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E-Books of Business Management

Business management

Taylor & Francis E-Books

SL. No. E-Book Titles Author
1 The Radio Station Keith, Michael C
2 Writing for Visual Media Friedmann, Anthony
3 Team Roles at Work Belbin, R Meredith
4 Coaching Flaherty, James
5 CIM Coursebook Assessing the Marketing Environment Luck, Diana
6 CIM Coursebook Marketing Essentials Blythe, Jim
7 CIM Coursebook Marketing for Stakeholders Gledhill, Michelle
8 CIM Coursebook Marketing Information and Research Housden, Matthew
9 From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation de Chernatony, Leslie
10 Project Management for Engineering, Business, and Technology Nicholas, John M. Steyn, Herman
11 Performance Management in the Public Sector van Dooren, Wouter Bouckaert, Geert Halligan, John
12 Management Frameworks Kemp, Jacques Schotter, Andreas Witzel, Morgen
13 Gendering and Diversifying Trade Union Leadership  
14 Public Relations Cases  
15 Mergers, Acquisitions and Global Empires Unoki, Ko
16 New Paradigms in Financial Economics Falahati, Kazem
17 Regional Development through Ecological Business Hirano, Makoto
18 Leadership as Emotional Labour  
19 An Introduction to Capitalism Swanson, Paul
20 Leadership and Policy Innovation ¿ From Clinton to Bush Cerami, Joseph R.
21 Risk, Risk Management and Regulation in the Banking Industry Pelzer, Peter
22 A History of Management Accounting Edwards, Richard Boyns, Trevor
23 Money and its Origins Karimzadi, Shahzavar
24 Retail and Marketing Channels (RLE Retailing and Distribution)  
25 Retailing (RLE Retailing and Distribution) O'Brien, Larry Harris, Frank
26 The Development of the Wholesaler in the United States 1860-1900 (RLE Retailing and Distribution) Moeckel, Bill Reid
27 The Economics of the Distributive Trades (RLE Retailing and Distribution) McAnally, Patrick
28 Shopping Centre Development (RLE Retailing and Distribution)  
29 Retail Geography (RLE Retailing and Distribution)  
30 Retail and Commercial Planning (RLE Retailing and Distribution) Davies, Ross
31 Marketing Geography (RLE Retailing and Distribution) Davies, Ross
32 Entrepreneurship Roper, Stephen
33 Consumption and Spirituality  
34 The Video Game Industry  
35 Uniting Diverse Organizations Saz-Carranza, Angel
36 International Organizational Behavior McFarlin, Dean Sweeney, Paul
37 World Finance Since 1914 (RLE Banking Finance) Einzig, Paul
38 The Role of the European Investment Bank (RLE Banking Finance) Lewenhak, Sheila
39 Limitations on the Business of Banking (RLE Banking Finance) Pace, R
40 Debtors to their Profession (RLE Banking Finance) Green, Edwin
41 The Export of Capital from Britain (RLE Banking Finance)  
42 Foreign Exchange Issues, Capital Markets and International Banking in the 1990s (RLE Banking Finance)  
43 The Multinational Banking Industry (RLE Banking Finance) Coulbeck, Neil
44 Sovereign Risk Analysis (RLE Banking Finance) Heffernan, Shelagh
45 Banking Policy and Structure (RLE Banking Finance) Wilson, J
46 The Gilt-Edged Market (RLE Banking Finance) Wormell, Jeremy
47 Banking and Finance in Japan (RLE Banking Finance) Tatewaki, Kazuo
48 The World's Money (RLE: Banking Finance) Clarke, William Pulay, George
49 Building Society Industry (RLE Banking Finance) Boleat, Mark
50 The Business Case for Sustainable Finance  
51 Gossip and Organizations Waddington, Kathryn
52 Rediscovering Collective Bargaining  
53 New Perspectives on Emotions in Finance  
54 Men, Wage Work and Family  
55 Tools and Techniques of Leadership and Management Stacey, Ralph
56 The Early History of Banking in England (RLE Banking Finance) Richards, Richard
57 Organizations and the Bioeconomy Styhre, Alexander
58 Banks and Poltics During the Progressive Era (RLE Banking Finance) McCulley, Richard
59 Money and Banking in the UK (RLE: Banking Finance) Collins, Michael
60 Something in the City (RLE Banking Finance) Benn, John
61 Business Ethics  
62 Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport  
63 Challenging the Innovation Paradigm  
64 Strategy for Sustainable Competitive Advantage Chaston, Ian
65 Fair Trade Organizations and Social Enterprise Huybrechts, Benjamin
66 Competition and Efficiency in International Food Supply Chains Williams, John
67 Taxation  
68 Reforming Capitalism Buchholz, Rogene
69 Accounting and Order Ezzamel, Mahmoud
70 An Economic History of Modern Sweden Schön, Lennart
71 Banking Crises, Liquidity, and Credit Lines Singh, Gurbachan
72 Ethical Lessons of the Financial Crisis Flynn, Eileen
73 The Alignment Factor Van Riel, Cees B.M.
74 Environmental Management Accounting Herzig, Christian Viere, Tobias Schaltegger, Stefan Burritt, Roger L.
75 WomenPreneurs Moore, Dorothy P.
76 Managing Corporate Values in Diverse National Cultures d'Iribarne, Philippe
77 The Power of Accounting Lewis, Lawrence
78 Network Governance in Response to Acts of Terrorism Kapucu, Naim
79 The Rise of Planning in Industrial America, 1865-1914 Adelstein, Richard
80 The Consumer, Credit and Neoliberalism Payne, Christopher
81 Dilemmas of Leadership Rickards, Tudor
82 Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector Pasquier, Martial Villeneuve, Jean-Patrick
83 A History of Management Thought Witzel, Morgen
84 Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century  
85 Ethics for Managers Gilbert, Joseph
86 The Good Enough Manager Nurick, Aaron
87 Strategic Leadership in the Public Services Joyce, Paul
88 Understanding Social Entrepreneurship Kickul, Jill Lyons, Thomas
89 Entrepreneurship in Context  
90 The 4 A's of Marketing Sheth, Jagdish Sisodia, Rajendra
91 Positioning the Brand Riezebos, Rik van der Grinten, Jaap
92 Advanced Sales Management Handbook and Cases Orr, Linda
93 Food Supply Chain Management Pullman, Madeleine Wu, Zhaohui
94 The Cores of Strategic Management Shimizu, Katsuhiko
95 Managing the Knowledge-Intensive Firm Ejler, Nicolaj Poulfelt, Flemming Czerniawska, Fiona
96 Global Human Resource Management Casebook  
97 Strategic Thinking Irene M. Duhaime, Larry Stimpert, Julie Chesley,
98 Individuals, Groups, and Business Ethics Provis, Chris
99 The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change  
100 Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior Stahl, Günter K. Mendenhall, Mark E. Oddou, Gary R.
101 The Power of Paradox Rosoff, Nina
102 Knowledge, Skills and Competence in the European Labour Market Brockmann, Michaela Clarke, Linda Winch, Christopher
103 Music, Movies, Meanings, and Markets Holbrook, Morris
104 Why Organizational Change Fails van Oss, Leike van 't Hek, Jaap
105 Risk Management in Organizations Woods, Margaret
106 Pluralism in Management Irgens, Eirik
107 International Economic Relations since 1945 Schenk, Catherine R.
108 Basic Mathematics for Economics, Business and Finance Ummer, EK
109 Social Banks and the Future of Sustainable Finance  
110 Green Business, Green Values, and Sustainability  
111 The Anti Money Laundering Complex and the Compliance Industry Verhage, Antoinette
112 Law, Corporate Governance and Accounting  
113 The Evolving Structure of the East Asian Economic System since 1700  
114 Voluntary Organizations and Public Service Delivery  
115 eCommerce Economics, Second Edition VanHoose, David
116 Storytelling and the Future of Organizations  
117 Bengal Industries and the British Industrial Revolution (1757-1857) Ray, Indrajit
118 International Secured Transactions Law Akseli, Orkun
119 Creativity and Innovation in Business and Beyond  
120 Global Innovation in Emerging Economies Reddy, Prasada
121 Challenges and Controversies in Management Research  
122 Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector  
123 Beyond the Consumption Bubble  
124 Theory and Practice of the Triple Helix Model in Developing Countries  
125 Improving Literacy at Work Wolf, Alison Evans, Karen
126 Entrepreneurship Marketing  
127 Technological Innovation in Retail Finance  
128 Metaphors We Lead By  
129 The Capital Needs of Central Banks  
130 Public Management and Complexity Theory Rhodes, Mary Lee Murphy, Joanne Muir, Jenny Murray, John A.
131 Human Resource Management: The Key Concepts Rowley, Chris Jackson, Keith
132 Style Differences in Cognition, Learning, and Management  
133 Protecting Main Street Lubin, Paul C.
134 Procuring Complex Performance  
135 The South Sea Bubble Paul, Helen
136 International Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises  
137 Ideas and Economic Crises in Britain from Attlee to Blair (1945-2005) Matthijs, Matthias
138 Straight Talk Timm, Paul R. Bienvenu, Sherron
139 International Human Resource Development Potoker, Elaine S.
140 European Works Councils and Industrial Relations Waddington, Jeremy
141 Corporate Level Strategy Furrer, Olivier
142 Territory, specialization and globalization in European Manufacturing Marques, Helena Puig, Francisco
143 Leadership in Organizations  
144 Japanese Participation in British Industry Dunning, John
145 Managing Healthy Organizations Holmqvist, Mikael Maravelias, Christian
146 Social Accounting and Public Management  
147 X-SCM Harrington, Lisa H Boyson, Sandor Corsi, Thomas
148 Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications Daymon, Christine Holloway, Immy
149 Making It All Work Schultz, John
150 Essentials of Marketing Management Lancaster, Geoffrey Massingham, Lester
151 Strategy Execution MacLennan, Andrew
152 Accounting and Distributive Justice Flower, John
153 Managing Professionals de Bruijn, Hans
154 Visual Culture in Organizations Styhre, Alexander
155 International Tax Coordination  
156 Mastering e-Business Grefen, Paul
157 Health Technology Development and Use Hyysalo, Sampsa
158 Ethical Socialism and the Trade Unions Kelly, John
159 The Effective Organization Tafoya, Dennis
160 Insurance Theory and Practice Thoyts, Rob
161 The Economics of Social Responsibility  
162 Insights from Accounting History Zeff, Stephen
163 Women in Business Reeves, Martha
164 Accountancy and Empire  
165 Organization in Open Source Communities Berdou, Evangelia
166 Interactive Marketing Miles, Christopher
167 Lifelong Learning in Paid and Unpaid Work  
168 Accounting in Networks  
169 Managing Service Firms Skålén, Per
170 Improving Mathematics at Work Hoyles, Celia Noss, Richard Kent, Phillip Bakker, Arthur
171 Marketing the Arts  
172 Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation Systems  
173 Reasserting the Public in Public Services  
174 Marketing Methods to Improve Company Strategy Neves, Marcos Fava e Castro, Luciano Thome Consoli, Matheus Alberto
175 Living With the Dragon Koehn, Daryl
176 Organizational Transformation for Sustainability Edwards, Mark
177 Law of Electronic Commercial Transactions Fangfei Wang, Faye
178 The Globalization of Advertising Faulconbridge, James R. Taylor, Peter Nativel, Corinne Beaverstock, Jonathan
179 Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge Novak, Joseph D.
180 The Media Handbook Katz, Helen
181 The Last Male Bastion Branson, Douglas M.
182 Global Talent Management Scullion, Hugh Collings, David
183 Impression Management in the Workplace DuBrin, Andrew J.
184 Business Continuity Management, Second Edition Elliott, Dominic Swartz, Ethné Herbane, Brahim
185 Entrepreneurial Opportunity Clydesdale, Greg
186 Organizational Behavior Champoux, Joseph E.
187 Return on Strategy Moesgaard, Michael Froholdt, Morten Poulfelt, Flemming
188 Management Consulting Today and Tomorrow  
189 Global Business Czinkota, Michael R. Ronkainen, Ilkka A.
190 International Management McFarlin, Dean Sweeney, Paul D.
191 Rewarding Performance Greene, Robert J.
192 Alleviating Poverty Through Profitable Partnerships Werhane, Patricia H. Kelley, Scott P. Hartman, Laura P. Moberg, Dennis J.
193 The Future of Global Business  
194 Social Entrepreneurship London, Manuel Morfopoulos, Richard G.
195 The Geometry of Strategy Keidel, Robert W.
196 Values-Centered Entrepreneurs and Their Companies Choi, David Y. Gray, Edmund
197 Perspectives on Projects Turner, Rodney J. Huemann, Martina Anbari, Frank T. Bredillet, Christophe N.
198 Systems Practice in the Information Society Córdoba-Pachón, José-Rodrigo
199 Beyond Powerful Radio Geller, Valerie
200 Multimedia Foundations Costello, Vic
201 Corporate Water Strategies Sarni, William
202 The Green Executive Kane, Gareth
203 HR: The Business Partner Kenton, Barbara Yarnall, Jane
204 CIM Revision Cards: Delivering Customer Value Donnelly, Ray
205 Managing Cultural Differences Moran, Robert T. Harris, Philip R. Moran, Sarah
206 Good Cop/Bad Cop  

Sage E-Books

1 Employment and Work Susanne

Cambridge E-Books

1 Business Ethics and Continental Philosophy Painter-Morland/ten Bos
2 Civilizing the Economy Brown
3 Corporate Social Strategy Husted/Allen
4 Global Challenges in Responsible Business Smith et al
5 International Management Ethics Jackson
6 Leveraging Corporate Responsibility Bhattacharya/Sen/Korschun
7 NGOs and Corporations Yaziji/Doh
8 Smart Products, Smarter Services Cronin
9 The Innovation Journey of Wi-Fi Lemstra/Hayes/Groenewegen
10 The Essential Guide to Effect Sizes Ellis
11 India's Late, Late Industrial Revolution Majumdar
12 Localization Strategies for Global E-Business Singh
13 The New Multinationals Guillén/García-Canal
14 Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support French/Maule/Papamichail
15 Global Projects Scott/Levitt/Orr
16 Global Services Outsourcing McIvor
17 Managing Knowledge Networks Johnson
18 Measuring the Performance of Public Services Pidd
19 Organizational Trust Saunders et al
20 Power and Interdependence in Organizations Tjosvold/Wisse
21 Public Management O'Toole, Jr/Meier
22 Status in Management and Organizations Pearce
23 Thinking Through Crisis Fraher
24 Principles and Practice of Social Marketing Donovan/Henley
25 Enterprise-Wide Strategic Management Rainey
26 Organizational Control Sitkin/Cardinal/Bijlsma-Frankema
27 Pragmatic Strategy Nonaka/Zhu
28 Stakeholder Theory Freeman et al
29 Strategic Risk Management Practice Andersen/Schrøder
30 Theory of the Firm for Strategic Management Becerra

Oxford E-Books

1 Process, Sensemaking, and Organizing Hernes Maitlis (eds)
2 Constructions of Neoliberal Reason Peck
3 Lyndall Urwick, Management Pioneer Brech et al
4 Employment Contracts, Psychological Contracts, and Worker Well-Being Guest et al (eds)
5 Reorienting Retirement Risk Management Clark Mitchell
6 Manufacturing Possibilities Herrigel
7 Paradoxes of Modernization Margetts et al (eds)
8 Reconfiguring Knowledge Production Whitley et al
9 Corporate Governance, Competition, and Political Parties Barker
10 Corporations in Evolving Diversity Aoki
11 Soft Innovation Stoneman
12 Intellectual Property Rights, Development, and Catch-Up Odagiri, Goto et al
13 The Great Urban Transformation Hsing
14 Local Buinsess Voice Bennett
15 The Responsible Corporation in a Global Economy Crouch Maclean (eds)
16 Contingent Capital Goyer
17 After the Great Complacence Engelen et al
18 The Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation Busemeyer Trampusch (eds)
19 Reconnecting Marketing to Markets Araujo et al (eds)
20 Financial Literacy Lusardi Mitchell (eds)
21 Public Administration Raadschedlers
22 Men, Women, and Money Green et al (eds)
23 Financial Centres and International Capital Flows in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Quennouëlle-Corre and Cassis (eds)
24 The Global Stock Market Wójcik
25 The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Minniti (ed)
26 Knowledge Integration and Innovation Berggren et al (eds)
27 Collisions and Collaboration Boisot et al (eds)
28 Securing Lifelong Retirement Income Mitchell et al (eds)
29 Crises and Opportunities Cassis
30 The Market Makers Hamilton et al
31 Inside Marketing Zwick Cayla (eds)
32 Organizational Learning Contract Goodman
33 Ethics and Organizational Leadership Fryer
34 Nordic Capitalisms and Globalization Kristensen Lilja (eds)
35 Competition, Competitive Advantage, and Clusters Huggins Izushi (eds)
36 Consultation at Work Hall Purcell
37 Innovation, Human Capabilities, and Democracy Miettinen
38 The Constitutionalization of the Global Corporate Sphere? Thompson
39 Materiality and Organizing Leonardi et al (eds)
40 Reshaping Retirement Security Maurer et al (eds)
41 New Spirits of Capitalism? Du Gay Morgan (eds)
42 The Origins of International Banking in Asia Nishimura et al (eds)
43 The Handbook of Mergers and Acquisitions Faulkner et al (eds)
44 Innovative Firms in Emerging Market Countries Amann Cantwell (eds)
45 World Insurance Borscheid Haueter (eds)
46 Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century Morgan Whitley (eds)
47 The Virtues of Leadership Rego et al
48 The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis Grant Wilson (eds)
49 East Asian Capitalism Walter Zhang (eds)
50 Management Innovation Lazonick Teece (eds)
51 Valuing an Entrepreneurial Enterprise Audretsch Link
52 Constructing Identity in and around Organizations Schultz et al (eds)
53 The Works of Managers Tengblad (ed)
54 Normal Organizational Wrongdoing Palmer
55 Restoring Trust in Organizations and Leaders Kramer Pittinsky (eds)
56 Saving for Retirement Clark et al

McGraw Hill E-Books

1 hotel-front-office-trng-mnl-2e ANDREWS
2 hotel-housekeeping-training-manual ANDREWS
3 professional-hotel-front-office-mgmt BHAKTA
4 professional-paralegal Tow, Allan
5 abcs-relationship-selling Futrell, Charles
6 art-leadership Manning, George
7 art-retailing LAMBA
8 bank-management-financial-services ROSE
9 bank-management-financial-services5462 Rose, Peter
10 basic-fin-mgmt-2e KHAN JAIN
11 basic-legal-research-for-paralegals Nolfi, Edward
12 basic-legal-writing-for-paralegals Tepper, Pamela
13 bond-valuation PARAMESWARAN
14 book-financial-terms SUNDARARAJAN
15 brand-positioning SENGUPTA
16 bridge-engineering PONNUSWAMY
17 business-administrative-communication Locker, Kitty
18 business-changing-world Ferrell, O. C.
19 business-communication-building-critical-skills Locker, Kitty
20 business-communication-sie-3e LOCKER
21 business-communication4091 SUNDAR
22 business-communication4616 SETHI
23 business-communications Lesikar, Raymond
24 business-connecting-principles-to-practice Nickels, William
25 business-correspondence-report-writing-4e SHARMA
26 business-driven-information-systems Baltzan, Paige
27 business-driven-technology Baltzan, Paige
28 business-dynamics-systems-thinking-modeling-for-complex-world STERMAN
29 business-economics SIVAGNANAM
30 business-english-audio-cd SAMSON
31 business-english-writing-in-global-workplace Young, Dona
32 business-environment PAUL
33 business-ethics Hartman, Laura
34 business-ethics-now Ghillyer, Andrew
35 business-ethics-policies-persons Goodpaster
36 business-ethics7164 FRANCIS, MISHRA
37 business-forecasting Wilson, J. Holton
38 business-forecasting-accompanying-excelbased-forecastx-software WILSON
39 business-government-society-managerial-perspective Steiner, John
40 business-law MATHUR
41 business-law-2e BALACHANDRAN
42 business-law-ethical-global-ecommerce-environment Mallor, Jane
43 business-law-regulatory-environment-concepts-cases Mallor, Jane
44 business-marketing DWYER
45 business-marketing-connecting-strategy-relationships-learning Dwyer, F. Robert
46 business-marketing-text-cases HAVALDAR
47 business-mathematics-statistics NG Das, JK Das
48 business-modelling-spreadsheets LEONG
49 business-now Shah, Amit
50 business-process-reengineering R Srinivasan
51 business-research-methodology Srivastava Rego
52 business-research-methods Cooper, Donald
53 business-society-stakeholders-ethics-public-policy Lawrence, Anne
54 business-society-stakeholders-ethics-public-policy7342 LAWRENCE
55 business-statistics ALAGAR
56 business-statistics-3e BERI
57 business-statistics-in-practice Bowerman, Bruce
58 business-statistics-in-practice-students-cd-rom BOWERMAN
59 case-problems-in-finance-cdrom12esie KESTER
60 case-studies-in-finance BRUNER
61 case-studies-in-finance5550 Bruner, Robert
62 cases-in-corporate-finance VISHWANATH
63 cases-in-financial-management PANDEY BHAT
64 cases-in-ob-hrm SAIYADAIN
65 cases-in-strategic-management MITAL
66 change-management SHARMA
67 communicating-at-work-principles-practices-for-business-professions Adler, Ronald
68 communication-for-retail-professionals RIZVI
69 competency-based-human-resource-management SHERMON, GANESH
70 complete-business-statistics Aczel
71 complete-business-statistics4678 Aczel, Amir
72 comprehensive-stress-management GREENBERG
73 comprehensive-stress-management6659 Greenberg, Jerrold
74 cons-behr-mkt-str-iae PETER
75 construction-planningequipment-method PEURIFOY
76 construction-project-management CHITKARA
77 consumer-behavior Peter, J. Paul
78 consumer-behavior-building-marketing-strategy Hawkins, Delbert
79 consumer-behavior-sie-cd HAWKINS
80 consumer-behaviour-text-cases Kapoor
81 contemporary-advertising Arens, William
82 contemporary-advertising7404 ARENS
83 contemporary-management Jones, Gareth
84 contemporary-management-5e JONES
85 corporate-communication Argenti, Paul
86 corporate-creativity KHANDWALLA
87 corporate-finance ROSS
88 corporate-finance-core-principles-applications Ross, Stephen
89 corporate-finance4713 Ross, Stephen
90 corporate-governance-stewardship BALASUBRAMANIAN, N
91 corporate-information-strategy APPLEGATE
92 corporate-restructuring RANJAN DAS
93 cost-management-strategic-emphasis Blocher, Edward
94 coursesmart-ebook-financial-institutions-markets Rose, Peter
95 craft-business-letter-writing Matthew M onippally
96 custmer-service-associate Nathan
97 customer-relationship-management4062 Makkar
98 customer-service-skills-for-success Lucas, Robert W
99 dabawalas PANDIT
100 derivatives-financial-innovations BANSAL
101 derivatives-risk-management VARMA
102 effective-business-commsie MURPHY
103 effective-technical-communication RIZVI
104 erp-in-practice JAGANNATHAN VAMANAN
105 essentials-advanced-financial-accounting Baker, Richard
106 essentials-contemporary-management Jones, Gareth
107 essentials-corporate-finance Ross, Stephen
108 essentials-fin-services-2e GURUSAMY
109 essentials-management-8e KOONTZ
110 essentials-marketing Perreault, Jr., William
111 essentials-marketing-research Hair, Jr., Joseph
112 essentials-strategic-management Gamble, John
113 ethics-in-business-corporate-governance MANDAL
114 ethics-management Hosmer, La Rue
115 farm-management Kay, Ronald
117 financial-accounting S John Gabriel
118 financial-accounting-for-management RAMACHANDRAN/ KAKANI
119 financial-accounting-fundamentals Wild, John
120 financial-accounting-information-for-decisions Wild, John
121 financial-accounting-vol-ii Mohd. Hanif
122 financial-accounting-voli Mohd. Hanif
123 financial-accounting4045 Khatri
124 financial-accounting4075 Bapat
125 financial-accounting5749 Spiceland, J. David
126 financial-accounting5760 Williams, Jan
127 financial-institutions-management-risk-approach Saunders, Anthony
128 financial-institutions-markets-5e BHOLE
129 financial-instru-standards GUPTA
130 financial-management5352 PRASANNA CHANDRA
131 financial-managerial-accounting Williams, Jan
132 financial-managerial-accounting6753 Wild, John
133 financial-markets-inst SAUNDERS, CORNETT
134 financial-markets-institutions Saunders, Anthony
135 financial-planning SINHA
136 financial-reporting-analysis Revsine, Lawrence
137 financial-statement-analysis Subramanyam, K. R.
138 financial-statement-analysis-security-valuation PENMAN
139 financial-statement-analysis-security-valuation4709 Penman
140 financial-statement-analysis9e WILD
141 financial-supply-chain DALMIA
142 focus-on-personal-finance Kapoor, Jack
143 formulation-implementation-control-competitive-strategy Pearce, John
144 foundations-marketing-2e JOBBER
145 fund-financial-management-5e CHANDRA
146 fundamental-financial-accounting-concepts Edmonds, Thomas
147 fundamental-managerial-accounting-concepts Edmonds, Thomas
148 fundamentals-financial-accounting Phillips, Fred
149 fundamentals-human-resource NOE
150 fundamentals-investment-management Hirt, Geoffrey
151 fundamentals-managementconcepts-principles FANG KANT
152 fundamentals-selling FUTRELL
153 fundof-investment-mgmt-8e HIRT
154 funds-corporate-finance-8e ROSS
155 global-challenge Evans, Paul
156 global-challenge-the4648 EVANS
157 global-marketing JOHANSSON
158 global-marketing-foreign-entry-local-management Johansson, Johny
159 human-resource-management-10e IVANCEVICH
160 human-resource-management-experiential-approach BERNARDIN
161 human-resource-management-gaining-competitive-advantage NOE
162 human-resource-management5373 Noe, Raymond
163 human-resource-management5579 Ivancevich, John
164 human-resource-management6634 Byars, Lloyd
165 human-resource-mgmttb-for-hospitality ANDREWS
166 human-resource-strategy DREHER
167 human-resource-strategy-behavioral-perspective-for-general-manager Dreher, George
168 human-resources-management-4e SAIYADAIN
169 indian-ethos-values-in-management SANKAR
170 industrial-safety-management DESHMUKH
171 international-financial-management5412 APTE
172 international-financial-management5664 Eun, Cheol
173 international-financial-mgmt-4e EUN
174 international-financial-reporting-standards-ifrs KAUR, JASMINE
175 international-human-resource-management ASWATHAPPA
176 international-management Phatak, Arvind
177 international-marketing6641 Cateora, Philip
178 international-marketingtext-cases PAUL
179 into-to-business-ethics-2e DESJARDINS
180 knowledge-management JAWADEKAR
181 leadership HUGHES
182 leadership-enhancing-lessons-experience Hughes, Richard
183 m-advertising Arens, William
184 m-business-communication Flatley, Marie
185 mall-management Harvinder Singh
186 management Rue, Leslie
187 management-8e-sie BATEMAN
188 management-concepts-practice-cases GHUMAN, KARMINDER
189 management-global-entrepeneurial-perspective WEIHRICH
190 management-information-system-sie O'BRIEN
191 management-information-systems-for-age Haag, Stephen
192 management-information-systems-text-cases JAWADEKAR
193 management-information-systems4734 HAAG
194 management-leading-collaborating-in-competitive-world Bateman, Thomas
195 management-leading-collaborating-in-competitive-world6632 Bateman, Thomas
196 management5572 Kinicki, Angelo
197 management6693 Kinicki, Angelo
198 managing-operations-across-supply-chain Swink, Morgan
199 managing-org-change PALMER
200 managing-organizational-change-multiple-perspectives-approach Palmer, Ian
201 managing-projects-teambased-approach Brown, Karen
202 managing-soft-skills-for-personality-development Ghosh
203 manufacturing-planning-control-for-supply-chain-management Jacobs, F. Robert
204 mktg-hospitality-tourism-serv KUMAR
205 mobility-mgmnt-in-cellular RUDRAKSHI, SOMASEKHAR
206 modern-competitive-strategy Walker, Gordon
207 modern-competitive-strategy5411 WALKER
208 new-products-management Crawford, C. Merle
209 operations-management STEVENSON
210 operations-management-contemporary-concepts-cases SCHROEDER
211 operations-management-contemporary-concepts-cases6732 Schroeder, Roger
212 operations-management6741 Stevenson, William
213 operations-management7112 CHASE
214 operations-research-sigma-series IYER,SANKARAP.
215 operations-strategy-competing-in-21st-century Beckman, Sara
216 operations-supply-management-core Jacobs, F. Robert
217 organization-development-transformation FRENCH
218 organiztional-behavior-management IVANCEVICH
219 practice-management-her Sanderson, Susan
220 preface-to-marketing-management Peter, J. Paul
221 principles-management Tripathi
222 principles-management-sie HILL
223 principles-management5512 Hill, Charles W. L.
224 product-category-management CHIPLUNKAR
225 product-design-development Ulrich, Karl
226 product-management LEHMANN
227 project-management-hb CHITKARA
229 public-administration Rosenbloom, David
230 purchasing-supply-chain-management Benton, W.C.
231 purchasing-supply-management Johnson, P. Fraser
232 purchasing-supply-mgmt LEENDERS
233 purposeguided-student-dream-to-succeed Pattengale, Jerry
234 quality-control-total-management JAIN
235 quality-management GITLOW
236 retailing-franchising SIDHPURIA
237 retailing-management PRADHAN
238 rethinking-disability Valle, Jan
239 running-money-professional-portfolio-management Stewart, Scott
240 rural-marketing DOGRA
241 saas-edge SAHIL PARIKH
242 sales-distribution-management HAVALDAR
243 sales-distribution-management-text-cases Havaldar
244 sales-force-management-sie-9e JOHNSTON
245 sales-mktga-tb-for-hospitality-ind ANDREWS
246 sap-materials-management-cd SHUKLA
247 security-analysis-portfolio-mgt Sasidharan
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250 small-business-management-entrepreneurs-guidebook Byrd, Mary Jane
251 supply-chain-logistics-management Bowersox, Donald
252 supply-chain-logistics-management4656 BOWERSOX
253 supply-chain-management-for-competitive-advantage-concepts-cases RANGARAJ
254 supply-chain-management-for-retailing RAY
255 supply-chain-science Hopp, Wallace
256 sustainable-developmentachievements-challengessust-dev HASNAIN, SEYED
257 infrastructure-its-management GUPTA
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