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Prof. Badal Kumar Datta

Date of Birth : 08/11/1962
Contact Numbers : +91-9862936431 , +91-9863223319
E-mails : bkdattabot[at] , dattabadal2008[at]
Qualifications : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Topics Taught : Taxonomy & Biodiversity; Phycology; Paleobotany; Gymnosperm.

Publications (year wise)

  1. Bhattacharya, K. and Datta B.K., 1992. Anthesis and pollen release of some plants of West Bengal, India. Grana.31: 67-71.
  2. Mandal, S., Datta,B.K. and Bhattacharyya,G.N.1993. Biochemical analysis of the allergenic pollen of Madhuca indica Gmel. And Spathodea campanulata Beauv. Aerobiologia, 9: 197-200.
  3. Sanyal,M. N. and Datta, B. K.1995. Studies on Hydrophytes of Bankura, West Bengal. Indian J. of Applied and Pure Biology, 10(1): 1-6.
  4. Datta, B. K. and Mandal, Sudhendu 1998. A contribution to the Forest Trees of Birbhum District, West Bengal (India). Heigher Plants of Indian Sub continent, VIII: 35-52.
  5. Datta, B. K. and Debnath, M..2000. Herbaceous flora of Agartala, Tripura. Indian J. of Applied and Pure Biology, 15(2): 97-107.
  6. Saha,R. and Datta, B.K. 2005.Studies on in vitro Pollen Germination of two Leguminoceae Taxa: Sesbania grandiflora Pers. and Cassia siamea Lamk. Indian J. of Palynology, 41: 67-69.
  7. Saha,R. and Datta, B.K. 2006. Species diversity in Dalbergia Linn. f. and Albizia Durraz in Tripura. Proc. Biodiver. Conser. and Sus. Utiliz. Environ. Resource,.96-104.
  8. Majumdar,K., Saha,R., Datta.B.K. and Bhakta,T. 2006. Medicinal Plants Prescribe by Different Tribal and Non-tribal Medicine Men of Tripura State.Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 5 (4): 559-562. 2006
  9. Saha, R.,Datta, B.K. and Bera, S. 2007. Pollen Analysis and Physico-chemical characteristic of some unifloral Honeys in Tripura, India. Vegetos, 20(1):38-52
  10. Datta, B. K., Majumdar,K. and Saha, R. 2007.Notes on some vanishing taxa of Tripura, India. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 1(2):13 - 17.
  11. Saha ,R., Bera,S. and Datta, B.K. 2007. Major Pollen Plant species in Relation to Honey Bees Activity in Tripura, India. Advance in Plant Science. 20(II):581-583.
  12. Datta,B.K., Saha,R. and Choudhury,D. 2007. Aerobiology and Biochemistry of Two Allergenic Pollen Species: Trema Orientalis Bl. And Peltophorum inerme Llanos. Advances in Pollen Spore Research, XXV: 85 -91.
  13. Majumdar,K. and Datta.B.K. 2007. A study on ethno-medicinal usage of plants among the folklore herbalists and Tripuri medical practitioners: Part-II. Natural Product Radiance, 6: 66-73.
  14. Saha,R. and Datta, B. K. 2007. Floristic composition and Aerobilogy of Udaipur Town, India. Environment and Ecology. 25S (3): 677-679
  15. Saha,R., Bera, S., and Datta, B.K. 2007. Melittopalynological Investigation of Apis cerena indica Tabr. Honey from West Tripura, India. Advance in Plant Science. 20(II):569-576.
  16. Bhowmik, S., Saha, S. and Datta, B.K. 2008. Aquatic and marshland plants in West Tripura,India.Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy. 2(1):3 - 11.
  17. Bhowmik, S., Chaudhuri( Sil),D. and Datta, B.K. 2008. Epidermal morphology of two species of Alternanthera Forskal. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 2(2): 229 -232.
  18. Datta, B.K., Saha, R., Roy, M., and Majumder, K.2008. Grasses of West Tripura District, Tripura, India. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 2(1): 98 - 105.
  19. Majumdar,K., Saikia, B. and Datta, B.K. 2009. Dioscorea hispida Dennstedt (Dioscoreaceae)- a new recorded for Tripura, India. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 3(2): 224 - 226.
  20. Majumdar, K. and Datta, B.K. 2009. Traditional wild edible fruits for the forest dwellers of Tripura, India. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 3(2): 167 - 178.
  21. Das, H. B., Majumdar ,K., Datta,B.K. and Roy, D. 2009. Ethnobotanical uses of some plants by Tripuri and Reang tribes of Tripura. Natural Product Radiance. 8(2): 172- 180.
  22. Bhowmik ,S.,Chakma, B. and Datta, B.K. 2009. Occurrence of Limnocharis flava (L.) Buch.-Ham. (Alismataceae) in Tripura with notes on its karyotype and epidermal morphology. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy,23(1): 96 - 100.
  23. Roy,M., Chakama,B. and Datta,B.K. and A.K.Gupta. 2010. Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by Chakma tribal community of Tripura, India. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 4(1): 105-112, 2010.
  24. Lodh, D., Sarakar, A., Majumdar , K., Datta, B.K.and Gupta, A.K. 2010. Bamboo diversity in Sipahijala Wildlife Sanctuary, Tripura, India. Pleione, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, 4(1): 113-117, 2010.
  25. Majumdar K and Datta B K. 2011. Leucas biflora (Vahl) R. Br. (Lamiaceae): A new distributional record and its less known ethnomedicinal usage from Tripura. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 10 (3): 575-577.
  26. Majumdar K, Uma Shankar and Datta B K. 2011. Community structure and regeneration status of Drosera burmanii Vahl. , with new distributional record in Tripura, India. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment, 3(13): 410-414,
  27. Majumdar K, Datta B K and Uma Shankar.2012. Ten new additions of tree species to the Tripura state, North East India: Distribution of extension and geographic map. NeBio, 3(1):17-24
  28. Majumdar K, Das P and Datta B K.2012. Seed germination and growth of Bambusa tulda Roxb. in tree cavity : an accidental phenomenon. NeBio, 3(2):53-58
  29. Bhowmik, S. and Datta, B.K. 2012.Extended Distribution of Utriculria bifida Linn. ( Lentibulariaceae ) From India. Researcher 4(3):58-61
  30. Bhowmik, S. and Datta, B.K. 2012. Utriculria caerulea L. (Lentibulariaceae) - A New Record from Tripura, North East India. NeBio 3(1):35-38

Articles / Chapters published in Books

  1. Saha,R. and Datta, B. K., 2004. .Ecofloristic survey of Agartala, Tripura with reference to Aerobiology.Changing Trends in Pollen Spore Research: Edited by Dr. A.J.Solomon Raju,Vol. XXII : 171-176 .Today & Tomorrow's Printers & Publishers, New Delhi
  2. Saha,R., Bera,S. and Datta, B. K. 2007. Pollen Analysis and Physico -Chemical Characteristic of some Honeys from Tripura, India.Advances in Pollen Spore Research, XXV: 101-113.
  3. Saha, R., Bera, S. and Datta, B.K. 2008. Bee foraging plant resources on North District, Tripura .Bioresources Conservation and Management : Editor: A.J. Solomon Raju , Today's Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, New Delhi 2008 pp 29-40.
  4. Majumdar, K. and Datta, B.K. 2008. Ethno-botanical observation on the traditional usage of medicinal plants among the tribes of Tripura.. Ethno-medicinal Plants of India: Edited by Trivedi P C, Aavishkar Publishers. Jaipur. pp. 136-161.
  5. Saha, R. and Datta, B.K. 2008. Biochemical Analysis of different Unifloral Honey Samples Collected from North District of Tripura, India. Advances in Pollen Spore Research. Edited by Dr. A. J. Solomon Raju. Today's Tomorrow Printers and Publishers Vol XXVI. 32-39
  6. Chaudhuri( Sil), D. and Datta, B.K. 2008. Flowering Calender of Trees with refernce to pollen incidence and density in Agratala, Tripura. 2008. Advances in Pollen Spore Research:Edited by Dr. A. J. Solomon Raju. Today's Tomorrow Printers and Publishers .Vol .XXVI:73- 80. New Delhi.
  7. Chaudhuri( Sil), D., Saha, R. and Datta, B.K.2008. Airborne pollen sampling in Tripura University Campus, Tripura. Advances in Pollen Spore Research:Edited by Dr. A. J. Solomon Raju. Today's Tomorrow Printers and Publishers .Vol .XXVI: 81- 91. New Delhi.
  8. Majumdar , K., Datta, B.K. and Roy, D. 2009. Inventory and Status of Medicinal Trees of Tripura. Indian Medicinal Plants: Edited by Trivedi P C, Aavishkar Publishers, Jaipur . pp.93-123
  9. Saha, R. and Datta, B. K. Species Diversity in Albizia in Tripura, India.2011. Advances in Pollen Spore Research.29:61-68.
  10. Bhowmik, S. and Datta, B. K. 2011. Pollen Germination of Three Aquatic Plant Species. Advances in Pollen Spore Research.29:109-117
  11. Bhowmik, S., Saha, M., and Datta, B. K. 2011.Micromorphometric and Cuticular Morphology of two Species of Phyllanthus Linnaeus (Euphorbiaceae). Recent Studies in Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in India. 75-79.
  12. Bhowmik, S. and Datta, B.K. 2011Diversity of Aquatic and Marshland Plants of Tripura, India. Recent Studies in Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in India. 117-130.
  13. Sarkar, A., Datta, B. K., and Gupta, A.K. 2011.Floristic Diversity of Trishna Wildlife Sanctuary, Tripura, India. Recent Studies in Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in India. 173-180.

Seminars /Workshops and Symposium Organized

Sl. No. Seminars Organized By Year
1 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Environmental Resources Department of Life Science 2004
2 Traditional Healing Practices in Tripura In collaboration with NEIFM, Pasighat,Dept. of AUYSH, Govt. of India 2008
3 State Level Training on Documentation and Assessment of Local Heath Tradition of Tripura Collaboration with Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (IAIM), FRLHT, Bengaluru 2012

Seminars / Training/ Workshops Participated

Sl. No. Seminars Organized By Year
1 Survey & Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Potential of Medicinal Plants and Local formulation for value addition in North-East India. NIPER, Chandighar, Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizer, Govt. of India. and Department of Botany, Gwuahati University. 2007
2 International Seminars on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) and Department of Botany, University of Kalyani, Kalyani. 2008
3 Training Workshop of Trainers on Traditional Healing Practices in North East India. NEIFM, Dept. Dept. of AUYSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. 2008
4 XIX Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Symposium on Angiosperm Systematics & Phylogeny; Retrospects & Prospects National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow and Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT). 2009
5 One day Awareness Programme on Chemical Weapons Convention Organized by Department of Chemistry , Tripura University 2011
6 Fifteenth National Conference on Surfactants , Emulsions and Biocolloids Organized by Department of Chemistry , Tripura University 2011
7 Bamboo Cultivation and Resource Utilization Organized by Department of Botany Tripura University 2012

Paper presented in National and International Conferences

Sl. No. Title of the paper presented Title of the Conference Organized by Whether National or International and Year
1 "New records of some Aquatic and Marsh land Plants of Tripura" XIX Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT), International Seminar on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematic 12-14 November 2009 National Botanical Research Institute , Lucknow International; 2009
2 "Diversity and Floristic Survey of Aquatic and Marsh land Plants of Trishna National Park" Management of Environment : North East India Perspective 11-12 September, 2010 Department of Botany, Iswarchandra Vidyasagar College, Belonia , Tripura National; 2010
3 'Phytochemical Screening of Cycas pectinata : A RET Plant From India" International Conference on Emerging Areas of Chemistry 12-14 January, 2011 Department of Chemistry , Tripura University International ; 2011

Invited Lectured and Chairmanships at national or international conference / seminar etc.

Sl. No. Title of Lecture / Academic Session Title of Conference / Seminar Organized by Whether international / national and Year
1 Chaired the session Ethno-botany and Medicinal Plants XVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT), 2008 and International Seminar on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematic 11 -13th October, 2008 Department of Botany, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, W.B. International ; 2008
2 Invited Lecture on " Need for the Survey of medicinal Plants and Traditional knowledge of Tripura " Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plants and Traditional knowledge in Eastern Himalaya 14 -16th December, 2010 Department of Botany, University of North Bengal. National ; 2010
3 Invited Lecture on " Climate Change: Its Possible Impacts on Biodiversity " Seminar-cum-Awareness programme on "Global Climate Changes & Clean Development Mechanism: Issues and Impacts" Sept 6 ,2010 Jointly Organized by the Department of Chemistry, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar and Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Govt. of Tripura, Agartala National ; 2010
4 Chaired the Technical Session -VI Management of Environment : North East India Perspective Department of Botany ,Iswarchandra Vidyasagar College, Belonia , Tripura National ; 2010
5 Chaired the Technical Session -II Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plants and Traditional knowledge in Eastern Himalaya 14 -16th December, 2010 Department of Botany, University of North Bengal National ; 2010
6 Invited Lecture the Technical Session -IV Essence of Medicinal plants its cultivation, Conservation& Sustainable Exploration Organized by Vivekananda Mahavidyala, Haripal, Hoogly, West Bengal in Association with Raja Rammohun Roy Mahavidyala, Hoogly, West Bengal National; 2011

Membership/Positions in Learned Academic Bodies/Organisations

  1. Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association.
  2. Life Member, International Society for Environmental Botanists.
  3. Life Member of Pleione , East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy.
  4. Life Member Of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.
  5. Life member of Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy.
  6. State Level Nodal Officer, National Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM), Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, Department of Health and Family Welfare (AYUSH), Government of India.

Research Projects

Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Involved (Rs. in lacs) Duration Status
Survey & Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Potential of Medicinal Plants and Local formulation for value addition in North-East India. Major tasks include:
  1. To study natural bio-resources i.e. medicinal plants, traditional practices and local formulations for disease treatment.
  2. To prepare a pictorial and herbaria guide.
NIPER, Chandigarh, Ministry of Chemical and Fertilizer, Govt. of India. --- Feb,2007 -Feb,2008 completed
Mapping and quantitative assessment of geographical distribution and population status of plant resources of Eastern Himalayan region. Major tasks include:
  1. Quantitative assessment of tree species diversity, distribution and population status.
  2. Mapping the population of threatened and rare plants
  3. To document the socio-cultural aspects
DBT Network Project: Department of Bio Technology (DBT), Govt. of India, New Delhi --- 2006-2010 completed
Inventorisation of Floral Diversity of Tripura. Major tasks include:
  1. Recording plant species richness and their composition in different habitat conditions
  2. Recording distribution pattern of plant species, especially the rare and endangered ones, across gradients of climate, topography, disturbance etc.
  3. Prepare a herbarium of plant species recorded from the hotspots, for future reference purpose
Department of Forest (JICA Project), Government of Tripura --- 2009- till now Ongoing
Assessment of Plant Genetic Resources of Sepahijala and Trishna Wild Life Sanctuary with Special Reference to their Population Status Major tasks include:
  1. To study the plant genetic resources of Sepahijala & Trishna Wild Life Sanctuary and their population levels.
  2. To document rare and endangered species and to assess their habitat requirements.
  3. to prepare computer aided storage & data base system of plant resources
  4. To create herbarium repository.
Department of Forest , Government of Tripura --- 2009- till now Ongoing
Vegetation Carbon Pool (VCP) Assessment Project. Major tasks include:
  1. Assessment of terrestrial vegetation biomass in Tripura using ground sampling and satellite remote sensing data.
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS ), Dehra Dhun,Department of Space, Government of India --- 2009- till now Ongoing
Developing a digital database on Bio-Resources of North-East India-Through a network approach among North-Eastern States DBT Network Project Department of Bio Technology (DBT), Govt. of India, New Delhi 27.00 2012- 2015 Ongoing
An Ethno-botanical Survey of Indigenous Angiosperm Flora of Tripura and Assessment of Antimicrobial Potentials of those Plants DBT Twinning Project Collaborative Institute – Visva-Bharati University, West Bengal. 19.75 2012-2015 Ongoing
Preventing extinction and improving conservation status of threatened plants through application of biotechnological of tools DBT , National Network Project, Coordinating Institute, Department of Botany ,NEHU, Shillong 23.65 2012- 2017 Running

Research Supervisions

Sl. No Scholar Name Title of Thesis Year of Registration
1 Reeme Saha Melittopalynological Investigation of Natural Honey Samples From Tripura, India. Awarded
2 Dipanwita Chaudhuri Survey of Air-borne pollens and spores in Agartala and adjoining areas of Tripura, India. 2007
3 Koushik Majumdar Quantitative assessment of tree diversity, their population status, distributional pattern and socio-economic structure in different forest communities of South Tripura, Tripura, India. 2008
4 Mandakranta Roy Seedling Morphology of Trees of Tripura and their Taxonomic Significance 2008
5 Somnath Bhowmik Studies on the Hydrophytes and Marsh Plants of Tripura : Assessment of their socio-economic aspects and pollen diversity 2008
6 Balakrishan Choudhury Ecological characterization of different land use/ land covers in the village landscape of North Tripura, Tripura. 2009

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