Department of Microbiology

Industrial Tour

The students of the course on Microbial Bioreactors for wastewater treatment were taken for an Industrial Tour on 27th April 2022 to three locations at Agartala. The visited the Bordwali Water Treatment Plant, Chandinamura Sewage Treatment Plant and the Effluent Treatment Plant at the Dairy Installation at Indranagar. They were taught the theory of water and wastewater treatment as part of the course and then practically taken to the industrial sites to visualize the process. As part of their training, they made a tour report on each of the three treatment processes that were visited highlighting what they had seen and how it was different from the conventional process that they have read. Through this approach, they get a better grasp of the subject and develop a clear understanding which grooms them into the next generation trained manpower in the field.



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