Department of Botany


Research Project

Sl. No Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Project Staff Funding Agency Any collaboration Title of the project Total Grant (Rs. In Lakhs) Year of Sanction and tenure
1 Prof. B.K. Datta DBT Network Project, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi Preventing extinction and improving conservation status of threatened plants through application of biotechnological tools Rs. 23.652 2012-2017
2 Prof. B.K. Datta NRSC, ISRO, Dept. of Space, Govt. of India Measurement of Vegetation and Biomass Parameters under Vegetation Carbon Pool Assessment (Phase II) Rs. 14.445 2015-2018
3 Prof. B.K. Datta Department of Science and Technology ( DST), Govt. of India Assessment of carbon stock and carbon sequestration potential in major land use sectors of Tripura Rs. 45.102 2015-2018
4 Prof. B.K. Datta DBT, Govt. of India Orchid Bioresources of the North-East India Conservation, Database development and information network Rs. 12.100 2016-2019
5 Prof. B.K. Datta DBT, Govt. of India Screening of the antileukemic and antioxidant potential of medicinal plants of Tripura: leading to chemical identification of the lead molecules Rs. 31.890 2017-2020
6 Prof. B.K. Datta Tripura Biodiversity Board (TBB) Ecological assessment of western hoolockgibbon‟s habitats, preferred foraging plants diversity and status in Tripura, Northeast India Rs. 2.840 2016-2017
7 Prof. B.K. Datta DBT, Govt. of India Bioresources and sustainable livelihood in Northeast India Rs. 78.490 2018-till date
8 Prof. B.K. Datta IERP, NMHS Promotion of Bamboo cultivation through skill development and capacity building training programme for strengthen rural livelihood options and long term climate change mitigations in Tripura linking biodiversity management committees (BMCs) at the village Panchayat levels Rs. 14.902 2018-till date
9 Prof. A. K. Saha DBT-Twining, Govt. of India Studies on identification, antimicrobial, antioxidant level and nutritional index as well as standardization of cultivation of some wild edible mushroom of Tripura Rs. 64.04 2014-2017
10 Prof. A. K. Saha Dr. P. Das DBT-Twining, Govt. of India Studies on the mould spore diversity as environmental allergen in outdoor and indoor environments of urban and rural areas of Agartala Rs. 38.97 2014-2017
11 Dr S. Basu CSIR Delineation of cytotypic diversity in Costusspeciosus, Ophiopogonand Melastoma of Tripura to elucidate significance of chromosomal variation in conservation Rs. 35.00 2016-2019
12 Prof. A. K. Saha DBT, Govt. of India Microbial roles in yield management of scented rice of northeast India Rs. 51.44 2016-2019
13 Dr. P. Das Prof. A.K. Saha DBT, Govt. of India Establishment of a culture collection centre in Northeast Region of India Phase II Rs. 18.00 2017-2020
14 Prof. R. K. Sinha DBT, Govt. of India Genome Characterization of Banana/Plantain Genetic Resources of North-eastern Region and their Utilization in Multicenter Planning for Commercial Improvement Rs. 23.30 2018-2021
15 Prof. A.K. Saha Dr. P. Das IERP, G.B.Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora-263643, Uttarakhand Development of protocol along with hands on training for commercial cultivation of Novel wild edible mushrooms of Tripura, North-East India Rs. 14.00 2018-2021
16 Prof. A. K. Saha Dr. P. Das DBT, Govt. of India Understanding mechanistic detail of growth promotion and stress tolerance in legume crop by fungal endophytes through secretom and metabolomics study Rs. 71.66 2019-2022

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