Dr. Ashis Shil
Class of 2012: Department of PhysicsCurrent Status: Assistant Professor in Physics, BTTTC, Anandanagar, West Tripura
Organisation: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Place: Agartala
I had always a dream in my mind to engage myself in the field of Teaching especially in the HigherEducation Institution but I needed a thrust to make myself enough for that. During my masters under Department of Physics, TU, through the live interactions in the classrooms with our RespectedTeachers, different seminars and conferences that happened in the department, the pre-Ph.D. public seminars of our seniors, visiting of existing Research Labs and also through the project work that are very related to recent trends of research work, I got that thrust which I really needed to carry forward my research carrier under the Department of Physics, TU. Department is fully enriched with all basic facilities and it has always been a great place to expose one’s hidden potential. Additionally, I wanted to share that updated syllabus of our department helped me a lot to qualify CSIR-NET in Physics immediately after my masters.

Dr. Rahul Bhattacharjee
Associate Professor, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar College, Belonia, South Tripura Ph.D. completed on March 2019 from Physics Department, Tripura UniversityThe Department of Physics at TU is a great place to learn and to interact with the faculties at ease. All the faculties were friendly and easily accessible in any need. The course of M.Sc in Physics program at TU was so much at par with the national level that just after passing M.SC I cleared NET exam. The foundation was laid by the faculties of the department. Also we had the luck to be taught by many many prominent Physicists from other renowned institutes of India during our course. Thereafter I joined the Ph.D program at the same department under the very much efficient supervision of dynamic and vibrant faculty prof. Syed Arshad Hussain. During my Ph.D I had the chance to visit Yamaguchi University Japan as a part of my Ph.D work and was also awarded CSIR SRF fellowship by CSIR. Just after completing the Ph.D, I joined NIT Agartala Physics Department in the capacity of a faculty. It was the curiosity for the eagerness to know and the tenacity that my faculties were able to inculcate in me, that brings me in my current position. I will be ever grateful to my supervisor and my department for the same. I feel proud and honoured to be an alumni of TU Physics Department.

Dr. Santanu Chakraborty
Class of 2010 (M.Sc) Class of 2015 (Ph.D)Current Status: Assistant Professor
Organisation: NIT Agartala
Place: AgartalaInbusiness: For last 6 and half years
The Department of Physics at TU is a great place to learn and to interact with the faculties at ease. All the faculties were friendly and easily accessible in any need. The course of M.Sc in Physics program at TU was so much at par with the national level that just after passing M.SC I cleared NET exam. The foundation was laid by the faculties of the department. Also we had the luck to be taught by many many prominent Physicists from other renowned institutes of India during our course. Thereafter I joined the Ph.D program at the same department under the very much efficient supervision of dynamic and vibrant faculty prof. Syed Arshad Hussain. During my Ph.D I had the chance to visit Yamaguchi University Japan as a part of my Ph.D work and was also awarded CSIR SRF fellowship by CSIR. Just after completing the Ph.D, I joined NIT Agartala Physics Department in the capacity of a faculty. It was the curiosity for the eagerness to know and the tenacity that my faculties were able to inculcate in me, that brings me in my current position. I will be ever grateful to my supervisor and my department for the same. I feel proud and honoured to be an alumni of TU Physics Department.

Dr. Sekhar Chakraborty
M.Sc. in Physics (2006) Ph.D. (2013)Current Status: Assistant Professor
Organisation: Techno College of Engineering
Place: Agartala
Tripura University (TU) helped me a lot to create a strong academic foundation, for which I am today working as Assistant Professor in Physics. I did my Ph.D. from Tripura University under the guidance of Dr. Syed Arshad Hussain, I was working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel from 2013-2015. I published more than 14 national/ international research papers as author and coauthor. Physics Department of Tripura University gives me a well-established platform for developing my career. I am very much thankful to the Department as well as to the University. All new students are welcome to this University for your bright future career. Good Luck to everyone.

Dr. Trisanu Banik
Class of 2008 (MSC)Current Status: Scientist
Nature of Job: Scientist in India Meteorological Department
Organisation: Mausam Bhawan, New Delhi
Inbusiness: for last 5 years
I enrolled for M.Sc (Physics) in Tripura University in the year 2008 where I came across a few of the excellent professors of Physics. The number of departmental faculty was comparatively less, but still they effectively cover the vast syllabus of Physics. The teaching along with enlighten the students were performed in a parallel way. After completion of M.Sc, I enrolled in the PhD under the supervision of Dr. Anirban Guha in the same department and continued my research work on lightning climatology over North East India and Himalayan Region. In the Physics department, we have our laboratory named Earth’s Atmosphere and Solar Terrestrial Laboratory, established and maintained by our beloved professor Prof. Barin Kumar De and Dr. Anirban Guha. In the laboratory, first time, I learned about the various atmospheric observations, instrumentation, data collection, coding, satellite observation etc. After submission of my thesis in 2017, I moved on to the North Eastern Space Applications Center, Department of Space, Govt. Of India, where I appointed as a Research Scientist and established a lightning forecasting system over North East India utilizing ground based lightning data assimilation into the model. Afterwards, I got selected as a Scientist/Engineer-SC at the same center and continued my service there until the year 2021. During the year 2021, further, I got selected as a Scientist C in the India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences and I am presently working in Mausam Bhawan, New Delhi. The journey that I started towards the Science is primely initiated from my University life where I got the exposure about the various options related to research and development. In addition to the regular classes, professors help us to gather the knowledge about the extra topics beyond the regular book syllabus. I feel proud to be a part of Tripura University and the culture of the university helps me to cultivate my vision to work in the science. I wish my heartiest congratulation to my professors for their lifelong effort towards the nation.

Dr. Rakesh Roy
Masters in Science (Physics) completed in 2006 Ph.D. in Physics completed in 2013Current Status: Working as Assistant Controller of Examinations, MBB University(State University under Govt. of Tripura)
Inbusiness: from June 2017 to till now
I have the dream to become an established person in the society and Department of Physics, Tripura University helped me create a strong foundation academically and also provide all round knowledge for the development of my life. The curriculum both in Post graduate and Ph.D. level has been structured systematically and scientifically. Several interactions with all the faculty members inside and outside of Tripura University during this period make me so confident and strong enough to overcome all the difficulties of my life. I will always be thankful to the Department of Physics for preparing me as a confident person. My message to all the new students in Masters in Physics is that continue the study with total attentiveness and along with that must participate in all extracurricular activities. That helps you to become stronger for the future life. Enjoy your university life with your friends but work hard with your best effort. Good luck to every students joined Department of Physics, Tripura University

Somnath Roy Choudhury
Class of 2004 (M.Sc. Physics)Current Status: Assistant Professor (Grade-II Regular) at the Department of ECE NIT Agartala.
Working at NIT Agartala since last 12 years.
M.Sc. in Physics from Tripura University, M.Tech. in VLSI Design from the School of Electrical Engineering VIT Vellore, Completed Ph.D. in VLSI Design from the Department of ECE NIT Agartala.I consider myself very lucky for having studied at the Tripura University. It was the place where I was exposed to the beautiful in-depth concepts of Electronics, Classical Physics, Quantum Mechanics etc. At Tripura University the course curriculum, laboratories, research culture and other infrastructure were very good. Above all the faculty members were the best teachers that I have experienced in my life. Whatever I am today, is due to the inspiration and knowledge that Tripura University has given me through its State-of-the-art infrastructure and its faculties.

Arup Patari
Class: 1997 (M Sc. Physics)Current Status: Assistant Professor in Degree College.
Nature of Job: Govt. Service.
Place: Iswarchandra Vidyasagar College, Belonia, Tripura
Experience: 21years.
From the school days, I had an aim in life to go through higher studies in science especially in Physics. The Tripura University helped me in making my dream successful. I had the actual taste of beauty of Physics in my MSc. Classes. I was motivated by my respected teachers of MSc. Classes to proceed further with Physics. The curriculum has been structured systematically to crack the exam. like NET, SLET etc. I feel proud to be a student of Tripura University. Best wishes to everyone.

Smt. Jaya Bhaumik
M.Sc. (1998), B.Ed. (2000) from Tripura UniversityCurrent Status: Post Graduate Teacher, Physics. Department of Physics,
Place: Women’s College, Agartala-799 001 Tripura (West)
I did my M.Sc. from Tripura University (A Central University) with specialization in Electronics in the year 1998 and subsequently enrolled for B.Ed programme in Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Kunjaban, Agartala and got my B.Ed. degree in the year 2000. I have been appointed as Post Graduate Teacher in Physics in MBB College from 2010 to 9th July, 2019. On 10th July, 2019, I joined Women’s College, Agartala and performing my duties. In this context, I must express my sincere thanks and gratitude towards Tripura University and especially to the Department of Physics, Tripura University for shaping my career and making me eligible & competent for the post at which I am presently working.

Subrata Deb
M.Sc. (2000) & Ph.D. (2008) from Tripura UniversityCurrent Status: Assistant Professor (Stage-III), Physics. Department of Physics,
Place: Women’s College, Agartala-799 001 Tripura (West)
I did my M.Sc. from Tripura University (A Central University) with specialization in Electronics in the year 2000 and subsequently enrolled for Ph.D. work under the supervision of Professor Debajyoti Bhattacharjee, Department of Physics, TU and completed successfully the Ph.D. work in the year 2008 in the field of Material Science. The title of my Ph.D. thesis was “Spectroscopic characterizations of some non-amphiphilic organic molecules organized in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films” . During my Pre-Ph.D work, I have been appointed in the post of Technical Assistant (Gr-B, Non-Gazetted, Pay scale Rs. 7450-225-13000, pre-revised pay) in Physics/Ballistics & Document Division of the State Forensic Science Laboratory (SFSL), Tripura and worked there from September, 2005 to 20th April, 2008. After the award of my Ph.D. degree by Tripura University, I have been appointed as Assistant Professor (Gr-A, Gazetted in the Pay Scale of Rs. 8000-275-13500, pre-revised pay, UGC 1996) and till date serving as Assistant Professor. Presently, I am discharging my duties as Assistant Professor (Stage-III) & HOD In-Charge, Department of Physics, Women’s College, Agartala. I am also very much thankful to Professor Syed Arshad Hussain, Head, Department of Physics, Tripura University for allowing me to carry out research work in collaboration with him in the field of thin films and nanoscience. It is also my moral duty to express my sincere thanks and gratitude towards Tripura University and especially to the Department of Physics, Tripura University for shaping my career and making me eligible & competent for the post of Assistant Professor in Govt. Degree Colleges of Tripura. I am really thankful to the faculty members, laboratory staff of the department of physics, administrative staff of TU for their kind support and motivation during the entire journey of my student life. Thank you all.

Dr. Sumit Sarkar
PhD (2018), M.Sc (2013) from Department of Physics, Tripura University (A Central University) & Working as Scientist at Directorate of Biotechnology, Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Govt. of TripuraAfter completion of M.Sc in Physics from Department of Physics, Tripura University in 2013, I started my Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics in this esteemed organization (Nano-Physics & Nanotechnology Research Lab, Department of Physics, Tripura University). Due to the in-depth, hands-on research experience provided by the faculty of Physics Department during my M.Sc degree, I was able to ‘hit the ground running’ in my Ph.D degree and immediately start research that would eventually become my thesis. After successful completion of my Ph.D. in 2018, I became a Scientist in theDirectorate of Biotechnology, Dept of Science, Technology & Environment, Govt. of Tripura. In my present working place, I focus on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, especially metal and non-metal nanocrystals & study their elastic and optical properties with suitable applications in the following fields: (i) Pesticides Sensor (ii) Modification of Plant growth (iii) Drug delivery (iv) Nano-fertilizer etc. Further, I am very much thankful to this prestigious organization for providing training and skills during my research carrier and as a result, I got a project from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India regarding the application of Nanotechnology on Wolffia Globosa as alternating fish feed.

Dr. Chandan Debnath
Class of 2000 (M. Sc.)Class of 2019 (Ph. D)
Current Status: Assistant Professor in a College
Organization: Higher Education, Government of Tripura, Tripura
I am grateful to all of my Teachers of the Department of Physics, Tripura University, for shaping my life and becoming an Assistant Professor. Due to their constant inspiration, today I am here. I feel proud as an alumnus of the Department of Physics, Tripura University. I salute all the Teachers of my department of Physics, for their constant efforts to convert this department to be world-class and for their international collaboration.

Dr. Apurba Saha
Class of 2003 (MSc) & Ph.D (2015)Current Status: Lecturer Senior Scale in Women’s Polytechnic, Tripura
Place: Agartala, Tripura
In the year 2003 when I stood first in MSc Physics from the Department of Physics, Tripura University, I didn’t imagine that someday I would get a chance to write and acknowledge the role of my department behind my success. Presently, I am in teaching profession for last 15 years. I got my job in my first attempt as a Lecturer in Government sector in the year 2007 and stood first in the state among the selected candidatesbyTripura Public Service Commission. Besides my teaching profession I am presently rendering a lot of administrative responsibilities of my Institution as well as of different Departments of Government of Tripura and West Bengal. Besides my subject Physics I also write articles and research papers on Education, Ancient Indian Culture and inscribe inspirational stories.I find this as an opportunity with great responsibility to acknowledge the role of Department of Physics, Tripura University behind my present state of success. My journey in this department was the most remarkable and memorable in my life as that has put me to a new dimension of academic expedition where I could able to discover my real talent. As a common case, I was not under the constant instructions and directions during my MSc and PhD periods rather I enjoyed my studies and research work respectively in a most friendly atmosphere where I could explore my ideas and was able to progress freely to achieve my goals. I have no doubts and hesitation to say that I was lucky to be a student of this department and I feel proud to be an alumnus of this department.

Prof.(Dr.) Pabitra Kumar Paul
PhD. from Department of Physics, Tripura UniversityCurrent Status: Professor of Physics
Organisation: Jadavpur University
Place: Kolkata
Nature of Job: Teaching & Research
Apart from research I was also working as an Assistant Professor in Physics Department of Tripura University during the period 2004-2009. Presently working as a Professor in the Department of Physics at Jadavpur University, Kolkata I also worked as a visiting research fellow in the Department of Chemistry at Osaka University, Japan. Then I did my postdoctoral research as Raman Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Chemistry at The University of Texas at El Paso, USA. I investigated various research projects funded by DST, UGC, etc. under various schemes and already awarded three PhD degrees under my supervision.

Dr Biswendu Bhattacharjee
Class of 2009 (Journalism & Mass Communication)Current Status: Journalist with Times of India and United News of India
Nature of Job: News Reporting, Content Development & Writing and Editing
Place: Agartala
In profession: 24 years in a row
I have been in the profession since 1998 as a journalist, soon after my graduation. In the process of pursuing a career, I have got involved in environmental activism, which drove me down to establish an NGO in 2003. The main object of the organisation was to assemble the talents of different fields available in Tripura under ‘Association for Research on People and Nature (ARPAN)’ and I succeeded. Under my leadership, the environment movement in Tripura has gained momentum and I was empanelled as a writer for Tripura Board of Secondary Education to pen the text books of Environment Studies for school students (Class VI-VIII) following the Supreme Court’s verdict to include the subject in the curriculum. Along with text books, I have also written two Reference books on Climate and Nature of Tripura in both Bengali and English. Meantime, I got involved in the Right to Clean Air Campaign and Right to Walk Movement under Sunita Nairan. My relentless work in environment protection activities attracted the United States government and the US State Department to sponsor me to join their environment exposure course under the prestigious International Visitors Leadership Programme in 2008. During my visit to the USA, I felt post graduation is most important to grow up in the field of journalism as well. With the grace of God and support of my well-wishers I got admitted to a two years regular MA programme in Journalism and Mass Communication besides, practising the profession in the first batch of the department in 2009. I pursued it very seriously and my attendance in the classes was about 80 percent, which paid me well and I became the Gold Medalist in the department. After coming out with a flying colour PG degree, I decided to obtain a PhD. And, I successfully awarded a PhD in 2020 from Tripura University in my research work on “Growth & Development of Vernacular Press”. I am well recognized for my eco-sensitive lifestyle, lobbying for environment and activist journalism in India. Besides profession and education, I led as many as five research projects of National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi in Northeastern states and West Bengal. One of my edited volumes – Bio-diversity Resources of Northeast has become a reference book in many universities including Forest Training Institutes of India.

Sukla Singha
Alma Mater:Department of English, Tripura University, Tripura, India Ph.D. (2020), UGC-NET (2012), NE-SLET (2011), M.A (2007)Current Status: Employed
Organization: Kirit Bikram Institution, Udaipur, Tripura, under the Directorate of Secondary Education, Govt. of Tripura
Designation: Post-Graduate Teacher (English)
Teaching Experience: (2007-till date)
Becoming a teacher was probably one of the last things on my mind when I had enrolled for the M.A program in 2007. We were extremely fortunate to have come across some brilliant teachers who not only taught us the subject but also made us fall in love with the teaching-learning process. I was always encouraged by my teachers to take up teaching as a profession. I taught at various institutions before joining my present organization. In December 2021, I qualified the interview of Assistant Professor (English) conducted by the Tripura Public Service Commission and shall be joining at Swami Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, (Govt. Degree College), Mohanpur. I will be eternally grateful to my department for moulding me into the person I’m today.

Dr. Benjamina Darlong
Batch of 2011 (M.A, Ph.D, Dept. of Eng.)Current Status: Asst. Professor
Organization: Michael Madhusudan Dutta College (Govt. Degree College, Sabroom, Tripura)
I have always wanted to be in academics since the very beginning. Tripura University has provided me with all the opportunities to fulfil my dream in my desired curriculum. The institute is an excellent place to understand, learn and recognize the significance and connotation of higher studies ushered with the personal guidance of the professors. It helped me built my personality to excel and prosper as a human being. Knowing that I can always rely on the institute in time of need, I carry the privilege of being a student with great pride and honour.

Subhra Roy
Class of 2009 (M.A.) Class of 2020 (Ph.D)Department of English, Tripura University
Current Status: working as a Post-Graduate Teacher under the Department of Secondary Education
Tripura since 2017, after clearing the screening test conducted by TRBT, Tripura.
Have recently received the offer of employment from the Department of Higher Education, Tripura for the post of Assistant Professor to be recruited at the Government Degree Colleges of the state and shall be joining in Netaji Subhash Mahavidyalaya, (Govt. Degree College), Udaipur. Two years of Masters Degree and four years of Ph.D programme at the Department of English have been catalytic in shaping me into the person I am today. A part from creating academic acumen, the Department has played a crucial role in developing insights among the learners. Students are bound to discover their discerning selves under the blessed guidance of the ace educators. Best wishes for the newcomers and the prospective students of the Department of English, Tripura University.

Rajesh Paul
Bachelor of Education (2019-21)Current Status: Graduate Teacher, Department of School Education, Govt. of Tripura
Nature of Work: Teaching
Place: Agartala
In profession: Working for last 11 months
I have always had a dream of becoming teacher. TU helped me to create a strong foundation academically and made my dream come true! The curriculum was well organized and systematic. I have been in teaching profession for last 1 year meeting challenges every day and coping with the same with strong confidence and believe in myself. I will always be thankful to the Department of School of Education for making me person I am today. A message to juniors or newly admitted students ‘Study well and regularly participate in extracurricular activities; it makes you stronger person and prepares you for the life ahead’. Wishing all a good future ahead.

Ezel chakma
Bachelor of Education (2019-21)Current Status: Under Graduate Teacher, Department of School Education, Govt. of Tripura
Nature of Work: Teaching
Place: Agartala
In profession: Working for last 11 months
Department of School of Education, TU was a great place to learn many things; I was ushered with excellent academic and personal guidance from a very sublime class of professors. Being a student of Department of School of Education, TUI feel proud and lucky enough.

Animesh Dhar
Class of 2007 (M.A.)Department of English, Tripura University
Current Status: Joined Tripura Civil Service in the year 2012
Currently serving as a Deputy Collector & Magistrate under the Government of Tripura.
I am a photographer by passion and would love to venture in to the field of professional photography in the near future. About the Department of English where I belonged: This is the place where I had found myself. The faculty members, the ambience and interactions at the Department of English had left an indelible effect on my mind; participation in the inter-departmental cricket matches and cultural competitions had worked wonders for my confidence level as I could come out of the shell of inhibitions and hesitation. I convey my gratitude to the teachers and staff of the English Department of Tripura University for making me what I am.

Papan Paul
Class of 2019 (M.Tech: Material Science and Engineering)Current Status: Banker in Tripura Gramin Bank
Nature of Service: Employee of Public Sector Bank
Place: Udaipur, Tripura
In Service: for last 2 years
After completing B.Tech I immediately joined a pvt. Company, but my dream was to do M.Tech from a reputed institution and in 2017 I have come to know about Material science and engineering in TU and rest is history. Under the guidance of my department's experienced faculty members I did my M.tech in a tremendous way and at the same time I was preparing for varity of competitive exams, as a result today I stand here.

Tama Debnath
Assistant ProfessorBTCTE, Narsingarh, Agartala
I am Miss Tama Debnath, student of the Department of Music, in Tripura University, 2011-2013 batch. Currently I am working as an Assistant Professor of music in Bhavan’s Tripura College of Teacher Education for 4 years now. Enrolling me as a student of M.Muse in the Department of Tripura University was Wonderful choice I have ever made. Our respected Professors and teachers are always there to encourage and guide us to learning new things everytime. Here I have got my strong foundation in classical music, which I always craved for. During my studies I have participated many extracurricular activities and musical program, which also help me a lot to become a successful program coordinator now. All of our batch mates are making a competitive environment in the classroom, and I work hard to learn and grow with everybody with the guidance of our mentors. After concluding the masters I have joined the PhD program under the Supervision of our respected Assistant Professor Dr. Rbindra Bhrali Sir. I will always be thankful to the Department of Music of Tripura University, to make me as a person I am today. I also want to thank all the teachers who give us knowledge and played instruments with our learning and practice. At the last I want to convey best wishes to the entire new student in our Department of Music in Tripura University.

Mahua Roy
Class of 2014 (Hindustani Classical Music, Vocal)Current Status: Assistant Professor
Name of the Institution: Bhavan’s Tripura Teacher Training College (BTTTC)
Address: Anandanagar, Agartala , West Tripura
Experience: I have been working in this profession from the 02.04.2018 to till date
I had a dream of becoming an Assistant Professor of Music and my department helped me to fulfill my dream. The guidance and support of my respected teachers have made me the person today I am. I have been serving myself as an Assistant Professor in my College since 2018 and I feel proud to be a part of this Institution. The regular classes and effort of the teachers of my department have helped me to groom myself and to achieve success. I am thankful to my department and grateful to my beloved teachers. Thank You

Solomon Debbarma
Class of 2018 Batch (M.A.1stBatch)Department of Linguistics and Tribal Languages
Current Status: Assistant Teacher
Institution: Subrai Vidya Mandir, Tripura
In Service: For last 2 Years
'Looking for Higher Education is General Aspiration to Interested Students.' Department of Linguistics and Tribal Languages, TU had helped me lots acquiring enough aspirations towards success. My two years Concise Experience in the Department guided me built my teaching career with better accent, grammatical order and certain entities. M.A in Linguistics and Tribal Languages, TU facilitates better education with qualified Faculties. I distinctly encourage my fellow friends to Discover and Explore the Department of Linguistics and Tribal Languages.

Rasna Jamatia
Class of 2018 Batch (M.A. in Linguistics and Tribal Languages) TUCurrent Status: Government employee
Nature of Job: Mahila Police Volunteers (MPVs) under Gomati District, Tripura
In Service: For last 1 year
Department of Linguistics and Tribal Languages, TU was a great a place to learn many things. I was ushered with excellent academic and personal guidance from a very sublime class of professors. Being a student of Linguistics and Tribal Languages, TU, I feel proud and honoured.

Lawrence Molsom
Class of 2020 Batch (Linguistics and Tribal Languages)Current Status: Employee at Department of Post, Govt. of India
Place: Thelakung, Udaipur, Tripura
In Service: For last 5 Months
I am very thankful to have an opportunity to pen down my success story. Though I have a long way ahead to achieving my dream, I am very pleased working as Gram Dak Sevak. Serving the people have been my all-time desire. As a student of Tripura University, I was guided with excellent professors, always motivating us and reminding us to do better in life, and could not have asked more for a better learning experience. Always work hard and strive for excellence. Thank you all for your prayers and best wishes.

Jasua Debbarma
Class of 2020 Batch (Linguistics and Tribal Languages)Current Status: Assistant Teacher
Place: Sadhiram, Tripura
In Service: For last 1 year
It was a great opportunity of my life to studied in the Department of Linguistics and Tribal languages. I am truly blessed to have our professors as our Teacher, Mentor and Guide. I will always be thankful to them for what I am today. The friendly behavior of our professors and their teaching methodology have inspired me to follow this profession. And I believe choosing linguistics was my best decision and I am proud of it.

Sangeeta Kalai
Class of 2017(BLIS) Class of 2018(MLIS)Current Status: Librarian, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Dhemaji, Assam
Place: Dhemaji,Assam
Making a decision to study Library and Information Science and joining the department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) at Tripura University was the great turning point in my life. A right decision with hard work made everything fall in right path, the department comprising of expertise faculty molded me in to a person who won Best Paper award at International Conference 3rd DLA – SRFLIS Summit2019 at Delhi University, Delhi.Rightaftercompletionofmycourse,IgotselectedasLibraryTraineeatCentralLibrary,Tezpur University and worked for a period of one year and currently working as Librarian at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Dhemaji, Assam. What I have achieved so far is all because of my teachers and I would like to convey my gratitude to DLIS, Tripura University faculties. I am always proud and honored to be a student of DLIS, Tripura University.IwouldliketoencouragenewstudentstojoinDLIS,TripuraUniversity. You will be guided for a great career and achieve success in life.

Rajesh Kumar Mog
Class of 2018 to 2020 (BLIS & MLIS)Current Status: Ph. D. Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Tripura University
Present Organization: Tripura University
Place: Agartala
In my life, just like other people, I also wanted to achieve success. For this, I had chosen the Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS), Tripura University. With immense support from DLIS, I could have gained a lot of things in my life. During the course of 2018 to 2020 in DLIS, Tripura University, I qualified, NET examination consecutively four times and UGC- JRF once. This could have been possible just because of the effort and guidance of faculty members. Soon after passing out the Library and Information Science course, I got an opportunity to work as a visiting Faculty at ICFAI University, Tripura, for one year. After that, I have joined the Ph.D. program in the Department of Library and Information Science Tripura University. Presently, I am a full-time Ph.D. research scholar in the DLIS, Tripura University and chasing my dream to succeed. One thing I want to share with everyone is that the teaching methodology is best here and if you are willing to do hard work, it will surely payback in many ways in your life.

Prasenjit Dhar
Class of 2018 (BLIS) Class of 2019 (MLIS)Current Status: Ph. D. Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Tripura University
Place: Agartala
I have always had a dream of becoming a librarian. When I heard about the admission notice published in the daily newspaper gives me an opportunity to admit to Tripura University. The course curriculum and teaching and learning environment of the Department of Library and Information Science, Tripura University paved the way for cracking the national level UGC-NET and JRF examination while pursuing my degree. After completion of my post-graduation, I got selected in couple of posts such as library trainee at Bengaluru University, librarian at JNV. The continuous motivation of teachers helped me to become a lifelong learner. I am really thankful to the Department of Library and Information Science, Tripura University for making me whatever I am today. My good wishes to new students of the Department- study well, join extra-curricular activities, utilize your time and prepare yourself to achieve your goal.

Dr. Sabita Das
Batch of 2012(1st Batch of Department of Education, Tripura University)
Current Status: Assistant Professor Directorate of Higher Education, Govt. of Tripura
In Service: Five years and continuing
Journey was indeed a tough one of being born in a lower middle-class family to an assistant professor in Education subject along with Ph.D degree with immense support of father, mother, teachers and most reverend gurus. I am a native of South Badharghat (Karaimura), Tripura and went to Vidyasagar Palli J.B School for my elementary schooling (Class I to V) in 1996. Then, I moved to Charipara HS School for next level of schooling and completed my Madhyamik and Higher Secondary, both with second division. Thereafter, I began my higher education from Ramthakur college as a student of Education honours and graduated in 2012 with second class. I dreamt of becoming a teacher when I was pursuing graduation and received virtuous courage for the ambition from my parents. After becoming a graduate, I got an opportunity to pursue Master’s in Education at Department of Education in Tripura University. Blessed in getting a beautiful environment for learning in the Department of Education that awaken my inner strength for realizing the goal of life. The course curriculum, unique teaching methodology, remedial classes of Department (Dept. of Education, TU) helped me a lot for preparation of National Eligibility Test (NET). By the grace of God and with the shower of blessings from my honourable Gurus, Madam Dr. Tinku De Gope Sir, Dr. Subhash Sarkar and Sir Dr. Rajendra Prasad, I successfully cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) while pursuing third semester in the Masters in Education from Tripura University. In this regard, I convey my sincere gratitude to my respected teachers, because it would not have been possible for me to crack NET without their untiring efforts of guidance, constant support, sympathetic approach and suggestions. Not only this, I got Junior Research Fellowship (JRF-UGC) in the year 2014. I am very fortunate because after completion of Master’s, I was selected for Ph.D. in the same department (Dept. of Education, TU). Getting chance in Ph.D. was like a dream for me. Later in 2017, I was selected as an assistant professor under the Department of Higher Education, Government of Tripura directly by the Tripura Public Service Commission. My dream had come true when I completed Ph.D. in Education under the supervision of my honourable madam Dr. Tinku De (Gope) from Department of Education, Tripura University in 2020. I express my heartfelt gratitude to these three Reverend Gurus for whom, what I am today.

Elizabeth Kalai
Class of (2014) (JMC)Current Status: Information & Cultural Officer, Govt. of Tripura
Place: Agartala
After graduating from Union Christian College, Meghalaya, I wanted to pursue something challenging. And I choose Journalism and Mass Communication from Tripura University as I always wanted to write down my own thoughts and emotions and then express them through songs, which I find is easier to make it through my days and look at life in a more optimistic way. As an officer working for the Information department, Govt of Tripura the teaching approach of the faculties at Department of JMC, TU has given me new avenue in respect of writing down my own words of choice. Earlier, I had been associated as an Anchor (Radio Jockey) in FM Ujjayanta (Kokborok Section) for more than two years after passing out of the University. ,br /> I believe that in a person’s life, they learn from everything around them, and take in everything that they see, and learn from all of it. Keep learning something every day! I also love to sing and work as an actress in music video and Kokborok films. Regards, Elizabeth

Dr. Minakshi Datta (Paul)
Session: 2012-14 (MA in Education)Ph.D: 2015-2020, Dept. of Education
Current Status: PGT in Education
Department: Secondary Education
Place: Agartala
Department of Education, TU helped me a lot to achieve the place where I am today. I am very much grateful to the Department for providing me constant guidance, support and motivation. The course curriculum and the syllabus of Masters in Education helped me a lot in qualifying NET and SLET as well. The methodology of teaching was so flexible, unique, and thought provoking that still I am applying these at the time of teaching my students. I am very glad to be a part of this department since 2012. I have passed Madhyamik and H.S. (+2 stage) with second division under TBSE in the year 2007 and 2009. Then I have completed the graduation with Education (HONS) by securing first class first rank in the college (RTC) and first class second rank in the Tripura state under Tripura University. For this I was awarded by Post- Graduate Merit Scholarship for University Rank Holder (2012-14) by University Grants Commission (UGC), Delhi, and Award No. F.5-1/2012/URH-2012-2014-2826/(SA-III/URH). Then I have done M.A in Education and secured first class first position (Gold Medal) in the year 2014 under Tripura University. After that I have done my B.Ed. in the year 2014-2015 from ICFAI University Tripura with Distinction. Then I have entered in Ph.D. degree in the year 2015. I have worked as a Research Associate in a major research project entitled “Internet Usage and Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Secondary Students of Tripura West” funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi at Department of Education, TU, from 05.06.2015 to 20.12.2016. I have qualified Tripura TET Paper – II 2016, have qualified the STGT 2016, in Tripura. I have secured first position in the STPGT, 2017 in the subject Education, in Tripura and still working as PGT under Secondary Education, Govt. of Tripura. Then I have got my Ph.D. degree in Education on 28.12.2020 from Tripura University. I have participated in different national and international seminars, workshops, conference, and FDP that always helped me in enhancing my knowledge. I have secured first position in the merit list published by TPSC advertisement no. 01/2021 dated 08.02.2021 for the recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor in Education, Govt. (General) Degree Colleges in Tripura, group - A Gazetted under Education (Higher) Department, Govt. of Tripura. Recently, I have received an appointment letter, No. F. 1(2)-DHE/Estt(G)/2021/51(3), dated: 06.01.2022, for the post of Assistant Professor in Education, Govt. (General) Degree College under Education (Higher) Department, Govt. of Tripura and submitted the acceptance letter of it to the same Department. I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the Department for everything and best wishes for the students who entered to the Department newly. Thank you.

Priyanka Deb Barman
Class of (2012), JMC Department, TUCurrent Status: Correspondent, Hindustan Times
Place: Agartala
I was a student of the class of 2012, JMC Department, Tripura University.I always had a dream to see myself in the news desk after completion of my schooling. I gave my first step towards my dream by joining Journalism and Mass Communication Department started by Tripura University in 2009. The department opened avenues for students to acquire learning experiences through knowledge imparting techniques. The JMC department, the ' Knowledge Hub' gives students scope to learn and shine. After passing out of the department of JMC in 2014, I got scope to write for two popular English magazines of the Northeast region. Currently, I am working with Hindustan Times, one of the leading national newspapers of India. Simultaneously, I am also pursuing my PhD from the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tripura University as a part time scholar since 2017. I have won several awards and prizes in my field as a journalist. I love my profession of reporting. My course in JMC helped me a lot. Thanks to my teachers in Tripura University.

Priyanka Laskar
Master of Library and Information ScienceLibrary is a place of knowledge and peace therefore I always love to spend my time in library. Whenever I heard about the course of Library and Information Science, I decided to get admission in this course to gain more knowledge about this subject and to be a good librarian. Tripura University helped me to make my dreams come true. Now I am not only holding the post of Head Librarian of a reputed Engineering college in Kolkata, I am also going to complete my M. Phil degree from the University of Calcutta. Library and Information Science department is the best department in TU. All Professors, Assistant Professors and Guest faculties of this department are more knowledgeable and idealistic. They all play their significant role as friend, philosopher and guide of each and every learner. I am very thankful to the department of Library and Information Science, Tripura University to make me the person who I am today. Tripura University Central Library also plays an important role to get academic achievement. All staff of this library are very helpful and well-informed person. They helped me to learn practically what the role of librarian is and how they manage all library works. Therefore I always will be thankful to the Central Library of TU. I have graduated and in this library profession from more than three years. Till now all faculties of the department of Library and Information Science of TU guides me to do right thing in the right way. And they also share all important information with current as well as alumni. It’s not only an academic department of TU it is a family of library science professionals. I feel proud being a student of this University. I convey my best wishes to each and every students and scholars of TU.

Siddhartha Sarma
Ph.D M.P.Ed 2014, Ph.D 2020Current Status: Assistant Professor
Organization: DibrugarhUniversity,Assam
I completed M.P.Ed from Tripura University in the year 2014. University helped me by providing opportunities to create a strong foundation in the field of Physical Education. Being a student of Tripura University, I suggest the students to join this University and achieved their goal.

Dr.Kishan Shome
Classof2015(MPEd),Class of2019(Ph.D)Current Status: Assistant Professor
Organization: Bhavan's Tripura Teacher Training College
Place: Anandanagar
In-service: For last 2 Years
University Life is one of the most remarkable and lovable times of an individual's life. University Life exposes us to whole new experiences which we always dream of experiencing after our College life. We spend half of our young lives in school, and thus we get comfortable living in that environment. During our M.P.Ed life is not only about the study but also about the overall development of an individual through various activities and challenges. Department of Physical Education, Tripura University gave me an opportunity to build myself as an educator. When Iwas a student of Tripura University I was learnt so many things from our energetic and enthusiastic teachers. Being a student of Physical Education Department I, requesting to other students to join Tripura University and achieved their success in the field of Physical Education. I express my best wishes to everyone.

Ratnadeep Saha
Class of 2009 (MBA)Current Status: Entrepreneur
Nature of Business: Rubber Trading and Licensee
Organisation/Brand: Lenscart
Place: Agartala
Inbusiness: for last 9years
I have always had a dream of becoming an entrepreneur. DoBM, TU helped me create a strong foundationacademically and made my dream come true! The curriculum has been structured systematically. Ihave been in this entrepreneurship business for last 9 years meeting challenges every day and coping with the same with strong confidence and believe in myself. I will always be thankful to the Department of Management for making me person I am today. A note to the new students in DoBM-Study well and regularly, participate in extracurricular activities, it makes you stronger person and prepares you for the life ahead. Enjoy yourself but work hard, it DOES pay off in the end! Good luck to everyone

Sujoy Banik
Class of 2012 (MBA)Current Status: Entrepreneur
Nature of Business: Licensee
Organisation/Brand: Puma, Turtle etc.
Place: Agartala
Inbusiness: for last 4 years
I always wanted to learn Business Management from outside Tripura. But when I heard about DoBM, TU I immediately applied for admission. The course curriculum in DoBM is at par with other B-Schools in India. I was highly satisfied with teaching methodology which has boosted my career to a newheights’. I did lot of hard work and it paid off at the end. I would encourage new students willing to give in some effort to join DoBM. I convey my best wishes to everyone.

Sayak Saha
Class of 2016 (MBA), Classof 2014(BBA)Current Status: Entrepreneur
Nature of Business: Distributor
Organisation: Sayak Enterprise
Place: Agartala
Inbusiness: for last 3 years
DoBM, TU was a great place to learn many things; I was ushered with excellent academic and personal guidance from a very sublime class of professors. Being a student of DoBM I feel proud and honoured.