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Recent Publications

  1. R. Das, F. Smarandache and B.C. Tripathy. Neutrosophic fuzzy matrices and some algebraic operation, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 32(2020), 401-409
  2. M. Sen, R. Haloi and B.C. Tripathy.-Statistically convergent function sequences in probabilistic normed linear spaceProyecciones Jour Math., 38(5), (2019), 1039-1056
  3. P.K. Nath and B.C. Tripathy.Convergent complex uncertain sequences defined by Orlicz functionAnnals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 46(1), 2019, 139-149
  4. B.C. Tripathy, M. Sen and S. Nath.On generalized difference ideal convergence in generalized probabilistic n-normed spaces, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences, (Online published)
  5. S. Acharjee, K. Papadopoulos and B.C. Tripathy.Note on p1-Lindelof spaces which are not contra second countable spaces in bitopology, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matematica, 38(1)(2020), 165-171
  6. B.C. Tripathy and P.C. Das.On the class of fuzzy number sequences bvFp Songklanakar in Journal of Science and Technology, 41(4), 934-941
  7. A.K.Saw, G.Raj, M.Das, N. Talukdar, B.C.Tripathy and S.Nandi. Alignment-free method for DNA sequence clustering using Fuzzy integral similarity, Scientific Reports, 9(1) (2019), 3753
  8. A.K.Saw, B.C.Tripathy and S. Nandi.Alignment-free similarity analysis for protein sequences based on fuzzy integral, Scientific Reports, 9(1) (2019),2775
  9. D. J. Sarma and B.C. Tripathy. Fuzzy semi-pre quasi neighborhood structure, AfrikaMatematika, 30(1-2), (2019), 217-221
  10. D.J. Sarma and B.C. Tripathy. Mixed semi pre fuzzy topological spaces, Advances in Mathematical Sciences, 1 (2019), 5-10
  11. S. Acharjee, B.C. Tripathy.Strategies in Mixed Budget: A Bitopological Approach, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 15(1) (2019) 85-94
  12. K. Shravan and B.C. Tripathy. Multiset mixed topological space, Soft Computing, 23(2019), 9801–9805
  13. B.C. Tripathy and S.Debnath. Fuzzy m-structures, m-open multifunctions and bitopological spaces, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matematica, 37(4) (2019), 119-128 (Scopus)
  14. A.K.Saw and B.C.Tripathy.H(i) connected ditopological texture space, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matematica, 37(1)(2019), 87-97
  15. R. Haloi, M. Sen and B.C.Tripathy.Statistically lacunary convergence of generalized difference sequences in probabilistic normed spaces, Applied Sciences, 21(2019), 107-118
  16. B.C.Tripathy and G.C. Ray. Fuzzy δ-I-continuity in mixed fuzzy ideal topological spaces, Journal of Applied Analysis, 24(2) (2018) 233-239
  17. B.C. Tripathy and P.J. Dowari. Norlund and Riesz mean of sequence of complex uncertain variables, Filomat, 32(8) (2018), 2875-2881
  18. K. Shravan and B.C. Tripathy. Multiset ideal topological spaces and local functions, Proyecciones Jour Math., 37(4), (2018), 699-711
  19. B.C.Tripathy, S. Debnath and D.Rakshit, On multiset group Proyeeciones, J. Mathematics, 37(3), 479-489 (2018) (Scopus)
  20. K. Shravan and B.C. Tripathy. Generalised closed sets in multiset topological spaces,Proyecciones Jour Math., 37(2), (2018), 223-237
  21. B.C. Tripathy and R. Das. Fine spectrum of the upper triangular matrix U(r,0,0,s) over the sequence spaces c0 and c, Proyecciones Jour Math., 37(1), (2018), 85-101
  22. S. Acharjee, B.C. Tripathy.p-j-generator and pI-j-generator in bitopology, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matematica, 36(2) (2018), 17-31
  23. B.C. Tripathy, S. Debnath and S. Saha. On some new difference sequence spaces of interval numbers, Proyecciones  J. Math.,37(4)(2018), 603-612
  24. B.C.Tripathy and P.K. Nath. Statistical convergence of complex uncertain sequences, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 13 (3), 359-374
  25. S. Acharjee, B.C. Tripathy and K.Papadopoulos. Two forms of pairwise Lindelöfness and some results related to hereditary class in a bigeneralized topological space, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 13 (2) (2017), 181-193
  26. M. Sen, S. Nath and B.C. Tripathy. Best approximation in quotient probabilistic normed space, Journal of Applied Analysis, 23(1) (2017), 53-57
  27. S. Acharjee and B.C.Tripathy. Some results on soft bitopology, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matematica 35(1), 269-279
  28. D. J. Sarma and B.C.Tripathy. Pairwise generalized b-Ro spaces in bitopological spaces, Proyecciones Jour Math., 36(4), (2017), 589-600
  29. A. Dutta  and B.C. Tripathy. On fuzzy b- open sets in fuzzy topological space, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 32(1)(2017), 137-139
  30. B.C. Tripathy and R. Goswami. Statistically convergent multiple sequences in probabilistic normed spaces’, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser. A, 78(4)(2016), 83-94
  31. B.C. Tripathy and A.J. Dutta. On the class of p-absolutely summable sequence ℓi (p) of interval numbers, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol, 38(2)(2016), 93-96
  32. R. Das and B.C. Tripathy.Spectrum and fine spectrum of the lower triangular matrix  B(r,s,t) over the sequence space cs, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 38(3)(2016), 265-273
  33. B.C. Tripathy and A. Paul. Subdivisions of the Spectra for the operator D(r,0,0,s) over certain sequence, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matemática, 34(1)(2016), 75-84
  34. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Bibek Majumder. Face recognition using fuzzy minimal structure oscillation in the wavelet domain, Pattern recognition and image analysis Springer, 29, No 1, 2019
  35. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Utpal Pal.Impact of Bayesian Decision theoretic rough set based attribute reduction on CART, Journal of emerging technologies and Innovative Research , Vol5 Issue 7, 2018
  36. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Utpal Pal.A Study on CART Based on Maximum Probabilistic-Based Rough Set.Mike 2017, Hyderabad, LNCS, volume 10682, 2017
  37. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Srijita Barman Roy,Application of IF set oscillation in the field of face recognition, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 27 Issue 3, 2017
  38. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Bibek Majumder. A frame work for face recognition based on fuzzy minimal structure oscillation and Independent component analysis; Industry Interactive Innovations in science , engineering and technology. LNNS, V-11, 2018
  39. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Utpal pal.An application of maximum probabilistic rough set on ID3Informaton and communication technology for intelligent system , Springer, ch 2, v-106, 2018
  40. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Utpal Pal and Kalyani Debnath. R implementation of Bayesian decision theoretic rough set model for attribute reduction Industry Interactive Innovation in Science and engineering and technology, Springer, LNNs, ch 2, v—11,2017
  41. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Sumanta Saha. A Survey: Principal component analysis (PCA), International Journal of advance research in science and engineering , V-6,2017
  42. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Sumanta Saha.  A new algorithm for removal of high density salt and paper noise in mr images, International Journal of advance research in science and engineering, V-6, Issue 6,2017
  43. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Shouvik Bhattacharya. A method of generating A consistent fuzzy rule base with less number of rules using equivalence classes,The Journal of fuzzy mathematics, Vol. 24,  No. 3(2016), pp 499-506
  44. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Amarjit Chanda. Clustering using similarity measure, Annals of fuzzy mathematics and nformatics , 11, No 1,2016
  45. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Piyali Debnath.A study on IF soft * lower rough approximation and IF soft * upper rough approximation, Annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics , 11, No 3,2016, pp 475-483
  46. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Gour Pal. A study on pre mX continuous function, Journal of new theory, 12,2016
  47. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Piyali Debnath. On If soft oscillating relation, The Journal of fuzzy mathematics, 23 No 4,2015, pp. 757
  48. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Amarjit Chanda. A study on intuitionistic fuzzy clustering , The Journal of fuzzy mathematics, 23 No 3,2015, pp. 537
  49. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Susmita Roy. Application of fuzzy rough oscillation on the field of data mining (special attention to the crime against women at Tripura), Procedia computer science(Elsevier) , 45,2015
  50. S.Debnath and B.C.Das. Some Generalized Triple Sequence Spaces Defined by Modulus Function Facta Universitatis, Series of Mathematics and Informatics. 31(2), 373-382, (2016) (UGC list-48675, Web of Science)
  51. S. Debnath, J. Debnath and D. Bhattacharya.On rough I- convergent sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined by sequences of Orlicz functions and matrix transformation, New Trends in Mathematical Sciences, 4(1), 184-192 (2016).(Mathematical Reviews)
  52. S.Debnath and S. Saha. Matrix Transformation on Statistically Convergent Sequence Spaces of Interval Number Sequences, Proecciones J Mathematics,35(1), 187-195 (2016) (Scopus)
  53. S.Debnath and S. Saha. Some Statistically Convergent Difference Sequence Spaces of Interval Numbers, ROMAI J., 12(1), 53-59 (2016) (MR)
  54. A.Esi, S. Debnath and S. Saha. Asymptotically Double Lacunary Statistically Equivalent Sequences of Interval Numbers, Proyeeciones J. Mathematics, 35(4), 469-479 (2016) (Scopus)
  55. S. Debnath and N. Subramanian. The generalized non-absolute type of triple Γ 3 sequence spaces defined by Musielak-Orlicz function,MATHEMATICA, 58 (81), 1-2,51-59 (2016). (Scopus)
  56. S. Debnath, M. Mursaleen and D. Rakshit. I - statistical limit superior and I - statistical limit inferior, Filomat, 31(7), 2103-2108 (2017) (IF-0.63, Sci-expanded, Scopus)
  57. S.Debnath, U. Misra and B.C.Das. On Some Newly Generalized Difference Triple Sequence Spaces, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 41(4) 491-499 (2017) (UGC list-49072, Web of Science)
  58. S. Debnath, B.C.Das. Regular Matrix Transformation on Triple Sequence Spaces,Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matemática, 35(1), 85-96 (2017). (Scopus)
  59. S. Debnath, J. Debnath. On some generalized difference sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined by a sequence of moduli, Facta Universitatis, Series of Mathematics and Informatics,32(3), 405-412(2017). (UGC list-48675, Web of Science)
  60. S. Debnath and N. Subramanian. The Generalized Non-Absolute Type of Triple Γ3 Sequence Spaces defined Musielak-Orlicz function,Facta Universitatis, Series of Mathematics and Informatics, 32(3), 413-420(2017).(UGC list-48675, Web of Science)
  61. S. Debnath and N. Subramanian. Rough statistical convergence on triple sequences, Proyeeciones J. Mathematics, 36(4), 685-699, (2017).(Scopus)
  62. S. Debnath and N. Subramanian. On Riesz almost Lacunary Cesaro [C, 1, 1, 1] statistical convergence in probabilistic space of χ3∆f,Acta Matematica Academie Paedagogiace Nyíregyháziensis, 33(2), 221-231 (2017). (Scopus)
  63. S. Debnath, V.N.Mishra and J. Debnath. On Statistical Convergent Sequence Spaces of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers,Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matemática, 36(1) 235-242,(2018) (Scopus)
  64. S. Debnath and D. Rakshit. On rough convergence of fuzzy numbers based on α-level sets, J. Indian Math. Society, 85(1-2),42-52 (2018) (Scopus)
  65. S. Debnath and D. Rakshit. On I - statistical convergence, Iranian J. Math. Sciences and Inform., 13(2), 101-109 (2018) (Web of Science, Scopus)
  66. A.Esi, S. Debnath and S. Saha. Some New Sequence Spaces of Interval Number Based on Zweier Sequences and Fibonacci Numbers,Divulgaciones Matematicas, 19(2)(2018) pp 36-42.(SCOPUS)
  67. S.Debnath and B.C.Das. Regular Matrix Transformation on Triple Sequence Spaces-I, MATHEMATICA 60 (83), No 2, 2018, pp. 127-139(Scopus)
  68. S. Debnath and D. Rakshit. Rough statistical convergence of sequences of fuzzy numbers, MATHEMATICA 61 (84), No 1, 2019, pp. 33-39(Scopus)
  69. S.Debnath and N. Subramanian. Generalized rough lacunary statistical triple difference sequence spaces in probability of fractional order defined by Musielak-Orlicz function, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 37(1) 55-62,(2019) (Scopus)
  70. E. Savas,S. Debnath and D. Rakshit.On I -Statistically Rough Convergence, Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, 105(119), 145-150 (2019) (Scopus)
  71. S. Debnath and A. Debnath. Study of ring structure from multiset context, Applied Sciences, Vol. 21, 2019, pp. 84-90. (Scopus)
  72. E. Savas, S. Debnath. On lacunary statistically φ-convergence, Note Di Matematica, 39(2), 2019, 111-120. (Scopus)
  73. A.Esi, S. Debnath and S. Saha. Asymptotically double λ_2-statistically equivalent sequences of interval numbers, MATHEMATICA 62 (85), No 1, 2020, pp. 39-46. (Scopus)
  74. Subrata Bhowmik, Prasenjit Bal. A New Operator in Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Fuzzy Star-compact Spaces and Fuzzy Star-Lindelof Spaces, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 24(2) (2016) 403-412
  75. Subrata Bhowmik, Prasenjit Bal. Some New Star-Selection Principles in Topology, Filomat 31(13( 2016)):10pp
  76. Subrata Bhowmik, P. Bal. On R-Star Lindelof Spaces, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 6(1) (2017) 1-7
  77. Subrata Bhowmik, Prasenjit Bal. Solution of KdV Equation by Haar Integration Method, MATLAB, 1(1) (2018), 1-8
  78. Subrata Bhowmik, Prasenjit Bal, David GauldOn Selectively Star-Lindelof Properties, Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society 85(3-4) (2018):291
  79. Sharmistha Bhattacharya(Halder), Shouvik Bhattacharya. Decision-making with Inconsistent Fuzzy Rule Bases, Journal of the Tripura Math. Soc.,  Vol. 17 (Dec. 2016), pp 41-51.


  1. Dr. Sharmistha Bhattacharya (Halder) :Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing, Narosa Publication, New Delhi , 2015
  2. Prof. Anjan Mukherjee: Generalized Rough Sets, Springer, 2015.

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