vega, Antonio Luque López
376. Mass Metrology S. V. Gupta
377. Bell's Theorem and Quantum Realism Douglas L. Hemmick, Asif M. Shakur
378. The Universe as Automaton Klaus Mainzer, Leon Chua
379. Theory of Nuclear Fission Hans J. Krappe, Krzysztof Pomorski
380. Fundamentals of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Miguel A.L. Marques, Neepa T. Maitra, Fernando M.S. Nogueira, E.K.U. Gross, Angel Rubio
381. GaN and ZnO-based Materials and Devices Stephen Pearton
382. Basics of Laser Physics Karl F. Renk
383. D-Brane Koji Hashimoto
384. Waves and Structures in Nonlinear Nondispersive Media S. N. Gurbatov, O. V. Rudenko, A. I. Saichev
385. Hyperbolic Chaos Sergey P. Kuznetsov
386. An Invitation to Quantum Field Theory Luis Alvarez-Gaumé, Miguel A. Vázquez-Mozo
387. Photons in Natural and Life Sciences Hans-Joachim Lewerenz
388. Extreme States of Matter in Strong Interaction Physics Helmut Satz
389. A Concise Introduction to the Statistical Physics of Complex Systems Eric Bertin
390. The Formation and Early Evolution of Stars Norbert S. Schulz
391. Formation and Cooperative Behaviour of Protein Complexes on the Cell Membrane Ksenia Guseva
392. Social Self-Organization Dirk Helbing
393. Lectures on LHC Physics Tilman Plehn
394. Studying Atomic Dynamics with Coherent X-rays Michael Leitner
395. Magnetic Particle Imaging Thorsten M. Buzug, Jörn Borgert
396. Nanophotonic Fabrication Takashi Yatsui
397. Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities Vladislav Timofeev, Daniele Sanvitto
398. Nuclear Physics with Polarized Particles Hans Paetz gen. Schieck
399. From the Universe to the Elementary Particles Ulrich Ellwanger
400. Quantum Triangulations Mauro Carfora, Annalisa Marzuoli
401. 3+1 Formalism in General Relativity Eric Gourgoulhon
402. Semiclassical Approach to Mesoscopic Systems Daniel Waltner
403. GaN-Based Laser Diodes Wolfgang G. Scheibenzuber
404. Study of the Inclusive Beauty Production at CMS and Construction and Commissioning of the CMS Pixel Barrel Detector Lea Caminada
405. Dijet Angular Distributions in Proton-Proton Collisions Nele Boelaert
406. Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductors Ernst Bauer, Manfred Sigrist
407. Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Complexes Gheorghe Duca
408. Clusters in Nuclei, Vol.2 Christian Beck
409. Handbook of Theoretical Atomic Physics Miron Amusia, Larissa Chernysheva, Victor Yarzhemsky
410. Biomedical Signals and Sensors I Eugenijus Kaniusas
411. High Temperature Phenomena in Shock Waves Raymond Brun
412. Biophysics Roland Glaser
413. Thermo-Gas Dynamics of Hydrogen Combustion and Explosion Boris E. Gelfand, Mikhail V. Silnikov, Sergey P. Medvedev, Sergey V. Khomik
414. Biomimetics Bharat Bhushan
415. Atomic Processes in Basic and Applied Physics Viacheslav Shevelko, Hiro Tawara
416. The Physics of Ferromagnetism Terunobu Miyazaki, Hanmin Jin
417. Spin Squeezing and Non-linear Atom Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates Christian Groß
418. Exploring Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics in Optomechanical Devices Haixing Miao
419. Plasma Turbulence in the Solar System Yasuhito Narita
420. Strings and Fundamental Physics Marco Baumgartl, Ilka Brunner, Michael Haack
421. Complex Hamiltonian Dynamics Tassos Bountis, Haris Skokos
422. Renormalization Group and Effective Field Theory Approaches to Many-Body Systems Achim Schwenk, Janos Polonyi
423. Optical Coherence Tomography Rui Bernardes, José Cunha-Vaz
424. Mathematical SETI Claudio Maccone
425. Semiconductor Modeling Techniques Naci Balkan, Marie Xavier
426. Nanodust in the Solar System: Discoveries and Interpretations Ingrid Mann, Nicole Meyer-Vernet, Andrzej Czechowski
427. From the Atomic Bomb to the Landau Institute Isaak M. Khalatnikov
428. Fifty Years of Quasars Mauro D'Onofrio, Paola Marziani, Jack W. Sulentic
429. Taking the Back off the Watch Thomas Gold
430. On Gauge Fixing Aspects of the Infrared Behavior of Yang-Mills Green Functions Markus Q. Huber
431. Conformal Invariance: an Introduction to Loops, Interfaces and Stochastic Loewner Evolution Malte Henkel, Dragi Karevski
432. Classical Field Theory Florian Scheck
433. Plasmonics Stefan Enoch, Nicolas Bonod
434. Pseudochaotic Kicked Oscillators John H. Lowenstein
435. Atomic Scale Interconnection Machines Christian Joachim
436. Raman Imaging Arnaud Zoubir
437. The Geometry of Special Relativity - a Concise Course Norbert Dragon
438. Semiconductor Optics Claus F. Klingshirn
439. The Synthesis of the Elements Giora Shaviv
440. Radiation Protection at Light Water Reactors Robert Prince
441. The Emerging Domain of Cooperating Objects Pedro José Marrón, Daniel Minder, Stamatis Karnouskos
442. High-Temperature Superconductors Ajay Kumar Saxena
443. Informational Limits in Optical Polarimetry and Vectorial Imaging Matthew R. Foreman
444. Isotope Low-Dimensional Structures Vladimir G. Plekhanov
445. First Principles Modelling of Shape Memory Alloys Oliver Kastner
446. Statistical Physics Josef Honerkamp
447. Chalcogenides Alexander V. Kolobov, Junji Tominaga
448. Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VIII Kaoru Yamanouchi, Mauro Nisoli, Wendell T. Hill
449. The Mie Theory Wolfram Hergert, Thomas Wriedt
450. Isotope-Based Quantum Information Vladimir G. Plekhanov
451. Self-Evolvable Systems Octavian Iordache
452. Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics Kaoru Yamanouchi, Midorikawa Katsumi
453. Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV Martin Oberlack, Joachim Peinke, Alessandro Talamelli, Luciano Castillo, Michael Hölling
454. Why Society is a Complex Matter Philip Ball
455. Structured Light Fields Mike Wördemann
456. Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 2 Santo Banerjee, Lamberto Rondoni, Mala Mitra
457. Simulations of Dark Energy Cosmologies Elise Jennings
458. Fundamentals of Quantum Physics Pedro Pereyra
459. Scanning SQUID Microscope for Studying Vortex Matter in Type-II Superconductors Amit Finkler
460. Ten Physical Applications of Spectral Zeta Functions Emilio Elizalde
461. The Sun: New Challenges Vladimir N. Obridko, Katya Georgieva, Yury A. Nagovitsyn
462. An Introduction to Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Surface Reactions A.P.J. Jansen
463. Continuum Physics Peter Hertel
464. Natural Fabrications William Seager
465. Collisional Narrowing and Dynamical Decoupling in a Dense Ensemble of Cold Atoms Yoav Sagi
466. Cooperative Optical Non-Linearity in a Blockaded Rydberg Ensemble Jonathan D. Pritchard
467. Optical Cooling Using the Dipole Force André Xuereb
468. Dictionary of Minor Planet Names Lutz D. Schmadel
469. Cosmic Ray Diffusion in the Galaxy and Diffuse Gamma Emission Daniele Gaggero
470. A Search for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic-Rays with ANITA-2 Matthew Joseph Mottram
471. Photomodulated Optical Reflectance Janusz Bogdanowicz
472. Evolutionary Games in Complex Topologies Julia Poncela Casasnovas
473. Atmospheric Physics Ulrich Schumann
474. Stellar Structure and Evolution Rudolf Kippenhahn, Alfred Weigert, Achim Weiss
475. Quantum Chemistry of Solids Robert A. Evarestov
476. Einstein's Relativity Fred I Cooperstock, Steven Tieu
477. The Dual Nature of Life Gennadiy Zhegunov
478. Multi-scale Dynamical Processes in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas Manfred P. Leubner, Zoltán Vörös
479. Total Addiction Kate Russo
480. Self-Organized Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles Luca Anghinolfi
481. Mesoscopic Quantum Hall Effect Ivan Levkivskyi
482. Coarse-Grained Modelling of DNA and DNA Self-Assembly Thomas E. Ouldridge
483. Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider Caterina Doglioni
484. Z Boson Transverse Momentum Distribution, and ZZ and WZ Production Mika Vesterinen
485. An Introduction to Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries for Particle Physicists Hajime Ishimori, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ohki, Hiroshi Okada, Yusuke Shimizu, Morimitsu Tanimoto
486. From the PS to the LHC - 50 Years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics Luis Alvarez-Gaumé, Michelangelo Mangano, Emmanuel Tsesmelis
487. Nonlinear Optics in the Filamentation Regime Carsten Brée
488. Geometrical Charged-Particle Optics Harald Rose
489. Georges Lemaître: Life, Science and Legacy Rodney D. Holder, Simon Mitton
490. Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Structures Kaoru Yamanouchi
491. Dispersion Forces II Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
492. Computational Methods for Physicists Simon Sirca, Martin Horvat
493. Dispersion Forces I Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
494. Shock Wave Compression of Condensed Matter Jerry W. Forbes
495. Singularity Hypotheses Amnon H. Eden, James H. Moor, Johnny H. Søraker, Eric Steinhart
496. The Adventurous Life of Friedrich Georg Houtermans, Physicist (1903-1966) Edoardo Amaldi
497. Topological Insulators Shun-Qing Shen
498. Friction Material Composites K. L. Sundarkrishnaa
499. Instruments and Methods for the Radio Detection of High Energy Cosmic Rays Frank G. Schröder
500. Morphogenetic Engineering René Doursat, Hiroki Sayama, Olivier Michel
501. Design and Realization of Novel GaAs Based Laser Concepts Tim David Germann
502. Phosphate Phosphors for Solid-State Lighting Kartik N. Shinde, S.J. Dhoble, H.C. Swart, Kyeongsoon Park
503. Microstructure and Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors I. A. Parinov
504. Analytic Tools for Feynman Integrals Vladimir A. Smirnov
505. Effective Theories in Physics James D. Wells
506. Quantum Opto-Mechanics with Micromirrors Simon Gröblacher
507. Colloidal Dispersions Under Slit-Pore Confinement Yan Zeng
508. Keine Panik vor Thermodynamik! Dirk Labuhn, Oliver Romberg
509. Computer Simulation Study of Collective Phenomena in Dense Suspensions of Red Blood Cells under Shear Timm Krüger
510. Magnetism and Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors as Probed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Franziska Hammerath
511. Magnetoelectric Response in Low-Dimensional Frustrated Spin Systems Shinichiro Seki
512. From Special Relativity to Feynman Diagrams Riccardo D'Auria, Mario Trigiante
513. Fisica del Plasma Claudio Chiuderi, Marco Velli
514. L’enigma dei raggi cosmici Alessandro Angelis
515. Elementi di management dei programmi spaziali Marcello Spagnulo
516. Solved Problems in Quantum and Statistical Mechanics Michele Cini, Francesco Fucito, Mauro Sbragaglia
517. Probabilità in Fisica Guido Boffetta, Angelo Vulpiani
518. We are the Martians Giovanni F Bignami
519. Lezioni di Cosmologia Teorica Maurizio Gasperini
520. Note di fotonica Vittorio Degiorgio, Ilaria Cristiani
521. Arminio Nobile e la misura del cielo Massimo Capaccioli, Silvia Galano
522. Eclissi! Marco Bastoni
523. Particelle e interazioni fondamentali Sylvie Braibant, Giorgio Giacomelli, Maurizio Spurio
524. Coherent States and Applications in Mathematical Physics Monique Combescure, Didier Robert
525. Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection Paul Kiekens, Sundaresan Jayaraman
526. Detection of Non-Amplified Genomic DNA Giuseppe Spoto, Roberto Corradini
527. The Spiral Galaxy M33 P. Hodge
528. Applied Photometry, Radiometry, and Measurements of Optical Losses Michael Bukshtab
529. Biomimetic Membranes for Sensor and Separation Applications Claus Hélix-Nielsen
530. Fundamental Questions of Practical Cosmology Yurij Baryshev, Pekka Teerikorpi
531. Particles and Fundamental Interactions Sylvie Braibant, Giorgio Giacomelli, Maurizio Spurio
532. Physics of Transitional Shear Flows Andrey V. Boiko, Alexander V. Dovgal, Genrih R. Grek, Victor V. Kozlov
533. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Dominique François, André Pineau, André Zaoui
534. Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems Gustavo García Gómez-Tejedor, Martina Christina Fuss
535. Acoustical Imaging Andrzej Nowicki, Jerzy Litniewski, Tamara Kujawska
536. Electromagnetic Processing of Materials Shigeo Asai
537. A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR S. Y. Braude, A. E. Salomonovich, V. A. Samanian, I. S. Shklovskii, R. L. Sorochenko, V. S. Troitskii, K. I. Kellermann, B. A. Dubinskii, N. L. Kaidanovskii, N. S. Kardashev, M. M. Kobrin, A. D. Kuzmin, A. P. Molchanov, Yu. N. Pariiskii, O. N. Rzhiga
538. Thermodynamics for Chemists, Physicists and Engineers Robert Hołyst, Andrzej Poniewierski
539. Convergence of Terahertz Sciences in Biomedical Systems Gun-Sik Park, Yong Hyup Kim, Haewook Han, Joon Koo Han, Jaewook Ahn, Joo-Hiuk Son, Woong-Yang Park, Young Uk Jeong
540. Flux-Corrected Transport Dmitri Kuzmin, Rainald Löhner, Stefan Turek
541. Nanodevices and Nanomaterials for Ecological Security Yuri N. Shunin, Arnold E. Kiv
542. Particles and Fundamental Interactions: Supplements, Problems and Solutions Sylvie Braibant, Giorgio Giacomelli, Maurizio Spurio
543. Hydrodynamic Instability and Transition to Turbulence Akiva M. Yaglom
544. Thin Liquid Films Ralf Blossey
545. Nonlinear Optics and Laser Emission through Random Media Viola Folli
546. Physics of Collisional Plasmas Michel Moisan, Jacques Pelletier
547. Laser Diode Beam Basics, Manipulations and Characterizations Haiyin Sun
548. EXA 2011 Paul Bühler, Olaf Hartmann, Johann Marton, Ken Suzuki, Eberhard Widmann, Johann Zmeskal
549. Advances in Mechanisms Design Jaroslav Beran, Martin Bílek, Monika Hejnova, Petr Zabka
550. From Ultra Rays to Astroparticles Brigitte Falkenburg, Wolfgang Rhode
551. Complexity in Chemistry and Beyond: Interplay Theory and Experiment Craig Hill, Djamaladdin G. Musaev
552. Uniting Electron Crystallography and Powder Diffraction Ute Kolb, Kenneth Shankland, Louisa Meshi, Anatoly Avilov, William I.F David
553. Faint Objects and How to Observe Them Brian Cudnik
554. Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics Mario Capitelli, Domenico Bruno, Annarita Laricchiuta
555. The Craft of Scientific Presentations Michael Alley
556. Modern Gas-Based Temperature and Pressure Measurements Franco Pavese, Gianfranco Molinar Min Beciet
557. Miniature Joule-Thomson Cryocooling Ben-Zion Maytal, John M. Pfotenhauer
558. Computational Electromagnetics and Model-Based Inversion Harold A Sabbagh, R. Kim Murphy, Elias H. Sabbagh, John C. Aldrin, Jeremy S Knopp
559. An Introduction to the Evolution of Single and Binary Stars Matthew Benacquista
560. Modelling and Controlling Hydropower Plants German Ardul Munoz-Hernandez, Sa'ad Petrous Mansoor, Dewi Ieuan Jones
561. Pollution Under Environmental Regulation in Energy Markets Francesco Gullì
562. Pulling G Erik Seedhouse
563. Cold War Space Sleuths Dominic Phelan
564. The Science of Solar System Ices Murthy S. Gudipati, Julie Castillo-Rogez
565. Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy Leslie Golden
566. Astrophysics of the Interstellar Medium Walter J. Maciel
567. Moon Bound Colin Burgess
568. Quantum Plasmadynamics Donald Melrose
569. Unravelling the Mystery of the Atomic Nucleus Bernard Fernandez, Georges Ripka
570. Plasma Astrophysics, Part II Boris V. Somov
571. Materials and Reliability Handbook for Semiconductor Optical and Electron Devices Osamu Ueda, Stephen J. Pearton
572. Intracellular Signaling Mediators in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems Marc Thiriet
573. Micro and Nano Flow Systems for Bioanalysis Michael W. Collins, Carola S. Koenig
574. An Introduction to Waves and Oscillations in the Sun A. Satya Narayanan
575. Classic Telescopes Neil English
576. Manned Spaceflight Log II—2006–2012 David J. Shayler, Michael D. Shayler
577. Modeling Ships and Space Craft Gina Hagler
578. How Einstein Created Relativity out of Physics and Astronomy David Topper
579. Telescopes and Techniques C. R. Kitchin
580. Cobalt Blues Peter R. Almond
581. Optical Methods and Instrumentation in Brain Imaging and Therapy Steen J. Madsen
582. China in Space Brian Harvey
583. Constructal Law and the Unifying Principle of Design Luiz A.O. Rocha, Sylvie Lorente, Adrian Bejan
584. Towards Understanding the Climate of Venus Lennart Bengtsson, Roger-Maurice Bonnet, David Grinspoon, Symeon Koumoutsaris, Sebastien Lebonnois, Dmitri Titov
585. Thermodynamics of Crystalline States Minoru Fujimoto
586. Turbulence and Self-Organization Mikhail Ya Marov, Aleksander V. Kolesnichenko
587. Scientific Astrophotography Gerald R. Hubbell
588. Handbook of Coherent-Domain Optical Methods Valery V. Tuchin
589. The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets J.M. Trigo-Rodriguez, François Raulin, Christian Muller, Conor Nixon
590. The Stones and the Stars Duncan Lunan
591. The Story of Helium and the Birth of Astrophysics Biman B. Nath
592. Physics of Ultra-Cold Matter J.T. Mendonça, Hugo Terças
593. The Soyuz Launch Vehicle Christian Lardier, Stefan Barensky
594. Astrolinguistics Alexander Ollongren
595. SpaceX Erik Seedhouse
596. Le Verrier—Magnificent and Detestable Astronomer James Lequeux
597. Making Starships and Stargates James F. Woodward
598. Earth System Monitoring John Orcutt
599. Three Dimensional Solar Cells Based on Optical Confinement Geometries Yuan Li
600. Geoengineering Responses to Climate Change Tim Lenton, Naomi Vaughan
601. Cosmic Electrodynamics Gregory D. Fleishman, Igor N. Toptygin
602. Tissue Functioning and Remodeling in the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems Marc Thiriet
603. Fundamental Tests of Physics with Optically Trapped Microspheres Tongcang Li
604. Physics of Collisionless Shocks André Balogh, Rudolf A. Treumann
605. The Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Belal E. Baaquie
606. Quantum Walks and Search Algorithms Renato Portugal
607. Cross-Calibration of Far UV Spectra of Solar System Objects and the Heliosphere Eric Quémerais, Martin Snow, Roger-Maurice Bonnet
608. The Fundamentals of Atomic and Molecular Physics Robert L Brooks
609. China’s Strategy in Space Stacey Solomone
610. Space Debris and Other Threats from Outer Space Joseph N. Pelton
611. Evaluating Measurement Accuracy Semyon G. Rabinovich
612. Principles of Musical Acoustics William M. Hartmann
613. Twenty-Five Astronomical Observations That Changed the World Michael Marett-Crosby
614. The Moon's Near Side Megabasin and Far Side Bulge Charles Byrne
615. Visual Lunar and Planetary Astronomy Paul G. Abel
616. Weird Worlds David A. J. Seargent
617. Medical Imaging Technology Mark A Haidekker
618. Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Information Processing János A. Bergou, Mark Hillery
619. Predicting the Future Henry Abarbanel
620. Hear Where We Are Michael Stocker
621. The Great Refractor of Meudon Observatory Audouin Dollfus
622. The Formation and Evolution of M33 as Revealed by Its Star Clusters Izaskun San Roman
623. Arnold Sommerfeld Michael Eckert
624. Alien Seas Michael Carroll, Rosaly Lopes
625. Observer’s Guide to Star Clusters Mike Inglis
626. The Constellation Observing Atlas Grant Privett, Kevin Jones
627. Nanomaterials Imaging Techniques, Surface Studies, and Applications Olena Fesenko, Leonid Yatsenko, Mikhaylo Brodin
628. Biophysics of the Failing Heart R. John Solaro, Jil C. Tardiff
629. Choosing and Using Astronomical Eyepieces William Paolini
630. Constant-Scale Natural Boundary Mapping to Reveal Global and Cosmic Processes Pamela Elizabeth Clark, Chuck Clark
631. Measuring the Angular Momentum of Supermassive Black Holes Laura Brenneman
632. Observing Photons in Space Martin C. E. Huber, Anuschka Pauluhn, J. Len Culhane, J. Gethyn Timothy, Klaus Wilhelm, Alex Zehnder
633. Cosmic Dawn George Rhee
634. Lecture Notes on Newtonian Mechanics Ilya L. Shapiro, Guilherme de Berredo-Peixoto
635. Lessons from the Masters Robert Gendler
636. Metrology for Fire Experiments in Outdoor Conditions Xavier Silvani
637. Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Data Massimiliano Bonamente
638. Transport Properties of Molecular Junctions Natalya A. Zimbovskaya
639. Observing the Sun Jamey L. Jenkins
640. Under a Crimson Sun David S. Stevenson
641. Introduction to Thin Film Transistors S.D. Brotherton
642. Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Robert Thomson, Christopher Leburn, Derryck Reid
643. Laser-Plasma Interactions and Applications Paul McKenna, David Neely, Robert Bingham, Dino Jaroszynski
644. Exciting Interdisciplinary Physics Walter Greiner
645. Towards Solid-State Quantum Repeaters Kristiaan De Greve
646. Temporal Patterns of Communication in Social Networks Giovanna Miritello
647. Macroscopic Models for Vehicular Flows and Crowd Dynamics: Theory and Applications Massimiliano Daniele Rosini
648. Black Objects in Supergravity Stefano Bellucci
649. Analogue Gravity Phenomenology Daniele Faccio, Francesco Belgiorno, Sergio Cacciatori, Vittorio Gorini, Stefano Liberati, Ugo Moschella
650. Non-linear Data Analysis on the Sphere Gregor Rossmanith
651. Inorganic Nanoarchitectures by Organic Self-Assembly Stefan Guldin
652. Stochastic Processes Wolfgang Paul, Jörg Baschnagel
653. Optical Absorption Spectra Calculated Using Linear-Scaling Density-Functional Theory Laura Ratcliff
654. Ultrathin Metal Transparent Electrodes for the Optoelectronics Industry Dhriti Sundar Ghosh
655. Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2012 Thomas Gilbert, Markus Kirkilionis, Gregoire Nicolis
656. Computational Physics Philipp O.J. Scherer
657. The Janus Fluid Riccardo Fantoni
658. Kinetic Simulations of Ion Transport in Fusion Devices Andrés Bustos Molina
659. Theory of the Nuclear Magnetic 1/T1 Relaxation Rate in Conventional and Unconventional Magnets Andrew Smerald
660. Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Engineered Metal-Glass Nanocomposites Andrei Stalmashonak, Gerhard Seifert, Amin Abdolvand
661. Factors Governing Tin Whisker Growth Erika R Crandall
662. Relativity for Everyone Kurt Fischer
663. Optically Active Charge Traps and Chemical Defects in Semiconducting Nanocrystals Probed by Pulsed Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Kipp van Schooten
664. Theoretical Femtosecond Physics Frank Grossmann
665. It Came From Outer Space Wearing an RAF Blazer! Martin Mobberley
666. Radiative Processes in High Energy Astrophysics Gabriele Ghisellini
667. Charge Multiplicity Asymmetry Correlation Study Searching for Local Parity Violation at RHIC for STAR Collaboration Quan Wang
668. Beam Diagnostics in Superconducting Accelerating Cavities Pei Zhang
669. Radio Link Quality Estimation in Low-Power Wireless Networks Nouha Baccour, Anis Koubâa, Claro Noda, Hossein Fotouhi, Mário Alves, Habib Youssef, Marco Antonio Zúñiga, Carlo Alberto Boano, Kay Römer, Daniele Puccinelli, Thiemo Voigt, Luca Mottola
670. Topological Microfluidics Anupam Sengupta
671. Ion Correlations at Electrified Soft Matter Interfaces Nouamane Laanait
672. Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the H → ZZ → l + l - qq Decay Channel at CMS Francesco Pandolfi
673. Wave Propagation in Nanostructures Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan, Saggam Narendar
674. Special Relativity Valerio Faraoni
675. Mathematical Physics Sadri Hassani
676. Asymptotic Safety and Black Holes Kevin Falls
677. Extensions to the No-Core Shell Model Michael Karl Gerhard Kruse
678. Theory of Nonlinear Propagation of High Harmonics Generated in a Gaseous Medium Cheng Jin
679. Toward Quantum FinFET Weihua Han, Zhiming M. Wang
680. Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society Mihail C. Roco, William S. Bainbridge, Bruce Tonn, George Whitesides
681. GaP Heteroepitaxy on Si(100) Henning Döscher
682. Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: Towards the Fourth Generation Light Sources Eric Beaurepaire, Hervé Bulou, Loic Joly, Fabrice Scheurer
683. Handbook of Engineering Acoustics Gerhard Müller, Michael Möser
684. Simulating Social Complexity Bruce Edmonds, Ruth Meyer
685. Flavor Physics at the Tevatron Thomas Kuhr
686. Membrane Biophysics Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, Jack Tuszynski
687. Optical Absorption of Impurities and Defects in Semiconducting Crystals Bernard Pajot, Bernard Clerjaud
688. Principles of Physics Hafez A . Radi, John O Rasmussen
689. Quantum Entanglement in Electron Optics N. Chandra
690. VCSELs Rainer Michalzik
691. The Augmented Spherical Wave Method Volker Eyert
692. UV-VIS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization Challa Kumar
693. Laser-Assisted Fabrication of Materials Jyotsna Dutta Majumdar, Indranil Manna
694. Celestial Messengers Mario Bertolotti
695. Biomedical Optical Imaging Technologies Rongguang Liang
696. Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures Hilmi Ünlü, Norman J. M. Horing
697. Isotopes in Condensed Matter Vladimir G. Plekhanov
698. Point-of-Care Diagnostics on a Chip David Issadore, Robert M. Westervelt
699. Basic Concepts of String Theory Ralph Blumenhagen, Dieter Lüst, Stefan Theisen
700. Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging Kai-Erik Peiponen, Axel Zeitler, Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami
701. Stellar Pulsations J.C. Suárez, R. Garrido, L. A. Balona, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard
702. Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces Brendan Z. Allison, Stephen Dunne, Robert Leeb, José Del R. Millán, Anton Nijholt
703. Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials Brent Fultz, James Howe
704. Semiconductor Lasers Junji Ohtsubo
705. Space-Time Reference Systems Michael Soffel, Ralf Langhans
706. Protection of Materials and Structures From the Space Environment Jacob Kleiman, Masahito Tagawa, Yugo Kimoto
707. Magnonics Sergej O. Demokritov, Andrei N. Slavin
708. Optical Communication over Plastic Optical Fibers Mohamed Atef, Horst Zimmermann
709. The Environments of the Sun and the Stars Jean-Pierre Rozelot, Coralie Neiner
710. Quantum Physics Without Quantum Philosophy Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, Nino Zanghì
711. Optical Properties of 3d-Ions in Crystals: Spectroscopy and Crystal Field Analysis Nicolae M. Avram, Mikhail G. Brik
712. Energy Level Alignment and Electron Transport Through Metal/Organic Contacts Enrique Abad
713. Theory of Bilayer Graphene Spectroscopy Marcin Mucha-Kruczyński
714. High Energy Astrophysics Thierry J.-L. Courvoisier
715. Quantum Physics: The Bottom-Up Approach Dirk Dubbers, Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann
716. Handbook of Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics Motoichi Ohtsu
717. Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals Pierre A. Deymier
718. Quantum Physics in the Nanoworld Hans Lüth
719. Effective Electron Mass in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors Sitangshu Bhattacharya, Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak
720. Dissipative Solitons in Reaction Diffusion Systems Andreas W. Liehr
721. Supersymmetric Gravity and Black Holes Stefano Bellucci
722. Complex Human Dynamics Andrzej Nowak, Katarzyna Winkowska-Nowak, David Brée
723. Carl Størmer Alv Egeland, William J. Burke
724. WKB Approximation in Atomic Physics Boris Mikhailovich Karnakov, Vladimir Pavlovich Krainov
725. Photoinduced Modifications of the Nonlinear Optical Response in Liquid Crystalline Azopolymers Raquel Alicante
726. Magnetic Nanostructures Hartmut Zabel, Michael Farle
727. Origin and Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres Helmut Lammer
728. Solar and Stellar Dynamos Paul Charbonneau
729. Introduction to Polarization Physics Sandibek B. Nurushev, Mikhail F. Runtso, Mikhail N. Strikhanov
730. Mössbauer Spectroscopy Yutaka Yoshida, Guido Langouche
731. The First Galaxies Tommy Wiklind, Bahram Mobasher, Volker Bromm
732. Nuclear Rocket Engine Reactor Anatoly Lanin
733. Traffic Flow Dynamics Martin Treiber, Arne Kesting
734. Photoemission Spectroscopy on High Temperature Superconductor Wentao Zhang
735. Amorphous Nanophotonics Carsten Rockstuhl, Toralf Scharf
736. Stardust Sun Kwok
737. Complexity Perspectives on Language, Communication and Society Àngels Massip-Bonet, Albert Bastardas-Boada
738. Multi-Photon Quantum Information Science and Technology in Integrated Optics Jonathan C.F. Matthews
739. Understanding Viscoelasticity Nhan Phan-Thien
740. Tides in Astronomy and Astrophysics Jean Souchay, Stéphane Mathis, Tadashi Tokieda
741. Epitaxy of Semiconductors Udo W. Pohl
742. Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology Gianluca Calcagni, Lefteris Papantonopoulos, George Siopsis, Nikos Tsamis
743. Quantum Ising Phases and Transitions in Transverse Ising Models Sei Suzuki, Jun-ichi Inoue, Bikas K. Chakrabarti
744. Photon Physics at the LHC Michael Hance
745. Statistical Approach to Quantum Field Theory Andreas Wipf
746. Dynamical Stabilization of the Fermi Scale Francesco Sannino
747. Consensus and Synchronization in Complex Networks Ljupco Kocarev
748. Studying Stellar Rotation and Convection Mariejo Goupil, Kévin Belkacem, Coralie Neiner, Francois Lignières, John J. Green
749. Modern Theory of Magnetism in Metals and Alloys Yoshiro Kakehashi
750. Decoding Complexity James B. Glattfelder
751. Principles of Bioenergetics Vladimir P. Skulachev, Alexander V. Bogachev, Felix O. Kasparinsky
752. Optical Properties of Advanced Materials Yoshinobu Aoyagi, Kotaro Kajikawa
753. Mechanics of Advanced Functional Materials Biao Wang
754. From Atom Optics to Quantum Simulation Sebastian Will
755. Statics and Dynamics of Weakly Coupled Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Ladders in a Magnetic Field Pierre Bouillot
756. Small Organic Molecules on Surfaces Helmut Sitter, Claudia Draxl, Michael Ramsey
757. Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Vladimir V. Uchaikin
758. Chaos and Complex Systems Stavros G. Stavrinides, Santo Banerjee, Suleyman Hikmet Caglar, Mehmet Ozer
759. Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 3 Santo Banerjee, Lamberto Rondoni
760. Without Bounds: A Scientific Canvas of Nonlinearity and Complex Dynamics Ramon G. Rubio, Yuri S. Ryazantsev, Victor M Starov, Guo-Xiang Huang, Alexander P Chetverikov, Paolo Arena, Alex A. Nepomnyashchy, Alberto Ferrus, Eugene G. Morozov
761. Polarization Bremsstrahlung on Atoms, Plasmas, Nanostructures and Solids Valeriy Astapenko
762. Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology P. K. Giri, D. K. Goswami, A. Perumal
763. Bubble Dynamics and Shock Waves Can F. Delale
764. Detection of Trapped Antihydrogen Richard Hydomako
765. Quantum Physics Florian Scheck
766. The Vitreous State Ivan S. Gutzow, Jürn W.P. Schmelzer
767. BiLBIQ: A Biologically Inspired Robot with Walking and Rolling Locomotion Ralf Simon King
768. Nanostructured Materials for Magnetoelectronics Bekir Aktaş, Faik Mikailzade
769. Stochastic Cooling of Particle Beams Dieter Möhl
770. Electromigration Techniques Boguslaw Buszewski, Ewelina Dziubakiewicz, Michal Szumski
771. Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science Kaoru Yamanouchi, Katsumi Midorikawa
772. Advanced Statistical Methods for Astrophysical Probes of Cosmology Marisa Cristina March
773. Transition-Metal Defects in Silicon Michael Steger
774. Nonequilibrium Green's Functions Approach to Inhomogeneous Systems Karsten Balzer, Michael Bonitz
775. Strongly Correlated Systems Adolfo Avella, Ferdinando Mancini
776. Micromechanisms of Friction and Wear Dmitrij Lyubimov, Kirill Dolgopolov, Leonid Pinchuk
777. Transport Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Fermi Liquids Hiroshi Kontani
778. Cosmic Rays in Star-Forming Environments Diego F. Torres, Olaf Reimer
779. A First Course in Topos Quantum Theory Cecilia Flori
780. Progress in Nanophotonics 2 Motoichi Ohtsu
781. Making Waves M Goss
782. Einstein in Matrix Form Günter Ludyk
783. Resonance Effects of Excitons and Electrons Ion Geru, Dieter Suter
784. Essential Astrophysics Kenneth R. Lang
785. Interaction of Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses with Matter Valeriy Astapenko
786. Astrobiology, History, and Society Douglas A. Vakoch
787. Superconductivity: Discoveries and Discoverers Kristian Fossheim
788. The Language Phenomenon P.-M. Binder, K. Smith
789. Astrophysics at Very High Energies Felix Aharonian, Lars Bergström, Charles Dermer
790. Electroweak Processes in External Active Media Alexander Kuznetsov, Nickolay Mikheev
791. Renormalization Group and Fixed Points Timothy J Hollowood
792. 4D Modeling and Estimation of Respiratory Motion for Radiation Therapy Jan Ehrhardt, Cristian Lorenz
793. Temporal Networks Petter Holme, Jari Saramäki
794. Equilibrium Thermodynamics Mário J. Oliveira
795. Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems Claudius Gros
796. Co-evolution of Intelligent Socio-technical Systems Evangelia Mitleton-Kelly
797. Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism Yoshinori Takahashi
798. Organic Solid-State Lasers Sébastien Forget, Sébastien Chénais
799. Special Relativity in General Frames Éric Gourgoulhon
800. Strongly Interacting Matter in Magnetic Fields Dmitri Kharzeev, Karl Landsteiner, Andreas Schmitt, Ho-Ung Yee
801. IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee as Enabling Technologies for Low-Power Wireless Systems with Quality-of-Service Constraints Stefano Tennina, Anis Koubâa, Roberta Daidone, Mário Alves, Petr Jurčík, Ricardo Severino, Marco Tiloca, Jan-Hinrich Hauer, Nuno Pereira, Gianluca Dini, Mélanie Bouroche, Eduardo Tovar
802. HPHT-Treated Diamonds Inga A. Dobrinets, Victor. G. Vins, Alexander M. Zaitsev
803. Protein-Nanoparticle Interactions Masoud Rahman, Sophie Laurent, Nancy Tawil, L'Hocine Yahia, Morteza Mahmoudi
804. Physics of Quantum Fluids Alberto Bramati, Michele Modugno
805. Attosecond Physics Luis Plaja, Ricardo Torres, Amelle Zaïr
806. New Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics Man Mohan
807. Scattering Theory Harald Friedrich
808. Laura Bassi and Science in 18th Century Europe Monique Frize
809. Tools of Radio Astronomy Thomas L. Wilson, Kristen Rohlfs, Susanne Hüttemeister
810. Perfect/Complete Scattering Experiments Hans Kleinpoppen, Bernd Lohmann, Alexei N. Grum-Grzhimailo
811. Laser Technology in Biomimetics Volker Schmidt, Maria Regina Belegratis
812. Ultimate Horizons Helmut Satz
813. Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Nonlinear Gradient Fields Gerrit Schultz
814. All-Optical Noninvasive Delayed Feedback Control of Semiconductor Lasers Sylvia Schikora
815. The Nonlinear World Yoshitsugu Oono
816. Dirac Spectra in Dense QCD Takuya Kanazawa
817. Thermodynamics of Information Processing in Small Systems Takahiro Sagawa
818. Probing the Early Universe with the CMB Scalar, Vector and Tensor Bispectrum Maresuke Shiraishi
819. The Black Hole-Neutron Star Binary Merger in Full General Relativity Koutarou Kyutoku
820. Suzaku Studies of White Dwarf Stars and the Galactic X-ray Background Emission Takayuki Yuasa
821. Interacting Boson Model from Energy Density Functionals Kosuke Nomura
822. Non-Universal Superconducting Gap Structure in Iron-Pnictides Revealed by Magnetic Penetration Depth Measurements Kenichiro Hashimoto
823. Spectroscopic Study on Charge-Spin-Orbital Coupled Phenomena in Mott-Transition Oxides Masaki Uchida
824. A Bayesian Analysis of QCD Sum Rules Philipp Gubler
825. Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects in Itinerant Magnets Yuki Shiomi
826. Hidden Order and Exotic Superconductivity in the Heavy-Fermion Compound URu2Si2 Ryuji Okazaki
827. Lunar Domes Raffaello Lena, Christian Wöhler, Jim Phillips, Maria Teresa Chiocchetta
828. Theory of Gravitational Interactions Maurizio Gasperini
829. Problemi di meccanica quantistica non relativistica Carlo Alabiso, Alessandro Chiesa
830. Le costellazioni al binocolo Bojan Kambič
831. Stamping Through Astronomy Renato Dicati
832. Dai buchi neri all’adroterapia Catalina Oana Curceanu
833. A Scenario for Interstellar Exploration and Its Financing Giovanni F. Bignami, Andrea Sommariva
834. Fenomeni radioattivi Giorgio Bendiscioli
835. Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors Richard J. Bushby, Stephen M. Kelly, Mary O'Neill
836. Nucleation Theory V.I. Kalikmanov
837. Thin Films and Coatings in Biology Soroush Nazarpour
838. Solar History Claudio Vita-Finzi
839. Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System Jiyuan Tu, Kiao Inthavong, Goodarz Ahmadi
840. ICAME 2011 Yutaka Yoshida
841. Automatic trend estimation C˘alin Vamos¸, Maria Cr˘aciun
842. Biophysics and Structure to Counter Threats and Challenges Joseph D. Puglisi, Manolia V. Margaris
843. Grain Boundaries Louisette Priester
844. New Materials for Thermoelectric Applications: Theory and Experiment Veljko Zlatic, Alex Hewson
845. Recent Advances in Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy Yuri P. Kalmykov
846. Teleparallel Gravity Ruben Aldrovandi, José Geraldo Pereira
847. Nano-Optics for Enhancing Light-Matter Interactions on a Molecular Scale Baldassare Di Bartolo, John Collins
848. Flow and Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors Johannes Janicka, Amsini Sadiki, Michael Schäfer, Christof Heeger
849. Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics Gerd Rudolph, Matthias Schmidt
850. Gravity, a Geometrical Course Pietro Giuseppe Frè
851. General Relativity Norbert Straumann
852. Gravity, a Geometrical Course Pietro Giuseppe Frè
853. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows Roberto Mauri
854. Quantum Mechanics: Genesis and Achievements Alexander Komech
855. Rational Reconstructions of Modern Physics Peter Mittelstaedt
856. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Terry D. Oswalt, Linda M. French, Paul Kalas
857. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Terry D. Oswalt, William C. Keel
858. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Terry D. Oswalt, Gerard Gilmore
859. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Terry D. Oswalt, Martin A. Barstow
860. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Terry D. Oswalt, Howard E. Bond
861. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems Terry D. Oswalt, Ian S. McLean
862. Statistical Physics of Nanoparticles in the Gas Phase Klavs Hansen
863. III-Nitride Based Light Emitting Diodes and Applications Tae-Yeon Seong, Jung Han, Hiroshi Amano, Hadis Morkoc
864. Formation of the Solar System V.I. Ferronsky, S.V. Ferronsky
865. Nonlinear Optical Properties of Materials Rashid A. Ganeev
866. A Superintense Laser-Plasma Interaction Theory Primer Andrea Macchi
867. Photo-Excited Charge Collection Spectroscopy Seongil Im, Youn-Gyoung Chang, Jae Hoon Kim
868. Melt Rheology and its Applications in the Plastics Industry John M. Dealy, Jian Wang
869. Low-Dimensional Functional Materials Reinhold Egger, Davron Matrasulov, Khamdam Rakhimov
870. Electrifying Atmospheres: Charging, Ionisation and Lightning in the Solar System and Beyond Karen L. Aplin
871. Numerical Methods for Metamaterial Design Kenneth Diest
872. Modern trends in Superconductivity and Superfluidity M. Yu. Kagan
873. Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security Ashok Vaseashta, Surik Khudaverdyan
874. Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe David Cline
875. The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis and Management Lorna Uden, Leon S.L. Wang, Tzung-Pei Hong, Hsin-Chang Yang, I-Hsien Ting
876. Thirty Years of Astronomical Discovery with UKIRT Andy Adamson, John Davies, Ian Robson
877. Optical Precursors JF Chen, Heejeong Jeong, MMT Loy, Shengwang Du

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