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E-Books of Philosophy


Wiley E-Books

SL. No. E-Book Titles Author
1. How To Know Hetherington
2. Dante's Deadly Sins Belliotti
3. Kant and Applied Ethics Altman
4. Yoga - Philosophy for Everyone: Bending Mind and Bodu Stillwaggon Swa
5. Blues - Philosophy for Everyone Steinberg
6. The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys Benatar
7. The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity Stump
8. Tattoos - Philosophy for Everyone: I Ink, Therefore I Am Arp
9. Danto and His Critics, Second Edition Rollins
10. Bioethics for Beginners: 60 Cases and Cautions from the Moral Frontier of Healthcare McGee
11. Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory Fenwick
12. The Pursuit of Philosophy - Some Cambridge Perspectives Papazoglou
13. Levinas, Subjectivity, Education - Towards an Ethic of Radical Responsibility Strhan
14. The Aesthetics of Wine Burnham
15. A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy Emmanuel
16. A Companion to Foucault Falzon
17. Millikan and her Critics Ryder
18. Sailing - Philosophy For Everyone: Catching the Drift of Why We Sail Goold
19. Happy-People-Pills For All Walker
20. Developing Deontology - New Essays in Ethical Theory Hooker
21. As Free and as Just as Possible: The Theory of Marxian Liberalism Reiman
22. Identity and Discrimination - Reissued and Updated Edition Williamson
23. A Companion to the Philosophy of Time Dyke
24. Superman and Philosophy: What Would the Man of Steel Do? Irwin
25. A Sneetch is a Sneetch and Other Philosophical Discoveries: Wartenberg
26. The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future More
27. Classifying Reality Oderberg
28. Fatherhood - Philosophy for Everyone - The Dao of Daddy Nease
29. Motherhood and Philosophy Lintott
30. Mind Games - 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain Cohen
31. Wittgenstein Sluga
32. The Admissible Contents of Experience Hawley
33. Just the Arguments - 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy Bruce
34. Fashion-Philosophy for Everyone - Thinking with Style Allhoff
35. Reading R. S. Peters Today - Analysis, Ethics, and the Aims of Education Cuypers
36. The Good Life of Teaching - An Ethics of Professional Practice Higgins
37. Agents and Their Actions De Gaynesford
38. Hegel's Philosophy of Right Brooks
39. The Art of Comics - A Philosophical Approach Meskin
40. Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond O'Neill
41. A Companion to Relativism Hales
42. Coffee - Philosophy for Everyone: Grounds for Debate ALLHOFF
43. Rancière, Education and the Taming of Democracy Simons
44. The Formation of Reason Bakhurst
45. A Brief History of the Soul Taliaferro
46. Putting Information First - Luciano Floridi andthe Philosophy of Information Allo
47. Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity 3e Maudlin
48. A Companion to Hegel Houlgate
49. Brief History of Justice Johnston
50. Once-Told Tales - An Essay In Literary Aesthetics Kivy
51. Rethinking Pragmatism: From William James to Contemporary Philosophy Schwartz
52. Jung and Educational Theory Semetsky
53. Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone - Cultivating Wisdom O'Brien

Taylor & Francis E-Books

1 Computable Foundations for Economics Velupillai, K. Vela
2 Money in Economic Theory Ekstedt, Hasse
3 Grounding Morality  
4 Architectures of Economic Subjectivity Scott, Sonya
5 The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy  
6 Content and Consciousness Dennett, Daniel C.
7 The Concept of Injustice Heinze, Eric
8 Health Policy and the Public Interest Ho, Lok-sang
9 In Defense of Post-Keynesian and Heterodox Economics  
10 Alternative Theories of Competition  
11 Aesthetics After Metaphysics Beistegui, Miguel
12 Eastern Philosophy: The Basics Harrison, Victoria S.
13 The Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics Garegnani, Pierangelo | Samuelson, Paul
14 Organizations, Individualism and Economic Theory Brouwer, Maria
15 Foundations of Freedom Clarke, Simon R.
16 Social Humanism Ellis, Brian
17 Thought Experiments in Science, Philosophy, and the Arts  
18 New Critical Legal Thinking  
19 Plato's Dialectic on Woman Blair, Elena
20 Education and Human Values Slote, Michael
21 Governmentality Walters, William
22 Reading Putnam  
23 Social Networks, Innovation and the Knowledge Economy  
24 French Liberalism in the 19th Century  
25 Morality, Self Knowledge and Human Suffering Corbí, Josep
26 Ideas Husserl, Edmund
27 The World of Parmenides Popper, Karl
28 Russian Economic Development Since the Revolution Dobb, Maurice
29 Understanding the Political Philosophers Haworth, Alan
30 Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism  
31 The Economics of Structural Change in Knowledge Quatraro, Francesco
32 The Ethics of Gender-Specific Disease Cutter, Mary Ann
33 The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law  
34 Carl Schmitt Salter, Michael
35 Narrative Identity, Autonomy, and Mortality Davenport, John J.
36 Hahn and Economic Methodology Boylan, Thomas | O'Gorman, Paschal
37 The End of Value-Free Economics  
38 Kant and Education  
39 The Open Society and Its Enemies Popper, Karl
40 Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Merleau-Ponty and Phenomenology of Perception Romdenh-Romluc, Komarine
41 Bioethics, Public Moral Argument, and Social Responsibility  
42 Ecophilosophy in a World of Crisis  
43 Arguing About Science  
44 The Emotions Deonna, Julien | Teroni, Fabrice
45 The Imagination Sartre, Jean-Paul
46 Ethics: Essential Readings in Moral Theory  
47 Habermas and Rawls  
48 Dialectics, Politics, and the Contemporary Value of Hegel's Practical Philosophy Buchwalter, Andrew
49 Ancient Philosophy Shields, Christopher
50 The Assumption of Agency Theory Forbes-Pitt, Kate
51 A New Environmental Ethics Rolston III, Holmes
52 The Politics of Logic Livingston, Paul
53 Philosophy of Science Rosenberg, Alex
54 Wronging Rights?  
55 Civil Society in Liberal Democracy Jensen, Mark
56 Conservative Reductionism Esfeld, Michael | Sachse, Christian
57 Keynes, Sraffa, and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory  
58 The Existence of God Nagasawa, Yujin
59 Rethinking Gramsci  
60 What is this thing called Metaphysics? Garrett, Brian
61 The Foundations of Institutional Economics Kapp, K. William
62 Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy Williams, Bernard
63 The Philosophy of Money Simmel, Georg
64 The Myths We Live By Midgley, Mary
65 Happiness, Ethics and Economics Hirata, Johannes
66 Business Ethics and the Austrian Tradition in Economics Bouillon, Hardy
67 Martin Heidegger Clark, Timothy
68 Philosophy, Ethics and a Common Humanity  
69 Causation and Modern Philosophy  
70 AQA Religious Ethics for AS and A2 Oliphant, Jill
71 The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music  
72 Patient Safety, Law Policy and Practice  
73 Epistemology and the Regress Problem Aikin, Scott
74 Vanishing Matter and the Laws of Motion  
75 Metaphysics: The Key Concepts Effingham, Nikk | Beebee, Helen | Goff, Philip
76 Self-Knowledge Gertler, Brie
77 Popper¿s Critical Rationalism Rowbottom, Darrell
78 Freedom of the Will Huoranszki, Ferenc
79 Durkheim, Bernard and Epistemology Hirst, Paul Q.
80 The Routledge Companion to Epistemology  
81 The Ethics Project in Legal Education  
82 The Ethics of Abortion Kaczor, Christopher
83 Critical Thinking Tittle, Peg
84 Bioregionalism and Global Ethics Evanoff, Richard
85 Reclaiming Reality Bhaskar, Roy
86 The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus
87 Reading Sartre  
88 Science, Order and Creativity Bohm, David | Peat, F. David
89 Epistemology Audi, Robert
90 Rawls, Citizenship, and Education Costa, M. Victoria
91 Alternative Perspectives on Lawyers and Legal Ethics  
92 Complex Economics Kirman, Alan
93 The Laboratory of the Mind Brown, James Robert
94 The Origins of David Hume's Economics Henderson, Willie
95 Production, Distribution and Trade  
96 Reaffirming Legal Ethics  
97 Emergence in Science and Philosophy  
98 Habermas and Literary Rationality Colclasure, David L.
99 Elements of an Evolutionary Theory of Welfare Binder, Martin
100 What is this thing called Ethics? Bennett, Christopher
101 The Routledge Companion to Ethics  
102 Moral Epistemology Zimmerman, Aaron
103 The Metaphysics of Powers  
104 The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds  
105 Introduction to Logic Gensler, Harry J.
106 Islamic Ethics al-Attar, Mariam
107 Autonomy and Liberalism Colburn, Ben
108 The Market, Happiness and Solidarity Graafland, Johan J.
109 Noncognitivism in Ethics Schroeder, Mark
110 Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage Halwani, Raja
111 Divine Intervention Fales, Evan
112 Rationality and Explanation in Economics Lagueux, Maurice
113 The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy  
114 The Imaginary Sartre, Jean-Paul
115 The Disordered Mind Graham, George
116 Mind, Society, and Human Action Wagner, Richard
117 Giorgio Agamben: Power, Law and the Uses of Criticism Zartaloudis, Thanos
118 On Manners Stohr, Karen
119 Reasonable Faith Haldane, John
120 Relational Sociology Donati, Pierpaolo
121 Sartre and the Moral Limits of War and Terrorism Sze, Jennifer Ang Mei
122 Full-Spectrum Economics Arnsperger, Christian
123 Theology on the Menu Grumett, David | Muers, Rachel
124 International Relations Theory and Philosophy  
125 Philosophy of Education in the Era of Globalization  
126 Hermeneutics and Music Criticism Savage, Roger W. H.
127 Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion  
128 The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy  
129 Niklas Luhmann Borch, Christian
130 Philosophy of Perception Fish, William

Cambridge E-Books

1. Ancient Epistemology Gerson
2. An Introduction to Kant's Moral Philosophy Uleman
3. Kant's <I>Critique of Pure Reason</I> Watkins
4. Achieving Knowledge Greco
5. A Life-Centered Approach to Bioethics Johnson
6. After the Holocaust Alford
7. An Introduction to Ethics Deigh
8. Confronting Evils Card
9. Conscientious Objection in Health Care Wicclair
10. Coping with Choices to Die Prado
11. Death and Mortality in Contemporary Philosophy Schumacher/Miller
12. End-of-Life Care and Pragmatic Decision Making Hester
13. Environmental Health Ethics Resnik
14. Ethics and Animals Gruen
15. Ethics and the Media Ward
16. Genocide May
17. Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization Lee/Lee
18. Moral Dilemmas of Modern War Gross
19. Peter Singer and Christian Ethics Camosy
20. Poverty and Morality Galston/Hoffenberg
21. Should Race Matter? Boonin
22. Surviving Health Care Kushner
23. The Moral Foundations of Social Institutions Miller
24. War and Moral Dissonance French
25. The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics Moore
26. The Soul of Nietzsche's <I>Beyond Good and Evil</I> Clark/Dudrick
27. Crime and Culpability Alexander/Ferzan/Morse
28. The Evolution of Logic Hart
29. Introductions to Nietzsche Pippin
30. Kierkegaard Evans
31. Hume's 'A Treatise of Human Nature' Wright
32. Paradoxes Sainsbury
33. The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics Floridi
34. The Philosophy of Animal Minds Lurz
35. The Philosophy of Death Luper
36. What Philosophers Know Gutting
37. Consciousness Hill
38. The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science Frankish/Ramsey
39. A Philosophical Guide to Chance Handfield
40. Agro-Technology Thompson
41. Cultural Evolution Distin
42. Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life Stewart-Williams
43. Error and Inference Mayo/Spanos
44. How Well Do Facts Travel? Howlett/Morgan
45. Paleontology Turner
46. The Philosophy of Human Evolution Ruse
47. Philosophy of the Social Sciences Mantzavinos
48. The Science of Qualitative Research Packer
49. Augustine: On the Free Choice of the Will, On Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings King
50. Berkeley: Philosophical Writings Clarke
51. Greek and Roman Aesthetics Bychkov/Sheppard
52. Kant: Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime and Other Writings Frierson/Guyer/Frierson
53. Kierkegaard: Concluding Unscientific Postscript Hannay
54. Locke on Toleration Vernon
55. After War Ends May
56. Amartya Sen Morris
57. Art in Public Zuidervaart
58. Capitalism, For and Against Cudd/Holmstrom
59. Displacement by Development Penz/Drydyk/Bose
60. Ethics and War Lee
61. Global Justice and Due Process May
62. Measuring Justice Brighouse/Robeyns
63. Political Philosophy Stevens
64. Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century Zuckert
65. Rawls's 'A Theory of Justice' Mandle
66. Rethinking the Western Understanding of the Self Steinvorth
67. Rights, Race, and Recognition Darby
68. Terrorism and the Ethics of War Nathanson
69. The Political Morality of Liberal Democracy Perry
70. Heidegger and Unconcealment Wrathall
71. Heidegger, Art, and Postmodernity Thomson
72. Reading Sartre Catalano
73. Saul Kripke Berger
74. Seeing Wittgenstein Anew Day/Krebs

Oxford E-Books

1. The Artful Species Davies
2. Art and Pornography Maes & Levinson (eds)
3. Art and Abstract Objects Mag Uidhir (ed)
4. Teleology, First Principles, and Scientific Method in Aristotle's Biology Gotthelf
5. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol 42 Inwood (ed)
6. Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha Steel (ed)
7. Virtue and Happiness Kamtekar (ed)
8. Philosophos: Plato’s Missing Dialogue Gill
9. The Powers of Aristotle's Soul Johansen
10. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Volume 43 Inwood (ed)
11. Blindness and Reorientation Reeve
12. Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity Kruks
13. The Epistemology of Resistance Medina
14. A Condition of Doubt Belling
15. Mind and Cosmos Nagel
16. Preludes to Pragmatism Kitcher
17. Justice Between the Young and the Old McKerlie
18. Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Normativity Janaway & Robertson (eds)
19. Gandhi and the Stoics Sorabji
20. Tragedy, Recognition, and the Death of God Williams
21. Locke's Moral Man LoLordo
22. Emotion and Cognitive Life in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy Pickavé & Shapiro (eds)
23. Kant's Elliptical Path Ameriks
24. Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy Vol VI Garber & Rutherford (eds)
25. The Pragmatic Maxim Hookway
26. Heidegger and the Measure of Truth McManus
27. Wittgenstein's Metaphilosophy Horwich
28. Pragmatism and Inquiry Levi
29. Epistemological Disjunctivism Pritchard
30. On Reflection Kornblith
31. Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 7 Bennett & Zimmerman (eds)
32. Bounded Thinking Morton
33. Rigid Designation and Theoretical Identities LaPorte
34. Scientific Metaphysics Ross et al (eds)
35. Epistemic Authority Zagzebski
36. Constructivism in Practical Philosophy Lenman & Shemmer (eds)
37. Forgiveness and Love Pettigrove
38. Shaping the Normative Landscape Owens
39. Cosmopolitan War Fabre
40. Normative Bedrock Gert
41. Happiness for Humans Russell
42. From Morality to Metaphysics Ritchie
43. Knowing Right From Wrong Setiya
44. Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume II Timmons (ed)
45. From Rationality to Equality Sterba
46. Building Better Things Vargas
47. The Geometry of Desert Kagan
48. Moral Entanglements Richardson
49. Resisting Reality Haslanger
50. The Moral Target Kamm
51. The Roots of Bioethics Callahan
52. Dignity, Rank, and Rights Waldron
53. Can Animals Be Moral? Rowlands
54. Donald Davidson on Truth, Meaning, and the Mental Preyer (ed)
55. Mind, Meaning, and Knowledge Coliva (ed)
56. Lying, Misleading, and What is Said Saul
57. Meaning and Normativity Gibbard
58. Self, Value, and Narrative Rudd
59. Mental Files Recanati
60. Mind, Brain and Free Will Swinburne
61. The Conscious Brain Prinz
62. Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mind Ellis & Guevara (eds)
63. Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Volume IV Kvanvig (ed)
64. Freedom, God, and Worlds Almeida
65. God and Necessity Leftow
66. Reason, Religion, and Natural Law Jacobs (ed)
67. From Zeno to Arbitrage Skyrms
68. Understanding Liberal Democracy Wolterstorff
69. Artha Ganeri
70. Ethics For Our Times Nadkarni
71. Aristotle on the Apparent Good Moss
72. Belief and Truth Vogt
73. Speech and Harm Maitra & McGowan (eds)
74. Advaita Rao
75. Reasoning Laden
76. Methods in Medical Ethics Tomlinson
77. Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition Varner
78. Collected Papers, Volume 2 Stich
79. The Significance of Religious Experience Wettstein
80. Iris Murdoch, Philosopher Broackes (ed)
81. Russell's Logical Atomism Bostock
82. Philosophy and Religion in Enlightenment Britain Savage (ed)
83. The Scope of Autonomy Deligiorgi
84. Shapes of Freedom Hodgson
85. Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau Plamenatz
86. Essays on Kant Allison
87. Being, Humanity, and Understanding Lloyd
88. Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy Zalabardo (ed)
89. Reasons as Defaults Horty
90. Changes of Mind Tennant
91. Implications of the Philosophy of Kant Mohanty & Chatterjea (eds)
92. Scepticism and Reliable Belief Zalabardo
93. The Laws of Belief Spohn
94. Categories of Being Haaparanta
95. The Universe As We Find It Heil
96. The History and Future of Bioethics Evans
97. On Loving Our Enemies Neu
98. Virtue, Rules, and Justice Hill
99. Creation Ethics DeGrazia
100. Reason's Debt to Freedom Haji
101. Luck, Value, and Commitment Heuer & Lang (eds)
102. Oxford Studies in Metaethics, Volume 7 Shafer-Landau (ed)
103. Habitation, Health, and Agency Becker
104. Unfit for the Future Persson & Savulescu
105. Pursuing Meaning Borg
106. Knowledge Ascriptions Brown & Gerken (eds)
107. The Mess Inside Goldie
108. Introspection and Consciousness Smithies & Stoljar (eds)
109. Probability in the Philosophy of Religion Chandler & Harrison (eds)
110. The Emergent Multiverse Wallace
111. Episteme, etc. Morison & Ierodiakonou (eds)
112. Aristotle and the Virtues Curzer
113. Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature Wilberding & Horn (eds)
114. Out from the Shadows Crasnow & Superson (eds)
115. Minimizing Marriage Brake
116. Knowing How Bengson & Moffett (eds)
117. Rethinking the Good Temkin
118. Isaac Newton's Scientific Method Harper
119. The Philosophy of Francisco Suarez Hill & Lagerlund (eds)
120. Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics James
121. Hegel's Critique of Kant Sedgwick
122. Frege's Conception of Logic Blanchette
123. Natural Challenges to Free Will Berofsky
124. Space, Time, and Stuff Arntzenius
125. Necessary Intentionality Simchen
126. A Metaphysics for Freedom Steward
127. Philosophy without Intuitions Cappelen
128. The Self and Self Knowledge Coliva (ed)
129. Reason, Metaphysics, and Mind Clark & Rea (eds)
130. Essays on A Priori Knowledge and Justification Casullo
131. Reliabilism and Contemporary Epistemology Goldman
132. Hegel’s Naturalism Pinkard
133. Happiness and the Good Life Martin
134. A Philosophy to Live By Antonaccio
135. Quine versus Davidson Kemp
136. The Reference Book Hawthorne & Manley
137. Conversation & Responsibility McKenna
138. Transient Truths Brogaard
139. Having in Mind Almog & Leonardi (eds)
140. Seven Puzzles of Thought Sainsbury & Tye
141. The Self Ganeri
142. Rationality + Consciousness = Free Will Hodgson
143. Backsling Mele
144. Destiny and Deliberation Kvanvig
145. God in the Age of Science? Philipse
146. Processes of Life Dupre
147. Mathematics and Scientific Representation Pincock
148. The Limits of the Self Pradeu & Vitanza
149. Justice, Institutions, and Luck Tan
150. Fairness in Practice James

Pearson E-Books

1. 10 Most Important Things You Can Do for Your Children, The Jay
2. Superpowers for Parents eBook Briers
3. Brilliant Parent:What the best parents know, do and say Sargent
4. Raising Children: The Primary Years Joshi
5. Love, Life and Death Chattopadhyaya
6. Ancient Greek Philosophy Tankha
7. Philosophical and Sociological Principles of Education Pathak
8. You Can Be Happy Freeman / Freeman