Department of Business Management


Research Project

Sl. No Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Project Staff Funding Agency Any collaboration Title of the project Total Grant (Rs. In Lakhs) Year of Sanction and tenure
1 Dr. Debarshi Mukherjee Dr. Rajesh Chatterjee National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Assessment of Impact of Rural Infrastructure and Services vis-a-vis Regional Disparities impairing Socio-Economic Growth: An Analytical Study over Tripura Rs. 11.23 2015-16, 6 month
2 Dr. Debarshi Mukherjee - Content digitization and delivery for the Global MBA programme of Manipal Global Education Services, Bangalore. Rs. 2.00 2015-16, 2 month
3 Dr. Debarshi Mukherjee Dr. Rajesh Chatterjee Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) Assessment of Influencing Factors Distressing Rural Micro Entrepreneurship Growth of Tripura Rs. 3.00 2015-16, 2 yrs
4 Manish Das - Consumer Demographics, Consumption Habits, Acculturation to the Global Consumer Culture and Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Rural India Perspectives with special reference to Tripura. Rs. 7.00 2015-16
5 Dr. Debarshi Mukherjee ndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi under IMPRESS scheme Impact of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA on Development of Rural Livelihood in Tripura Rs. 10.00 2019-20, 2 yrs

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