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Research Projects

Research project

Sl. No Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Project Staff Funding Agency Any collaboration Title of the project Total Grant (Rs. In Lakhs) Year of Sanction and tenure
1 Dr. Alok Prasad Das     DST, New Delhi   Bioreactor enhanced biorecovery of manganese from mining waste residue Rs. 21.55 2016-19
2 Mr. Harjeet Nath     The Institution of Engineers, India (IEI), R &D Grant   Exploring the Potential of Biomass available in NE India for Biofuel (Synthesis Gas) Production and its further Integration in Fluidized Bed Gasifier Rs. 0.25 2018-19
3 Dr. Sachin Bhaladhare   Dipankar Das National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS)   Development of biodegradable superabsorbent hydrogels for agriculture application to contribute water conservation in agricultural field Rs. 31.91 2018-21
4 Mr. Harjeet Nath   Biswajit Sarkar DBT NECBH Twinning with IITG   Prospects of biochars as amendment in various types of soil present in North East India Rs. 3.98 2019-21
5 Mr. Harjeet Nath     MSME (Business Incubation Grant)   Development of Suitcase Water Purifier Rs. 16.00 2021-23
6 Er. Harjeet Nath     AICTE YUKTI 2.0 (MoE Innovation cell)   Development of Suitcase Water Purifier 4.00 2022-23
7 Dr. Sachin Bhaladhare (Co-PI)     SERB (Core Research Grant)   Development of Thermally Responsive Cellulose Based Ceramic Precursor Materials for Direct Ink Writing 39.9 2022-2025

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