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संगीत विभाग

डा. उत्पेल बिस्वातस

विभाग प्रमुख

विभाग का संक्षिप्त परिचय

“ Music gives a Soul to the Universe ,wings to the mind ,
flight to the imagination and life to everything ” -Plato

The Department of Music, Tripura University was established in the Year 2009. This is the only institution in Northeast India for Hindustani music-Vocal and Kathak Dance programs at the PG level, which is led by a dedicated teachers, and a well trained performing artists. The department of music has solid objectives and creative and skill-oriented curricula that provide opportunities to scholars and budding artists to pursue goals and dreams in their respective fields of Indian Classical Music .


To Preserve an environment of academic and artistic excellence and innovative approach that enable students with a conscious focus on indigenous perspectives. To expostulate human values, love, Compassion, and equanimity within the students, teachers, and staff and enhance high standards of teaching and training of the music arts and pursuit of Learning for the overall development of the Students.


1. To train the students entirely in the traditional Indian classical music and classical dance forms with new innovative curricula.

2. To associate with other central government and national and international institutions for collaborative cultural events and research projects.

3. To educate and enhance creativity within the students to produce creative thinkers who could contribute to the field of art for the development of society through their professional creative art.

4. To develop a conducive atmosphere for quality education and research which will contribute to society.

स्थापना वर्ष


विभागाध्यक्ष / समन्वयक

विभागाध्यक्ष :डॉ. उत्पेल बिस्वातस (प्रभारी

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