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E-Books Agriculture & Biology

E-Book Titles Author
The Rhizosphere Zoe G. Cardon, Julie Lynn Whitbeck
Plant Disturbance Ecology Edward A. Johnson, Kiyoko Miyanishi
Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea Paul Falkowski, Andrew H. Knoll
Dynamic Aquaria Walter H. Adey, Karen Loveland
The Ecology of Sandy Shores Anton McLachlan, A.C. Brown
Primate Anatomy Friderun Ankel-Simons
Ecological Geography of the Sea Alan R. Longhurst
The Migration Ecology of Birds Ian Newton
Microirrigation for Crop Production Freddie R. Lamm, James E. Ayars, Francis S. Nakayama
Potato Biology and Biotechnology: Advances and Perspectives Dick Vreugdenhil
Comprehensive and Molecular Phytopathology Yuri Dyakov, Vitaly Dzhavakhiya, Timo Korpela
Biology of the Nitrogen Cycle Hermann Bothe, Stuart Ferguson, William E. Newton
Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology J.M. Lawrence
Digital Soil Mapping Philippe Lagacherie, Alex McBratney, Marc Voltz
Cork: Biology, Production and Uses Helena Pereira
Bioengineering and Molecular Biology of Plant Pathways Hans J. Bohnert, Henry Nguyen, Norman Lewis
Tropical Stream Ecology David Dudgeon
Physiology of Woody Plants Stephen G. Pallardy
Physiological Systems in Insects Marc J. Klowden
Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation Da-Wen Sun
Wine Science Ronald S. Jackson
Waste Management for the Food Industries Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis
Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages Elke Arendt, Fabio Dal Bello
Ecosystem Engineers Kim Cuddington, James E. Byers, William G. Wilson, Alan Hastings
Insect Resistance Management David W, Onstad
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World Debasis Bagchi
Insect Immunology Nancy E. Beckage
What Can Nanotechnology Learn From Biotechnology? Kenneth David, Paul B. Thompson
Agroecological Economics Paul Wojtkowski
Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables R. Barkai-Golan, Nachman Pastor
Citrus Fruit Milind Ladaniya
The Jehol Fossils Mee-Mann Chang, Pei-ji Chen, Yuan-qing Wang, Yuan Wang
The Evolution of Hemispheric Specialization in Primates William D. Hopkins
Practical Design, Construction and Operation of Food Facilities J. Peter Clark
Modelling the Flying Bird C.J. Pennycuick
Marine Mammals of the World Thomas A. Jefferson, Marc A. Webber, Robert Pitman
Beer Charles Bamforth, Inge Russell, Graham Stewart
Perspectives for Agroecosystem Management: Peter Schröder, J. Pfadenhauer, J. Munch
Chemical Bioavailability in Terrestrial Environments Ravendra Naidu
Soilless Culture: Theory and Practice Michael Raviv, J. Heinrich Lieth
The Riverine Ecosystem Synthesis Thorp, James
The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook Elizabeth H. Harris, David Stern, George Witman
Sperm Biology Tim R. Birkhead, Dave J. Hosken, Scott S. Pitnick
Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals  
Kingdoms and Domains Lynn Margulis, Karlene V. Schwartz
Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology of 1-3 Beta Glucans and Related Polysaccharides Bruce Stone
Paleobotany Thomas N. Taylor, Edith L. Taylor, Michael Krings
Milk Proteins Abby Thompson, Mike Boland, Harjinder Singh
Postharvest Handling Wojciech J. Florkowski, Stanley E. Prussia, Robert L. Shewfelt, Bernhard Brueckner
Global Issues in Food Science and Technology Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas, Alan Mortimer, David Lineback, Walter Spiess, Ken Buckle, Paul Colonna
Nutrition and Genomics David Castle, Nola Ries
Infrared Spectroscopy for Food Quality Analysis and Control Da-Wen Sun
Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology Park S. Nobel
Encyclopedia of Insects  
Wine Tasting Ronald S. Jackson
The Produce Contamination Problem Gerald Sapers, Ethan Solomon, Karl R. Matthews
Modern Biopolymer Science Stefan Kasapis, Ian T. Norton, Johan B, Ubbink
Desert Olive Oil Cultivation Zeev Wiesman
Geomorphometry Tomislav Hengl, Hannes I. Reuter
Advances in Potato Chemistry and Technology Jaspreet Singh, Lovedeep Kaur
Crop Physiology Victor O Sadras, Daniel Calderini
Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health Watson, Ronald
Fish Neuroendocrinology Nicholas J Bernier, Glen Van Der Kraak, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner
Hypoxia in Fishes Jeffrey G. Richards, Anthony P. Farrell, Colin J. Brauner
Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis Suresh Babu, Prabuddha Sanyal
Starch James N. BeMiller, Roy L. Whistler
The Pearl Oyster Paul Southgate, John Lucas
Tigers of the World Ronald Tilson
The Dusky Dolphin Wursig, Bernd
Beer in Health and Disease Prevention Preedy, Victor
Genetically Modified Plants Hull, Roger
Plant Cell Biology Wayne, Randy
Obesity Prevention Dube, Laurette
Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention Preedy, Victor
Irradiation of Food Commodities Arvanitoyannis, Ioannis
Hyperspectral Imaging for Food Quality Analysis and Control Sun, Da-Wen
Ensuring Global Food Safety Boisrobert, Christine
The Science of Grapevines: Anatomy and Physiology Keller, Markus
Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health Watson, Ronald
A History of Weed Science in the United States Zimdahl, Robert L
The Agronomy and Economy of Important Tree Crops of the Developing World Nair, K.P. Prabhakaran
Cereal Straw as a Resource for Sustainable Biomaterials and Biofuels Sun, RunCang
Synchrotron-based Techniques in Soils and Sediments Singh, Balwant
Red Panda Glatston, Angela R.
Food Preservation Process Design Heldman, Dennis
Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Norris, David
Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Norris, David
Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Norris, David
Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Norris, David
Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Norris, David
Molecular Wine Microbiology Carrascosa Santiago, Alfonso
Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention Preedy, Victor
Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention Preedy, Victor
Insect Ecology Schowalter, Timothy
Pulse Foods Tiwari, Brijesh
Insect Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Gilbert, Lawrence
Insect Endocrinology Gilbert, Lawrence
Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants Marschner, Petra
Genomics of Cultivated Palms Arunachalam, V
Agronomy and Economy of Black Pepper and Cardamom Nair, K.P. Prabhakaran
Cyclura Lemm, Jeffrey
Biochemistry of Foods Eskin, N.A.
The Vitamins Combs, Jr., Gerald
Sensory Evaluation Practices Stone, Herbert
Tea in Health and Disease Prevention Preedy, Victor
Insect Pathology Vega, Fernando
Nutritional And Therapeutic Interventions For Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Bagchi, Debasis
Insect Pests of Potato Alyokhin, Andrei
Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Liebig, Mark
Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology Lacey, Lawrence
Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists Zelditch, Miriam
Hydropedology Lin, Henry
Breakthrough Food Product Innovation Through Emotions Research Lundahl, David
Enological Chemistry Moreno, Juan
Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease Coulston, Ann
Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease Watson, Ronald
Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Diabetes Watson, Ronald
Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Liver and Gastrointestinal Disease Watson, Ronald
Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for the Aging Population Watson, Ronald
Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Arthritis and Related Inflammatory Diseases Watson, Ronald
Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers Alford, David
Agricultural Sustainability Bhullar, Gurbir
Securing Safe Water Supplies Voigt, Erik
Plant Tissue Culture Smith, Roberta
Agriculture's Ethical Horizon Zimdahl, Robert
Clinostat: Principles and Applications Bhaskaran, Santosh
Food Safety Management Motarjemi, Yasmine
Risk Management in Food Allergy Madsen, Charlotte
Atlas of Drosophila Morphology Chyb, Sylwester
Handbook of Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery Engineering Kutz, Myer
Tomato Diseases Blancard, Dominique
Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms Morales-Ramos, Juan
Food Industry Wastes Kosseva, Maria
Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals Grandin, Temple
Innovations in Food Packaging Han, Jung
The Agronomy and Economy of Turmeric and Ginger Nair, K.P. Prabhakaran
Dictionary of South American Trees Grandtner, M.M.
Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology Lawrence, John M.
The Physiology of Cladocera Smirnov, N.N.
Insect Resistance Management Onstad, David W,
Stock Identification Methods Cadrin, Steven
Working with Dynamic Crop Models Wallach, Daniel
Biodiversity in Tropical Forests Kalliola, Risto
Genetic and Genomic Resources of Grain Legume Improvement Singh, Mohar
Integrated Pest Management Abrol, Dharam
Introduction to Food Engineering Singh, R Paul
Flavour Science Ferreira, Vicente
Genetically Modified Sources of Food Tuteljan, Victor
Physiological Systems in Insects Klowden, Marc
Insect Molecular Genetics Hoy, Marjorie
Food Process Engineering and Technology Berk, Zeki
Sexual Selection Macedo, Regina
Foodborne Infections and Intoxications  
More Efficient Utilization of Fish and Fisheries Products M. Sakaguchi
Advances in Plant Pathology, Volume 11 John Andrews, Inez Tommerup
Streams Colbert Cushing/J. Allan
Bioavailability of Nutrients for Animals Clarence Ammerman/David Baker/Austin Lewis
Animal Cognition in Nature Russell Balda/Irene Pepperberg/Alan C Kamil
Conservation Biological Control Pedro Barbosa
Preservation of Foods with Pulsed Electric Fields Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas / Usha R. Pothakamury / M. Marcela Gongora-Nieto / Barry G. Swanson
Seeds Carol Baskin/Jerry Baskin
Plant Resource Allocation Fakhri A. Bazzaz, John Grace
Reproductive Allocation in Plants Edward G. Reekie, Fakhri A. Bazzaz
Plant Biochemistry, 3rd ed. Hans-Walter Heldt
Return to the River Richard Williams
Stable Isotopes and Biosphere Atmosphere Interactions Lawrence B. Flanagan, James R. Ehleringer, Diane E. Pataki
Vascular Transport in Plants N. Michelle Holbrook, Maciej A. Zwieniecki
Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change Peter C. de Ruiter, Volkmar Wolters, John C. Moore
Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes of Theory Change Kim Cuddington, Beatrix Beisner
Marine Mammals Annalisa Berta/James Sumich/ Kit Kovacs
Insect Ecology Timothy Schowalter
Wildlife Demography John Skalski/Kristin Ryding/Joshua Millspaugh
Variation Benedikt Hallgrímsson/Brian Hall
Marine Metapopulations Jacob Kritzer / Peter Sale
Soil Respiration and the Environment Yiqi Luo, Xuhui Zhou
Freshwater Fish Distribution Tim Berra
Sperm Competition and Sexual Selection Tim Birkhead / Anders Møller
Insect Pheromone Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Gary Blomquist/Richard Vogt
Food Texture and Viscosity Malcolm Bourne
The Evolution of Adaptive Systems James Brock
The Global Forest Products Model Joseph Buongiorno/Shushuai Zhu/Dali Zhang/James Turner/David Tomberlin
The Nutrition Transition Benjamin Caballero
Stock Identification Methods Steven Cadrin/Kevin Friedland/John Waldman
Ancient Marine Reptiles Jack Callaway/Elizabeth Nicholls
Bones, Stones and Molecules David Cameron/Colin Groves
Handbook of Vegetable Pests John Capinera
Population Dynamics Naomi Cappuccino/Peter Price
Long-Term Studies of Vertebrate Communities Martin Cody/Jeffrey Smallwood
Reproductive Biology of Bats Elizabeth G. Crichton, Philip H. Krutzsch
Caribbean Amphibians and Reptiles Brian I. Crother
Chaos in Ecology: Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics J. M. Cushing, R.F. Costantino, Brian Dennis, Robert A. Desharnais, Shandelle M. Henson
Tropical Mariculture Sena De Silva
Plant Biochemistry P. Dey/J. Harborne
Integrative Plant Anatomy William Dickison
Freshwater Ecology Walter K. Dodds
Encyclopedia of Foods Experts from Dole Food Company, Inc./Experts from The Mayo Clinic/Experts from UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
Biology of the Lobster Jan Factor
Aquatic Ecosystems: Interactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter Stuart E.G. Findlay, Robert L. Sinsabaugh
Handbook of Biological Control T.W. Fisher / Thomas S. Bellows / L.E. Caltagirone / D.L. Dahlsten / Carl B. Huffaker / G. Gordh
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Volume 1 Patrick Fox, Paul McSweeney, Timothy Cogan, Timothy Guinee
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Volume 2 Patrick Fox, Paul McSweeney, Timothy Cogan, Timothy Guinee
Social Learning in Animals Cecilia Heyes/Bennett Galef, Jr.
Plant Stems Barbara L. Gartner
Piperonyl Butoxide Denys Glynne Jones
Air-Breathing Fishes Jeffrey Graham
Innovations in Food Packaging Jung Han
Fish Nutrition John Halver/Ronald Hardy
Metapopulation Biology Ilkka Hanski/Michael Gilpin
Ecology, Genetics and Evolution of Metapopulations Ilkka Hanski/Oscar Gaggiotti
ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual Roger Harris/Peter Wiebe/Jurgen Lenz/Hein-Rune Skjoldal/Mark Huntley
Virus-Insect-Plant Interactions Kerry Harris/Oney Smith/James Duffus
The Evolution of Plant Physiology Alan Hemsley/Imogen Poole
Intertidal Fishes Michael Horn/Karen Martin/Michael Chotkowski
Harvested Forages Rodney Horrocks/John Valentine
Insect Molecular Genetics, 2nd ed. Marjorie Hoy
Matthews' Plant Virology Roger Hull
Agriculture's Ethical Horizon Robert Zimdahl
Ecology in Agriculture Louise E. Jackson
Wine Science Ronald Jackson
Wine Tasting Ronald Jackson
Handbook of Milk Composition Robert G. Jensen
Streams and Ground Waters Jeremy B. Jones, Patrick J. Mulholland
Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations M.B. Kirkham
Great White Sharks A. Klimley / David Ainley
Molecular Systematics of Fishes Thomas D. Kocher / Carol A. Stepien
Nutrient Metabolism Martin Kohlmeier
Carbon Dioxide, Populations, and Communities Christian Korner, Fakhri A. Bazzaz
Physiology of Woody Plants Theodore Kozlowski/Stephen Pallardy
Growth Control in Woody Plants Theodore T. Kozlowski, Stephen G. Pallardy
Plant Energetics Octavian Ksenzhek/Alexander Volkov
Applications of Physiological Ecology to Forest Management J.J. Landsberg, S.T. Gower
Forest Canopies Margaret D. Lowman, Nalini M. Nadkarni
Carbon Dioxide and Environmental Stress Yiqi Luo, Harold A. Mooney
Drosophila Therese Markow/Patrick O'Grady
Nature's Music Peter Marler/Hans Slabbekoorn
Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants Horst Marschner
Radio Tracking and Animal Populations Joshua Millspaugh / John Marzluff
Avian Molecular Evolution and Systematics David Mindell
Terrestrial Global Productivity Bernard Saugier, Jacques Roy, Harold A. Mooney
Carbon Dioxide and Terrestrial Ecosystems George W. Koch, Harold A. Mooney
Biodiversity of Fungi Greg Mueller /Mercedes Foster/Gerald Bills
Medical and Veterinary Entomology Gary Mullen/Lance Durden
Methods in Applied Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Kassem Alef/Paolo Nannipieri
Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture Gerald Nelson
Population Limitation in Birds Ian Newton
Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology Park Nobel
Plant Cell Death Processes Larry Nooden
Hormones, Brain and Behavior Donald W. Pfaff / Arthur Arnold / Anne Etgen / Susan Fahrbach / Robert Rubin
Beef Cattle Feeding and Nutrition Tilden Wayne Perry / Michael J. Cecava
The Origins of Agriculture in the Lowland Neotropics Dolores Piperno/Deborah Pearsall
Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field Bonnie Ploger/Ken Yasukawa
Phase Transitions in Foods Yrjö Roos / Steve Taylor
Introduction to the Practice of Fishery Science William F. Royce
C4 Plant Biology Rowan F. Sage, Russell K. Monson
Coral Reef Fishes Peter Sale
Homoplasy Michael J. Sanderson / Larry Hufford
Feeding Kurt Schwenk
Computer Applications in Food Technology R. Singh / Steve Taylor
Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Sally Smith/David Read
Plant Growth and Development Lalit Srivastava
Algal Ecology R.J. Stevenson, M.L. Bothwell, R.L. Lowe
Whisky Inge Russell/Charles Bamforth/Graham Stewart
Interrelationships of Fishes Melanie Stiassny / Lynne Parenti / G. Johnson
Sensory Evaluation Practices Herbert Stone / Joel Sidel
Behavioral Ecology of Tropical Birds Bridget Stutchbury/Eugene Morton
Amniote Origins Stuart Sumida/Karen Martin
Emerging Technologies for Food Processing Da-Wen Sun
Photoperiodism in Plants Brian Thomas/Daphne Vince-Prue
Biotechnology and Safety Assessment John Thomas/Roy Fuchs
Monitoring Vertebrate Populations William Thompson/Gary White/Charles Gowan
Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates James Thorp/Alan Covich
Conservation of Fish and Shellfish Resources J. Thorpe/Graham Gall/Jim Lannan/Colin Nash
Identifying Marine Diatoms and Dinoflagellates Grethe R. Hasle / Erik E. Syvertsen / Karen A. Steidinger / Karl Tangen / Carmelo R. Tomas
Identifying Marine Phytoplankton Carmelo Tomas
The Natural History of an Arctic Oil Field Joe Truett/Stephen Johnson
Grazing Management John Vallentine
The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology Günter Wagner
The Origin and Evolution of Larval Forms Brian Hall/Marvalee Wake
Polysaccharide Dispersions Reginald Walter/Steve Taylor
The Behaviour, Population Biology and Physiology of the Petrels John Warham
The Fungi, 2nd ed. Michael Carlile/Sarah Watkinson/Graham Gooday
Freshwater Algae of North America John D. Wehr, Robert G. Sheath
Sturkie's Avian Physiology G. Whittow
Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists Miriam Zelditch/Donald Swiderski/David Sheets/William Fink
Bauxites Ida Valeton
Soil Organic Matter and Its Role in Crop Production F.E. Allison
Non-Agricultural Applications of Soil Surveys R.W. Simonson
Soil Chemistry A. Basic Elements G.H. Bolt, M.G.M. Bruggenwert
Soils of Arid Regions H.E. Dregne
Trace Elements in Soils H. Aubert, M. Pinta
Soil Organic Matter M. Schnitzer, S.U. Khan
Formation and Properties of Clay-Polymer Complexes B.K.G. Theng
Soil Chemistry: B. Physico-Chemical Models G.H. Bolt
Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy I. Concepts and Interactions L.P. Wilding, N.E. Smeck, G.F. Hall
Pedogenesis and Soil Taxonomy II. The Soil Orders L.P. Wilding, N.E. Smeck, G.F. Hall
Submicroscopic Studies of Soils E.B.A. Bisdom, J. Ducloux
Elements of Soil Physics P. Koorevaar, G. Menelik, C. Dirksen
Soil Physics With Basic Transport Models for Soil-Plant Systems Gaylon S. Campbell
Remote Sensing in Soil Science M.A. Mulders
Antarctica: Soils, Weathering Processes and Environment I.B. Campbell, G.G.C. Claridge
The Bamboos of the World D. Ohrnberger
Enzymology of Disturbed Soils S. Kiss, D. Paşca, M. Drăgan-Bularda
Advances in Plant Glycosides, Chemistry and Biology Chong-Ren Yang, Osamu Tanaka
Silicon in Agriculture L.E. Datnoff, G.H. Snyder, G.H. Korndörfer
Carbohydrate Reserves in Plants Synthesis and Regulation A.K. Gupta
Biology of Brassica Coenospecies C. GómezCampo
Phytosfere'99 Highlights in European Plant Biotechnology Research and Technology Transfer G.E. de Vries, K. Metzlaff
Multiple Criteria Analysis for Agricultural Decisions C. Romero, T. Rehman
Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology J.M. Lawrence
Insect Clocks D.S.Saunders/C.G.H. Steel/X. Vafopoulou/R.D. Lewis
Plant Genetic Engineering A.D. Arencibia
Scallops: Biology, Ecology and Aquaculture Sandra Shumway, Jay Parsons
Fractals in Soil Science Y. Pachepsky, J.W. Crawford, W.J. Rawls
Biology and Culture of Channel Catfish Craig S. Tucker, John A. Hargreaves
Design and Operating Guide for Aquaculture Seawater Systems J.E. Huguenin, J. Colt
Postharvest Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables R. Barkai-Golan
Diversity in Barley (Hordeum Vulgare) R. von Bothmer
Insect Timing: Circadian Rhythmicity to Seasonality D.L. Denlinger/J. Giebultowicz/D.S. Saunders
Redesigning Rice Photosynthesis to Increase Yield J.E. Sheehy, P.L. Mitchell, B. Hardy
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Agricultural Systems K. Sakai
Soil Liquid Phase Composition V.V. Snakin/A.A. Prisyazhnaya/E. Kovács-Láng
Production Rights in European Agriculture D. Barthélemy/J. David
Global Seagrass Research Methods F.T. Short/R.G. Coles
Nitrogen Fixation at the Millennium G.J. Leigh
Large Marine Ecosystems of the North Atlantic Kenneth Sherman, Hein R. Skjoldal
Sustaining Large Marine Ecosystems: The Human Dimension Timothy Hennessey, Jon G. Sutinen
The Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem Jacqueline M. McGlade, Philippe Cury, Kwame A. Koranteng, Nicholas J. Hardman-Mountford
Soil Mineral-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interactions and Ecosystem Health A. Violante, P.M. Huang, J.-M. Bollag, L. Gianfreda
Soil Mineral-Organic Matter-Microorganism Interactions and Ecosystem Health A. Violante, P.M. Huang, J.-M. Bollag, L. Gianfreda
Soil Mineral - Organic Matter - Microorganism Interactions and Ecosystem Health A. Violante, P.M. Huang, J.M. Bollag, L. Gianfreda
Soil, Fertilizer, and Plant Silicon Research in Japan Jian Feng Ma/Eiichi Takahashi
Mathematical Modeling for System Analysis in Agricultural Research K. Vohnout
Latin American Coral Reefs J. Cortés
Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology Y. Pachepsky, W.J. Rawls
Vital Soil P. Doelman, H.J.P. Eijsackers
Environmental Toxicology T.P. Mommsen
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the Rhizosphere P. Ming Huang/George.R. Gobran
Flavour Science Wender Bredie, Mikael Petersen
Benguela: Predicting a Large Marine Ecosystem Vere Shannon, Gotthilf Hempel, Coleen Moloney, John Woods, Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli
The Knowledge Base for Fisheries Management Lorenzo Motos, Douglas Wilson
Characterization of Food A.G. Gaonkar
Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice S.S. Bhojwani, M.K. Razdan
Soil Quality for Crop Production and Ecosystem Health E.G. Gregorich, M.R. Carter
Biology of the Hard Clam J.N. Kraeuter, M. Castagna
Food Flavors: Generation, Analysis and Process Influence G. Charalambous
Instrumental Methods in Food and Beverage Analysis D.L.B. Wetzel, G. Charalambous
Whales, Seals, Fish and Man A. Schytte Blix, L. Walløe, Ø. Ulltang
Metabolic Biochemistry P.W. Hochachka
Principles of Salmonid Culture W. Pennell, B.A. Barton
Environmental and Ecological Biochemistry P.W. Hochachka
Striped Bass and Other Morone Culture R.M. Harrell
Food Flavors: Formation, Analysis and Packaging Influences E.T. Contis, C.T. Ho, C.J. Mussinan, T.H. Parliament, F. Shahidi, A.M. Spanier
Soft Scale Insects, Part B Y. Ben-Dov, C.J. Hodgson
Perspectives for Agronomy M.K. van Ittersum, S.C. van de Geijn
Novel Macromolecules in Food Systems G. Doxastakis, V. Kiosseoglou
Soil Micro-Morphology: A Basic and Applied Science Lowell A. Douglas
Eriophyoid Mites E.E. Lindquist, M.W. Sabelis, J. Bruin
Vertisols and Technologies for their Management N. Ahmad, A. Mermut
Soils on A Warmer Earth Effects of Expected Climate Change on Soil Processes, with Emphasis on the Tropics and Sub-Tropics H.W. Scharpenseel, M. Schomaker, A. Ayoub
Environmental and Ecological Biochemistry P.W. Hochachka, T.P. Mommsen
Soft Scale Insects, Part A Y. Ben-Dov, C.J. Hodgson
Soil Micromorpohlogy: Studies in Management and Genesis A.J. Ringrose-Voase, G.S. Humphreys
Volcanic Ash Soils Genesis, Properties and Utilization Sadao Shoji, Masami Nanzyo, Randy Dahlgren
Soil Conservation and Silviculture J. Dvorak, L. Novak
Interrelationships between Microorganisms and Plants in Soil Vlastimil Vancura, Frantisk Kunc
Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter Kyoichi Kumada
Soil Erosion Dusan Zachar
Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media IAHR

Wiley E-Books

E-Book Titles Author
Immunoassays in Agricultural Biotechnology Shan
Forest Products and Wood Science 6e Shmulsky
Sustaining Soil Productivity in Response to Global Climate Change Sauer
Soil Genesis and Classification Buol
The molecular basis of nutrient use efficiency incrops Hawkesford
Crop Adaptation to Climate Change Yadav
Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass Kubicek
Weed Anatomy Kraehmer
Organic Crop Breeding Lammerts van Bu
Crop Post-Harvest: Science and Technology Rees

Oxford University E-Books

E-Book Titles Author
Statistical Theory and Methods for Evolutionary Genomics Gu
Photoperiodism Nelson, Denlinger et al
The Red Colobus Monkeys Struhsaker
Marine Ecosystems and Global Change Barange, Field et al
Bioinvasions and Globalization Perrings, Mooney et al
Inside the Human Genome Avise
Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Birds Bicudo, Buttemer et al
Adapting to a Changing Environment McClanahan & Cinner
Mushroom Money
The Dynamic Genome Fontdevila
Does Aging Stop? Mueller

Mc Graw Hills E-Books

E-Book Titles Author
lab-manual-biochemistry NIGAM
physical-chemistry Levine
principles-general-organic-biological-chemistry Smith, Janice
concepts-genetics Brooker, Robert
concepts-in-biology Enger, Eldon
conducting-reading-research-in-health-human-performance Baumgartner, Ted
contemporary-nutrition-functional-approach Wardlaw, Gordon
disease-identification-prevention-control Hamann, Barbara
dna-technology K Rajagopal
electrocardiography-for-healthcare-professionals Booth, Kathryn
enzymes DEVIKA
introductory-plant-biology Stern, Kingsley
kinesiology-for-manual-therapies Dail, Nancy
kinesiology-scientific-basis-human-motion Hamilton, Nancy
managing-human-resources Cascio, Wayne
managing-human-resources-sie CASCIO
marine-biology Castro, Peter
math-for-pharmacy-technician-concepts-calculations Egler, Lynn
mcgrawhill-medical-dictionary-for-allied-health Breskin, Myrna
medical-assisting-review-passing-cma-rma-ccma-exams Moini, Jahangir
medical-ethics-accounts-groundbreaking-cases Pence, Gregory
medical-language-for-modern-health-care Allan, David
medical-office-handbook Harrison, Carlene
medical-office-procedures Bayes, Nenna
medical-terminology-language-for-health-care Thierer, Nina
medical-terminology-word-builder-communications-workbook Thierer, Nina
microbiology-human-perspective Nester, Eugene
microbiology-lab-manual Harley, John
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nutrition-for-healthy-living Schiff, Wendy
nutritional-assessment Lee, Robert
perl-programming-for-bioinformatics HARSHAWARDHAN BAL
physical-anthropology-archaeology Kottak, Conrad
physical-science Tillery, Bill
physical-universe Krauskopf, Konrad
plant-pathology MEHROTRA
plant-taxonomy-2e SHARMA
plant-viruses M V NAYUDU
plants-society Levetin, Estelle
pteridophyta OP Sharma
seeleys-essentials-anatomy-physiology VanPutte, Cinnamon
seeleys-principles-anatomy-physiology Tate, Philip
stem-cells-basics-applications DEB
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vanders-human-physiology Widmaier
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vertebrates-comparative-anatomy-function-evolution Kardong, Kenneth
zoology Miller, Stephen
food-hygiend-sanitation S. Roday
human-adjustment-no-cdcomps-only Santrock, John
human-motor-development-lifespan-approach Payne, V. Gregory
immunology-sie-sos PINCHUK
infancy-childhood Patterson, Charlotte
infants-toddlers-caregivers Gonzalez-Mena, Janet
integrated-principles-zoology Hickman, Jr., Cleveland
introduction-to-biochemical-engineering-2e RAO
introduction-to-biological-evolution Kardong, Kenneth
introduction-to-limnology Dodson, Stanley
biostatistics-principles-practice ANTONISAMY
principles-microbiology MEHROTRA
microbiology-application-based-approach PELCZAR
practical-mycology-for-industrial-biotechnologists SRINIVASAN
textbook-boitechnology Patnaik
textbook-food-bevrge-mgmt ANDREWS
analytical-techniques-in-biotechnology BHOWMIK
algae SHARMA
fundamentals-botany-vol-2 SONI
fundamentals-botany-vol1 SONI
fungi-allied-microbes SHARMA
animal-diversity Hickman, Jr., Cleveland
animal-diversity-vol-1 B N Panday
animal-sciences-biology-care-production-domestic-animals Campbell, John
biology-concepts-investigations Hoefnagels, Mariëlle
biology-dimensions-life Presson, Joelle
biology-invertebrates Pechenik, Jan
bsc-zoology-series-volii-cytology-genetuics-molocular-genetics BN Pandey
bsc-zoology-series-voliii-biochemistry-physiology-endocrinology B N Panday
bsc-zoology-series-voliv-ecology-animal-behaviour B N Panday
bsc-zoology-series-volv-evolution-comparative-anatomy-biometry-economic-animal-development B N Panday
foundations-parasitology Roberts, Larry
general-applied-entomology DAVID
general-zoology-laboratory-guide Lytle, Charles
human-biology Mader, Sylvia
atlas-skeletal-muscles Stone, Judith